아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Vision of the Church, the Body of Christ

The church is 
the heart’s desire of God; 
the desire of God in this age 
is to have the church:

The church is the hidden mystery in God’s eternal economy.

According to Ephesians 3:9, 
there is a relationship 
between creation and the church; 
God’s intention 
in His creation of all things, including man, 
was that man would be mingled with God 
to produce the church.

Concerning God’s purpose for the church 
in the economy of God, 
there are three main items:

God’s purpose for the church 
is that the church would have the sonship 
and that God would be expressed 
through many matured sons:

God’s eternal purpose 
is to work Himself in Christ into us 
so that He may be 
thoroughly mingled with us 
and expressed through us.

We were predestinated, marked out, by God 
to be sons of God 
before we were created; 
hence, as God’s creatures, 
we need to be regenerated by Him 
that we may have His life 
to be His sons.

Sonship implies having 
not only the life of a son 
but also the position of a son; 
God’s marked-out ones 
have the life 
to be His sons 
and the position 
to inherit Him.

God’s purpose for the church 
is to make His wisdom known to the enemy 
and to deal with His enemy through the church.

The church is the means 
through which God’s multifarious wisdom is made known 
to the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies.

The church in the economy of God 
is God’s greatest boast 
in making known His multifarious wisdom 
for the shame and defeat of His enemy.

We need a vision 
of how the Lord will use the church 
to defeat His enemy 
and recover the earth.

God’s purpose for the church 
is to head up all things in Christ 
through the church :

Verse 22 reveals 
that this heading up 
is to the church 
so that the church may share in all 
that is of Christ as the Head.

The church is 
for the heading up of all things in Christ 
through the working of Himself into us as life 
that we may be full of light.

The church is built up by this life, 
and we are under the control 
of the light of life 
under Christ’s headship.

The church is 
both universal and local.

We need to be captured 
by the vision of the church 
and pay the price 
to be governed by this vision 
and live according to it.

After we have seen the vision of the church, 
we need to see the vision of the Body :

The Body of Christ is 
the intrinsic significance of the church :

The church of God is the frame, 
and the Body of Christ is the organism:

If there were no Body, 
the church would have no meaning.

Without the Body, 
the church makes no sense, 
but with the Body, 
there is 
the intrinsic significance of the church.

If we consider ourselves 
as individual churches or as individual believers, 
we are through; 
we should consider ourselves 
as one Body.

The Body of Christ 
is a divine constitution 
of the Triune God 
with the believers in Christ :

The Father, the Son, the Spirit, and man 
are blended and built together 
to become the Body of Christ, 
a four-in-one corporate organic entity.

The building up of the Body of Christ 
is the constitution 
of the Triune God and the tripartite man 
in the Spirit of God and the spirit of man.

The Body of Christ 
is an organism, 
both divine and human, 
to express Christ.

The Body of Christ 
is the means 
for God to carry out His administration :

The Body of Christ 
is thoroughly and absolutely related to 
God’s administration; 
apart from the Body of Christ, 
God has no means, no way, 
to carry out His administration.

God’s eternal purpose 
is to have a group of saved and regenerated people 
who have become one 
to be an organic Body 
to carry out His administration.

The Body of Christ, the church, 
is for Christ’s move on earth; 
the Head is now operating God’s administration 
through the Body.

The Body of Christ 
is the corporate Christ :

In 1 Cor. 12:12 
the Christ refers not to the individual Christ 
but to the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ.

The corporate Christ 
is composed of 
Christ Himself as the Head 
and the church as His Body 
with all the believers as His members.

All the believers in Christ 
are organically united with Him 
and constituted with His life and element 
and have thus become His Body, an organism 
to express Him; 
hence, Christ is not only the Head 
but also the Body
—the corporate Christ.

The unique Body of Christ, the universal church, 
is expressed in many localities 
as the local churches :

The one Body 
is the one church of God, 
manifested as many local churches.

A local church 
is an expression of the Body of Christ 
in a certain locality.

The local churches 
are many in existence 
but are still one Body universally in element; 
the local churches 
are and should be 
one Body 
universally, doctrinally, and practically.


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7 replies on “The Vision of the Church, the Body of Christ”

Prophecy note, 7 September 2014
The church is 
God’s greatest boast. 
Although we may not care that much
for the church, 
God cares very much
for the church.

In the eyes of the Lord, 
Satan has already been defeated. 
The Lord Jesus said 
if people destroyed His body, 
He would build it up 
in three days. 
The more Satan destroys, 
the more Christ will build up. 
Satan’s destroying 
is just a preparation 
for the Lord’s building up. 
We need the vision 
of how the Lord will use the church 
to defeat His enemy 
and to recover the whole earth.

In Christ 
God is 
in the process of
heading up all things 
in heaven and on earth. 
However, without the church as the Body 
it will not be possible.
The heading up of all things 
is accomplished by the Head, 
but it cannot be accomplished 
without a Body for the Head. 
When the church is fully grown, 
God is able to subject all things 
to the authority of Christ.

It is God’s eternal purpose 
that through the church, 
Christ should head up all things, 
but this can only be accomplished 
through the building up of the church.
The church must be built up 
by experiencing Christ as life, 
and in this life 
there will be the light 
under which everyone
will be controlled.

The church is the frame, 
like the apple tree, 
and the Body of Christ 
is the very organic essence
of the church, 
just like the apples. 
These two
are one. 
The church 
is the frame 
for existing. 
The Body of Christ 
is the very organic contents 
for people’s satisfaction.

Today God has made those 
whom He redeemed, regenerated,
and transformed 
to be the outward framework. 
God Himself, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, 
is the inward element.
These four
—the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and man—
blended and built together 
become the Body of Christ.

The building up
of the Body of Christ 
is the constitution 
of the Triune God and the tripartite man 
in the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. 
This constitution 
is the union and mingling
of God and man. 
It is divinity 
constituted into humanity 
to be man’s dwelling place, 
and it is humanity 
built into divinity 
to be God’s dwelling place.

Day 6

Eph. 2:21-22
In whom 
all the building, being fitted together, 
is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; 
in whom 
you also are being built together 
into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

The organic Body is undivided 
and it is also indivisible. 
It is not autonomous. 
This unique Body of Christ 
is expressed in many local churches 
in the divine oneness 
as it is with the Triune God 
and in the divine nature, element, essence, 
expression, function, and testimony. 
There are many churches, 
yet they have 
one divine nature, one divine element, one divine essence, 
one divine expression, one divine function, and one divine testimony 
because they are one Body. 
This is why I say 
that our troubles 
are due to not seeing the Body. 
If we have seen the Body, 
there will be no problem. 
The principle and practice of the one Body 
are kept by the believers 
in the practical one accord.

Where two or three 
are gathered into the Lord’s name 
He is in their midst.
When we are gathered into His name, 
we enjoy His presence 
in a special way. 
His presence brings us 
enlightenment, grace, supply, 
and all kinds of blessing.

In Matthew 18:15-20 
we have a picture of a local church. 
A local church 
is an expression of the Body of Christ 
in a certain locality 
composed of saints 
who mainly meet in small groups. 
They meet 
in the way of having been rescued 
out of all earthly occupations 
into Christ Himself. 
Having been gathered into Christ, 
they meet in Him 
and have Him with them. 
Because they meet in Him with His presence, 
they surely have 
the authority of the kingdom of the heavens.

The local churches 
are many in existence 
but are still one Body universally in element.
For example, 
there is a church in Taipei, 
a church in London, 
and a church in Atlanta. 
However, in element 
all the churches are one. 
We are one church, one Body, one new man. 
In element 
we are not divided, 
and we cannot be autonomous.

The secret in practicality to the one Body 
is first the one accord in the local churches.
Although many have said 
that the crucial point in Acts 
is the outpouring of the Spirit, 
the outpouring of the Spirit 
came out of the one accord.

Phil. 2:2
Make my joy full, 
that you think the same thing, 
having the same love, 
joined in soul, 
thinking the one thing,


Second, the secret of the practice of the church life 
is the oneness in the universal Body.
Some insist to say, 
“We are local churches. 
Every local church has its own jurisdiction. 
Don’t touch our affairs. 
If you touch our affairs, 
you touch our local administration.” 
To say such a word 
is to make all the local churches 
separate from one another. 
This is separation; 
this is not oneness. 
Oneness should be among the local churches, 
and one accord should be in every local church. 
Then we will have the blessing.

For the Lord’s move in His recovery 
both locally and universally, 
we all need to be 
Body-conscious in one accord 
and Body-centered in oneness. 
In one accord 
we should be Body-conscious. 
In oneness 
we should be Body-centered. 
In our consideration 
the Body should be first 
and the local churches should be second.
What a shame it is 
for any local church to declare its autonomy! 
To teach 
that the local churches are absolutely autonomous 
is to divide the Body of Christ. 
All the local churches 
are and should be 
one Body 
universally, doctrinally, and practically. 
where is 
the unique church of God 
and the unique one new man 
for the fulfilling of God’s economy?!


Day 5

1 Cor. 12:12
For even as the body is one 
and has many members, 
yet all the members of the body, 
being many, 
are one body, 
so also is the Christ.

1 Cor. 12:25
That there would be no division in the body, 
but that the members would have 
the same care for one another.

1 Cor. 12:27
Now you are the Body of Christ, 
and members individually.

The Body of Christ 
is a mingling of the Divine Trinity 
with all His chosen human beings. 
It is a mingling of divinity with humanity.
The Body of Christ 
is an organism. 
On the one hand, 
it is divine. 
On the other hand, 
it is human 
to express 
the divine and human Christ, 
who is 
both the complete God and the perfect man.

The unique mystical Body of Christ 
is the means 
for God to carry out His administration. 
God’s eternal purpose 
is to have 
a group of saved, redeemed, and regenerated people 
who have become one 
to be an organic Body 
to carry out His administration. 
But Satan’s subtle device 
is to cut the Body into pieces. 
This frustrates God’s administration. 
As long as we are in a division, 
we are through with God’s administration.
Christians may preach the gospel to save souls 
or teach the Bible to help others know the Word. 
But this is absolutely not adequate 
to carry out God’s administration. 
The carrying out of the divine administration 
needs the unique Body, the mystical Body.

It is the mystical Body of Christ 
which is thoroughly and absolutely related to 
God’s administration today. 
Apart from the mystical Body of Christ, 
God has no way, no means, 
to carry out His administration. 
This means 
that God’s administration 
is being carried out 
through the mystical Body of Christ. 
What are we doing on earth 
as the mystical Body of Christ? 
We certainly are not working 
for the accomplishment of redemption, 
for redemption has been accomplished 
once for all by the Lord Jesus. 
Redemption has been fully accomplished 
by the offering 
of the physical body of Jesus 
on the cross. 
But Christ today 
has a mystical Body, 
and this Body 
is for the carrying out of God’s administration.

When we come to the Lord’s table,
our concern is for enjoyment. 
We all come to the Lord’s table 
to enjoy the Lord in fellowship. 
We probably do not have any thought 
of God’s administration. 
The Lord’s supper, however, 
is related to the Lord’s enjoyment and satisfaction. 
We should not only care for our enjoyment at the table 
but also care for the Lord’s enjoyment at the supper.

If we did not have a physical body, 
we could not carry on certain activities. 
In the same principle, 
the mystical Body of Christ, the church, 
is for Christ’s move on earth. 
Yes, the Head has gone away, 
but the Body remains on earth. 
The Head is now operating God’s administration 
through the Body.
The church bridges the gap 
between the Lord’s first coming and His second coming. 
This bridge is also a highway 
from Christ’s death to God’s kingdom. 
Without this bridge with the highway, 
there would be no way 
to go from one side of the gap, Christ’s death, 
to the other side, God’s kingdom. 
The unique connection 
is the church as the bridge. 
Therefore, we must discern the body. 
This means 
that we should never damage the bridge.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12, 
the Christ refers to the corporate Christ, 
composed of 
Christ Himself as the Head 
and the church as His Body 
with all the believers as members. 
All the believers of Christ 
are organically united with Him 
and constituted with His life and element 
and have thus become His Body, an organism, 
to express Him. 
Hence, He is not only the Head 
but also the Body. 
As our physical body has many members yet is one, 
so is this Christ.


Day 4

Eph. 4:4-6
One Body and one Spirit, 
even as also you were called 
in one hope of your calling; 
one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 
one God and Father of all, 
who is over all and through all and in all.

After we have seen 
the vision of Christ and the vision of the church, 
we need to see 
the vision of the Body. 
You may be wondering 
what the difference is 
between the vision of the church and the vision of the Body. 
By the Lord’s mercy 
many of us have been brought to the ground of the church 
and are now practicing the church life 
on the proper ground. 
Although we have been brought 
to a realization of the ground of the unique oneness, 
we still need the realization of the Body. 
We need to see the vision 
that we are members of the Body 
and that we need to be 
built up together 
and related to one another. 
It is not sufficient 
just to be brought to a realization 
concerning the church ground, 
but on this definite ground 
we need to be built up 
as the Body.

The Body is 
the intrinsic significance of the church. 
If there were no Body, 
the church would have no meaning. 
The church makes no sense without the Body. 
But hallelujah, there is the Body!
The transcending Christ 
is far above all. 
He is above Hades, above the earth, above the air, 
and even above the third heaven. 
This One is transmitting Himself to the church, 
which is the Body of Him 
who fills all in all.

We need to see 
that the church of God 
is the frame 
and the Body of Christ 
is the organism. 
We can use an apple tree 
as an illustration. 
The tree is the frame, 
and the apples are the very organic essence of this tree.
The tree is for the apples. 
We do not eat the tree; 
we eat the apples.
The church is the frame, 
like the apple tree, 
and the Body of Christ 
is the very organic essence of the church, 
just like the apples are 
the very organic essence of the apple tree. 
These two are one. 
The church 
is the frame 
for existing. 
The Body of Christ 
is the very organic contents 
for people’s satisfaction.

In the recovery today 
there are over twelve hundred churches around the globe, 
yet we all are one Body. 
If we consider ourselves 
as individual churches or as individual believers, 
we are through. 
We should consider ourselves 
as one Body. 
If the parts of our physical body 
would keep their own jurisdiction 
and be autonomous, 
our body would be finished.

The Body of Christ 
is the divine constitution 
of the Triune God 
with the believers 
in Christ. 
Ephesians 4:4-6 shows us 
the constitution of the three divine persons 
with all His chosen people. 
So we have 
the one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, 
and one God and Father 
mingled together.

Today God has made those 
whom He redeemed, regenerated, and transformed 
to be the outward framework. 
God Himself, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, 
is the inward element. 
The Father is the source, 
the Son is the element, 
and the Spirit is the essence. 
These four
—the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and man—
blended and built together 
become the Body of Christ.

The Triune God
—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—
is dispensing, transfusing, and building Himself 
into the believers 
whom He has redeemed, regenerated, 
sanctified, renewed, and transformed, 
so that they and the God who redeemed and transformed them 
can be constituted into a corporate entity, 
which is the organic Body of Christ.
The building up of the Body of Christ 
is the constitution 
of the Triune God and the tripartite man 
in the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. 
This constitution 
is the union and mingling of God and man. 
It is divinity 
constituted into humanity 
to be man’s dwelling place, 
and it is humanity 
built into divinity 
to be God’s dwelling place.


Day 3

Eph. 1:10
Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, 
to head up all things in Christ, 
the things in the heavens 
and the things on the earth, 
in Him.

The third main aspect of the church in God’s economy 
is the heading up of all things in Christ. 
We have seen 
that the first item of the sonship 
is for the church positively. 
The second item 
is that the church might make known 
to the rulers and the authorities 
the multifarious wisdom of God, 
in defeating the enemy negatively. 
Now the third item 
is the heading up of all things in Christ universally. 
The church has to have the sonship, 
Satan has to be subdued and cast out, 
and the whole creation has to be brought 
into the proper order and oneness.
It is God’s eternal purpose 
that in the economy of the fullness of the times 
He might head up all things in Christ.

Ephesians 1:22 says 
that God gave Christ 
to be Head over all things. 
This reveals 
that the heading up of all things 
is to the church 
so that the Body of Christ 
may share in all 
that is of Christ as the Head, 
having been rescued 
from the heap of the universal collapse 
in death and darkness, 
which was caused 
by the rebellion of the angels 
and the rebellion of man. 
In Christ 
God is 
in the process of heading up all things 
in heaven and on earth. 
However, without the church as the Body 
to match Christ as the Head, 
it will not be possible 
for God to head up all things in Christ. 
The heading up of all things 
is accomplished by the Head, 
but it cannot be accomplished 
without a Body for the Head. 
Whether Christ can be 
the Head over all things, 
whether all things can be subjected 
to the authority of Christ, 
and whether all things can be headed up in Christ 
completely depend upon 
whether or not the church has been produced 
and has grown up. 
When the church is fully grown, 
God is able to subject all things 
to the authority of Christ.

God’s purpose with the church 
is to work Himself into us as life 
that we may be full of light. 
When we are controlled by this light, 
then we have oneness and harmony, 
which will be the real building. 
By this building 
God will shine upon all creation 
to bring it out of confusion.

Without the building up of the church, 
God could never head up all things in Christ. 
It is by being life to the church, 
and the church being built up by this life, 
that the light of God 
shines out as the controlling factor. 
This will release all creation from confusion 
and bring it into a liberty 
under the shining of the sons of God. 
Then Christ will be 
the Head of all things 
through the church.

It is God’s eternal purpose 
that through the church, 
Christ should head up all things, 
but this can only be accomplished 
through the building up of the church.
The church must be built up 
by experiencing Christ as life, 
and in this life 
there will be the light 
under which everyone will be controlled.

The church is 
both universal and local. 
In the entire universe 
there is 
only one church, the church of God. 
This unique church 
is expressed in many localities on earth, 
and in each locality 
it is a local church. 
The universal church 
is composed of all the local churches, 
and the local churches 
are the practical expression 
of the universal church.

Regarding the church, 
we need to have a clear vision, 
and then we must be ready 
to pay the price for it, 
even the price of our life. 
Then from the beginning to the end 
we will not change our tune. 
If we are willing to take 
the proper way concerning the church, 
our tune will always be the same.


Day 2

We see 
that from the new birth to the manifestation 
of the sons of God, 
we are under a process. 
We have the birth, 
and before us 
is the goal of the full sonship, the goal of glorification, 
which is the manifestation of the sons of God. 
Eventually, there will be 
the time of full maturity. 
So the sonship reaches 
from the new birth unto the maturity, 
from regeneration unto glorification. 
God predestinated us 
unto this sonship 
through Jesus Christ 
unto Himself.

In eternity past, 
God predestinated us unto sonship, 
marking out a destiny 
for His chosen ones 
before the foundation of the world. 
The goal of God’s predestination 
is sonship. 
We were predestinated 
to be sons of God 
even before we were created. 
Hence, as God’s creatures, 
we need to be regenerated by Him 
so that we may participate in His life 
to be His sons. 
Sonship implies 
not only the life 
but also the position 
of the son. 
God’s marked-out ones 
have the life 
to be His sons 
and the position 
to inherit Him.

By begetting us as sons 
sharing His life 
and as sons 
matured in His life 
to enjoy all that He is, 
God makes us His corporate expression 
and expresses Himself through us. 
This is the first item of God’s purpose for the church
—to express Himself through many matured sons.
The second item of the purpose of God for the church 
is to deal with His enemy. 
In chapter one of Ephesians 
there is the positive side of God’s purpose for the sonship, 
and in chapter three 
there is the negative side against the enemy, 
that the enemy may be subdued 
and come to know God’s manifold wisdom. 
God is not sorry 
that there is such an evil one as Satan, 
because without such a one, 
God’s manifold wisdom 
could not be manifested. 
It is through all the troubles 
originating from Satan 
that God has a chance 
to show forth His wisdom.

Ephesians 3:8 reveals 
that the church is produced 
from the unsearchable riches of Christ. 
When God’s chosen people 
partake of and enjoy the riches of Christ, 
these riches constitute them the church, 
through which God’s multifarious wisdom 
is made known 
to the angelic rulers and authorities 
in the heavenlies. 
Hence, the church is 
God’s wise exhibition 
of all that Christ is.

The church is composed of those 
who once were ruined, corrupted, and damaged. 
Before we were saved, 
we were vipers, poisonous serpents. 
Furthermore, we were dead in trespasses and sins. 
Moreover, we were scattered and divided, 
utterly unable to be one. 
Thus, all the members of the church 
were in a hopeless situation. 
Nevertheless, God in His wisdom 
is able to make us the church. 
Now we are not only redeemed, saved, cleansed, 
freed, liberated, and regenerated
—we are also united. 
We are one with God 
and with one another. 
Therefore, we are the church.

The church is 
God’s greatest boast. 
Although you may not care that much for the church, 
God cares very much for the church. 
Sometimes God may say, 
“Look, Satan, 
I have taken the very people 
whom you have ruined 
and I have made them into the church. 
Do you have the wisdom 
to do such a thing? 
You do not have this wisdom, 
but I have it.”

In the eyes of the Lord, 
Satan has already been defeated. 
If we have this insight, 
day by day we will sing, 
“Hallelujah for the victory!”
The Lord Jesus said 
if people destroyed His body, 
He would build it up 
in three days (John 2:19). 
The more Satan destroys, 
the more Christ will build up. 
His destroying 
is just a preparation 
for the Lord’s building up. 
We need the vision 
of how the Lord will use the church 
to defeat His enemy 
and to recover the whole earth.


Day 1

Eph. 1:22-23
And He subjected all things under His feet 
and gave Him 
to be Head over all things 
to the church, 
which is 
His Body, 
the fullness of the One 
who fills all in all.

We all need to see 
the vision of the church. 
The vision of the church 
is neglected more by Christians 
than the vision of Christ is. 
In a doctrinal way 
Christians may talk about Christ, 
but not even in a doctrinal way 
do they speak much 
concerning the church.
If we read the New Testament carefully, 
we will see 
the importance of the church. 
The New Testament reveals 
that without the church 
Christ would be 
isolated and unable to do anything. 
The New Testament especially reveals 
that the church is the heart’s desire of God. 
God’s desire in this age 
is to have the church.

We need to pray 
that we may see 
the importance of the church.
We were saved 
not for ourselves 
and not merely for our salvation; 
we were saved 
for the building up of the church. 
The church is God’s heart’s desire.

The first matter 
we shall consider concerning the church 
is the hidden mystery 
in God’s eternal economy.
This hidden mystery 
is in God’s eternal economy. 
Here we have 
two crucial words
—mystery and economy—
modified respectively 
by the adjectives “hidden” and “eternal.” 
Hence, in the New Testament 
we have 
the hidden mystery and the eternal economy.

What is a mystery? 
We may say 
that a mystery is a mysterious story. 
A mystery, a mysterious story, 
was hidden 
in the eternal God 
and in His eternal oikonomia. 
As we shall see, 
this mystery, this mysterious story, 
is the church.

Today the word “church” 
is very common. 
But when Paul comes to the revelation of the church, 
he uses certain mysterious expressions. 
He calls the church 
a mystery, even a hidden mystery. 
This mystery is hidden 
in God’s household arrangement. 
In eternity past, 
God the Father had 
a household arrangement, 
and in that arrangement 
a mystery was hidden.

In Ephesians 3:9 
Paul speaks of 
“the economy of the mystery,
which throughout the ages 
has been hidden in God, 
who created all things.” 
God’s mystery 
is His hidden purpose. 
His purpose 
is to dispense Himself 
into His chosen people. 
Hence, there is 
the dispensation of the mystery of God. 
This mystery was hidden in God 
from the ages (that is, from eternity) 
and through all past ages, 
but now it has been brought to light 
to the New Testament believers. 
If we consider 3:9 in context, 
we shall see 
that there is a relationship 
between creation and the church. 
God created all things for the church. 
God created 
the heavens, the earth, and billions of items 
in order to have the church.

There are three main items concerning the church 
in the economy of God. 
The first is 
that the church might have the sonship 
and that God might be expressed through this sonship. 
Ephesians 1:5 says 
that God predestinated us unto sonship. 
What does this word sonship mean, 
and what does it include? 
Briefly, it means 
the birth, 
plus the growth, 
plus the birthright.

God’s eternal purpose 
is to work Himself into us 
that He may be thoroughly mingled with us 
and expressed through us. 
When God is born into us, 
He begins this mingling process. 
However, this is only the start. 
There must be the growth. 
If we have the birth 
but not the growth, 
we could never enjoy the birthright. 
God is born into our spirit, 
which is 
the very center of our being. 
Then His desire 
is to spread from our spirit 
to transform all the parts of the soul 
and eventually to transfigure our physical body. 
By this process 
our whole being 
will be saturated and permeated 
with the essence of God Himself. 
This is 
the real holiness and the real sanctification
—to be completely mingled with God.


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