The release of
the glory of Christ’s divinity
is His being glorified
by the Father
with the divine glory
in His resurrection
through His death;
the release
of the glory of His divinity
was to cast fire
on the earth.
Christ in His human living
prayed that the Father
would glorify Him,
and the Father
answered His prayer.
Such a glorification
is a transfer,
transferring Christ
from the stage of His incarnation
into the stage of His inclusion,
in which He, as the last Adam,
became the life-giving Spirit
in resurrection.
Through His glorification in His resurrection
Christ became the firstborn Son of God,
possessing both divinity and humanity,
became the life-giving Spirit, the pneumatic Christ,
and regenerated all His believers
to be God’s children, God’s species.
In the resurrection of Christ,
all His believers
have been brought into the union of life
with the processed Triune God
and mingled with the consummated God
into an incorporation:
God in His Divine Trinity
is an incorporation:
By coinhering mutually—
“I am in the Father
and the Father is in Me” (John 14:10).
By working together as one
—“the words that I say to you
I do not speak from Myself,
but the Father
who abides in Me
does His works
… Believe
because of the works themselves” (vv. 10-11).
The consummated Triune God
and the regenerated believers
are an incorporation:
The Spirit,
the third of the Divine Trinity
as another Comforter,
being the reality of the Son,
the second of the Divine Trinity
as the first Comforter
and the embodiment of the Triune God,
not only abides with the regenerated believers
but also dwells in them.
The Son as the first Comforter
left His believers
through His death
and came back
to be another Comforter to them
through His resurrection
to make them live with Him.
The consummated Triune God
and the regenerated believers
became an incorporation
in the resurrection of Christ (v. 20):
“In that day”
—in the day of the Son’s resurrection.
“You will know that”:
“I am in My Father”
—the Son and the Father
are incorporated into one.
“And you in Me”
—the regenerated believers
are incorporated
into the Son
and into the Father in the Son.
“And I in you”
—the Son in the Father
is incorporated into
the regenerated believers.
The in of the Spirit of reality in verse 17
is the totality of
the three ins in verse 20.
The issue of
Christ’s glorification, His resurrection,
is the incorporation of
all of God’s chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people
with Himself
in three aspects
—the Father’s house,
the Son’s vine,
and the Spirit’s child:
The first aspect of
the incorporation of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers in resurrection
is the house of the Father:
The Father’s house
is typified by the temple.
The Father’s house
is a divine and human incorporation
of the processed and consummated God
constituted with
His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect;
the more we eat Christ,
the more we are incorporated
into this universal incorporation.
All the believers in Christ,
redeemed through His blood,
regenerated with His life by His Spirit,
and transformed with the divine element
by the life-giving Spirit,
are the “abodes”
in the Father’s house.
The Father’s house
is built up
by the constant visitation
to the redeemed elect
of the Father and the Son
with the Spirit
who indwells the redeemed elect
to be the mutual dwelling place
of the consummated Triune God
and His redeemed elect.
The second aspect
of the incorporation
of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers
in resurrection
is the true vine of the Son:
The true vine
as a sign of the all-inclusive Christ
is the organism
of the processed and consummated Triune God.
Its branches
are the believers of Christ,
who by nature
were branches of the wild olive tree
and have been grafted into
the cultivated olive tree
through their believing into Christ;
both the cultivated olive tree and the true vine
signify Christ;
to be grafted into the cultivated olive tree
is to be grafted into Christ.
Its grafted branches
have been regenerated with the divine life,
brought into the life union
with the resurrected Christ,
and incorporated with
the processed and consummated Triune God.
This is
for the unlimited Triune God’s multiplication
as the increase of the immeasurable Christ,
the embodiment of
the processed and consummated Triune God,
for His universal spreading
through the fruit-bearing
of the believers of Christ
as the branches
by their faithful abiding in Christ
for the glorification of the Father.
The third aspect
of the incorporation
of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers
in resurrection
is the new child of the Spirit:
A new child, a new man,
was born
by the consummated Spirit
in resurrection.
This new child, the new man,
was created by Christ
on the cross
by abolishing in His flesh
the law of the commandments in ordinances.
This new child, the new man,
was regenerated by the Father
with the resurrected Christ
in His resurrection
and born by the Spirit
in the believers’ spirit.
The first group
of Christ’s believers,
who suffered Christ’s departure
through His death,
was the delivering woman,
and the Christ
who returned in resurrection
was the newborn child
to be the new man.
The new man
is put on
by the believers
through the renewing
in the spirit of the mind
to consummate the Body of Christ.
Hits: 10
7 replies on “The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection (1) The Universal Incorporation of the Consummated Triune God with the Regenerated Believers in the Resurrection of Christ”
Prophecy note, 1 March 2015
The Son as the vine
is the center
of God’s economy
and the embodiment of
all the riches of the Father.
The Father,
by cultivating the Son,
works Himself
with all His riches
into the vine,
and eventually
the vine expresses the Father
in a corporate way
through its branches.
This is
the Father’s economy
in the universe.
Both the cultivated olive tree and the true vine
signify Christ.
to be grafted into the cultivated olive tree
is to be grafted into the true vine.
Its grafted branches
have been regenerated with the divine life,
brought into the life-union
with the crucified and resurrected Christ,
and incorporated with
the processed and consummated Triune God.
This is
for the unlimited Triune God’s multiplication
as the increase of the immeasurable Christ,
for His universal spreading
through the fruit-bearing
of the believers of Christ
as the branches
by their faithful abiding in Christ
for the glorification of the Father.
Day 6
We want to see
the functions
of the three aspects
of the universal incorporation
of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers.
Christ is the house
for God
to have a mutual abiding place
for His rest, satisfaction, and manifestation.
Christ as the vine tree
is God’s enlargement
for His multiplication, spreading, and glorification.
Christ is the new man
to carry out God’s eternal economy.
God is
the Owner of the entire universe,
so in this universe
there should be a house
in which He can dwell.
The Father’s house
is for the processed and consummated Triune God
to have a mutual abode
with the redeemed and regenerated believers
in Christ.
This house
is also for Christ,
the embodiment of the processed Triune God,
to make His home
in the hearts of His believers
who are strengthened in their inner man
by the Father,
according to the riches of His glory,
with power
through His Spirit
unto the fullness (expression)
of the processed Triune God.
The Father’s house
is for the invisible and mysterious Triune God
to have a visible and solid household
constituted by
the children of God, the species of God,
with His divine life
for their growth in life
and for His rest, satisfaction, and manifestation.
The house of God
is the church,
and the church is Christ
because every member of the church
is Christ.
The Father’s house
is also for the invisible and mysterious Triune God
to have a kingdom,
composed of the believers in Christ
as the citizens,
in two aspects.
the kingdom of God
as the church life
in this age
is for the believers’ exercise
and equipping in the divine authority.
the kingdom of Christ
in the kingdom age
is for the overcoming saints
to reign with Christ
over all the nations.
The function of the true vine
as a sign of the Son
is for the Triune God
to have
an organism in the Son
for His multiplication, spreading, and glorification
in His divine life.
This is
through the fruit-bearing
of the believers in Christ
as His grafted branches,
by their faithful abiding
in the organic vine.
The new child born of the Spirit
becomes the corporate new man
as the increased Christ.
The function of the new man
is to carry out
God’s eternal economy
through the move and work
of the consummated life-giving Spirit
in building up the Body of Christ
for the consummation of the New Jerusalem.
The functions of
the Father’s house,
the true vine,
and the new man
are the contents of the New Testament
in its twenty-two Epistles
from Romans to Revelation.
The Lord told the disciples
in John 16
that He had many things
to reveal to the disciples,
but they could not bear them
until the Spirit of reality
would come
to unveil all these things to them.
This prophecy was fulfilled,
and the Spirit’s unveiling
is recorded in the twenty-two Epistles.
The contents of these Epistles
are a revelation
of the unique universal incorporation
of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers
in three aspects
with various functions.
God needs a house
for His rest, satisfaction, and manifestation;
He needs a tree
for His multiplication, spreading, and glorification;
and He needs a man
to carry out His eternal economy.
Day 5
This true vine (the Son)
with its branches (the believers in the Son)
is the organism
of the Triune God
in God’s economy.
This organism
grows with His riches
and expresses His divine life.
The Father as the husbandman
is the source, the author, the planner,
the planter, the life, the substance,
the soil, the water, the air, the sunshine,
and everything to the vine.
The Son as the vine
is the center
of God’s economy
and the embodiment of
all the riches of the Father.
The Father,
by cultivating the Son,
works Himself
with all His riches
into the vine,
and eventually
the vine expresses the Father
in a corporate way
through its branches.
This is
the Father’s economy
in the universe.
The second aspect
of the incorporation
of the consummated God
with the regenerated believers
is the true vine.
The Lord is
not a tall pine tree
but a spreading vine tree.
The fruit of a vine tree
is easy to reach and eat.
Today’s Christ
is spreading Himself everywhere
throughout the globe.
In 1958
I saw a big vine tree,
which is the vine of the queen.
The British people
are proud of this vine.
When they asked me
what I thought of it,
I said
that I had seen a vine tree
which is much bigger.
The vine tree
I have seen
is Christ
as the true vine.
This vine
needs the entire globe
for its spreading.
In John 15
the Lord said,
“I am the true vine” (v. 1).
This means
that actually
all of the other vine trees
are false,
including the queen’s vine.
Only one vine
is uniquely true.
The true vine
is a sign of
the all-inclusive Christ
as the organism
of the processed and consummated Triune God.
Its branches
are the believers of Christ,
who by nature
were branches of the wild olive tree
and have been grafted into
the cultivated olive tree
through their believing into Christ.
Both the cultivated olive tree and the true vine
signify Christ.
to be grafted into the cultivated olive tree
is to be grafted into the true vine.
Its grafted branches
have been regenerated with the divine life,
brought into the life-union
with the crucified and resurrected Christ,
and incorporated with
the processed and consummated Triune God.
This is
for the unlimited Triune God’s multiplication
as the increase of the immeasurable Christ,
the embodiment of
the processed and consummated Triune God,
for His universal spreading
through the fruit-bearing
of the believers of Christ
as the branches
by their faithful abiding in Christ
for the glorification of the Father.
A new child, a new man,
was born by the consummated Spirit.
This new man
was created by Christ
on the cross
by abolishing
in His flesh
the law of the commandments in ordinances.
While Christ was dying on the cross,
He was creating this new man.
Also this new man
was regenerated by the Father
with the resurrected Christ
in His resurrection
and born by the Spirit
in the believers’ spirit.
The first group of Christ’s believers
who suffered Christ’s departure
through His death
was the delivering woman.
The Christ
who returned in His resurrection
was the newborn child
to be the new man.
we believers
have to put on this new man
through the renewing
in the spirit of our mind.
Our putting on the new man
by being renewed
in the spirit of our mind
will eventually consummate
the Body of Christ,
and this Body of Christ,
which is the church,
will consummate the New Jerusalem.
Day 4
There are
three aspects of
the incorporation of
the consummated God
with the regenerated believers.
The first aspect
is the house of the Father.
Chapters 14, 15, and 16 of John
are a long message
given by the Lord Jesus
shortly before He was arrested.
Each of these three chapters
covers one of three aspects
of the universal incorporation.
In John 14
we have the Father’s house;
in John 15,
the Son’s vine;
and in John 16,
the child
born of the Spirit.
The house of the Father,
the true vine of the Son,
and the child of the Spirit
are the three different aspects
of the universal incorporation
as the issue of
Christ’s glorification.
The Father’s house
was typified by the temple of God
in John 2:16-21.
The Father’s house
is a divine and human incorporation
of the processed and consummated God
constituted with
His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect.
The Father’s house
is not only a constitution
—it is an incorporation.
All the believers in Christ,
redeemed through His blood,
regenerated with His life by His Spirit,
and transformed with the divine element
by the life-giving Spirit,
are the “abodes” in the Father’s house.
As believers in Christ
and members of the Body of Christ,
we all are
rooms, abodes,
in the Father’s house.
The Father’s house
is built up by the constant visitation
to the redeemed elect
of the Father and the Son
with the Spirit
who indwells the redeemed elect
to be the mutual dwelling place
of the consummated Triune God
and His redeemed elect.
In 14:23
the Lord Jesus said,
“If anyone loves Me,
he will keep My word,
and My Father will love him,
and We will come to him
and make an abode with him.”
Verse 2 tells us
that in the Father’s house
there are many abodes,
and in verse 23
we see that these abodes
are built up
by the Father and the Son’s visitation
to those who love Him.
The Spirit
is not explicitly mentioned
in verse 23
but rather is implied,
for the Spirit dwells
in the regenerated spirit
of all those
who love the Lord Jesus.
From our experience
we know that the Father and the Son
pay us a constant visitation.
We may be at home, at school, or at work,
but wherever we may be
the Father and the Son
come to visit us
to do a building work in us,
making an abode
which will be a mutual dwelling place
for the Triune God and for us.
This is
the building up
of the Father’s house
through the constant visitation
of the Triune God.
The Father’s house
is built
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets
with Christ as the cornerstone,
and it is growing
into the holy temple of the Lord,
the dwelling place of God
in the believers’ spirit.
In this building
Christ is making His home
in the hearts of the believers
strengthened in their inner man
by the Father
according to the riches of His glory
with power
through His Spirit
unto the fullness (the expression)
of the consummated Triune God.
The purpose of the Father’s house
is first
for the invisible and mysterious Triune God
to have a visible and solid manifestation
—the church—
among men on the earth.
the purpose of the Father’s house
is for the satisfaction and rest
of the processed and consummated Triune God.
The purpose of the Father’s house
is also
for the eternal and purposeful Triune God
to carry out His eternal economy
to consummate the New Jerusalem
as His eternal goal
for His eternal expansion and expression.
The house of God,
which is God’s dwelling place,
eventually will be
the New Jerusalem,
God’s eternal goal
for His eternal expansion and expression.
Day 3
Christ’s believers
have been brought into the union of life
with the processed Triune God
and mingled with the consummated God
into an incorporation.
we had nothing to do with God,
but regeneration has brought us
into the union of life
with the processed Triune God.
Union, however,
is not sufficient
to bring us
into an incorporation with the Triune God.
To be incorporated with the consummated God,
we need to be mingled with Him.
through Christ’s glorification
we have not only been brought
into a union
with the processed Triune God,
but we have also been mingled
with the consummated God
into an incorporation.
God in His Divine Trinity
is an incorporation.
The three of the Divine Trinity
are an incorporation
both in what They are
and in what They do.
The three of the Divine Trinity
are incorporated by coinhering mutually.
Concerning this,
the Lord Jesus said,
“Do you not believe
that I am in the Father
and the Father is in Me?” (John 14:10a).
In verse 11a
He went on to say,
“Believe Me
that I am in the Father
and the Father is in Me.”
The Son is in the Father
and the Father is in the Son
by a mutual coinhering.
The three of the Divine Trinity
are an incorporation
also by working together
as one.
In verses 10b and 11b
the Lord said,
“The words that I say to you
I do not speak from Myself,
but the Father
who abides in Me
does His works.
… Believe
… because of the works themselves.”
the Lord seemed to be saying,
“You have seen all the works
which I have done.
These works
were not done by Me,
for I never did anything
of Myself.
Whatever I did
was the Father’s work.
The Father and I
work together mutually.”
This working together as one
reveals that the Divine Trinity
is an incorporation.
The Spirit,
the third of the Divine Trinity
as another Comforter,
being the reality of the Son,
the second of the Divine Trinity
as the first Comforter
and the embodiment of the Triune God,
does not only abide with
the regenerated believers
but also dwells in them.
The Son as the first Comforter
left His believers
through His death
and came back
to be another Comforter to them
through His resurrection
to make them live with Him.
This is
why He said,
“Because I live,
you also shall live” (v. 19b).
The consummated Triune God
and the regenerated believers
became an incorporation
in the resurrection of Christ.
John 14:20 says,
“In that day
you will know
that I am in My Father,
and you in Me,
and I in you.”
“In that day”:
This is
in the day of the Son’s resurrection.
“You will know
that I am in My Father”:
The Son and the Father
are incorporated into one.
“And you in Me”:
The regenerated believers
are incorporated
into the Son
and into the Father in the Son.
“And I in you”:
The Son in the Father
is incorporated
into the regenerated believers.
we have three ins.
In verse 17
we have a fourth in:
“The Spirit of reality
… abides with you
and shall be in you.”
The in of the Spirit of reality in verse 17
is the totality of the three ins in verse 20.
The in in verse 17
is a general statement,
and the three ins in verse 20
are the detailed statement.
Christ’s glorification
produced an issue
—an incorporation.
The three of the Divine Trinity
are an incorporation
by coinhering mutually
and by working together
as one.
This is
the beginning of the universal incorporation,
an incorporation
which started with God Himself.
God’s intention
is that all the believers of Christ
would be incorporated into His incorporation
to be an enlarged incorporation.
Day 2
In His human living
Christ prayed
that His Father
would glorify Him.
The subject of
Christ’s great prayer in John 17
was His glorification by the Father.
Acts 3:13
was the Father’s answer to
Christ’s prayer in John 17.
The Lord Jesus prayed
that the Father would glorify Him,
and the Father answered Him
by resurrecting Him.
Acts 3:13 uses
the expression the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob,
which indicates
that God is
the God of resurrection.
A similar expression
is used in Matthew 22:31-32,
where the Sadducees
were arguing with the Lord Jesus
about resurrection.
In His response
the Lord seemed to be saying,
“God is the living God.
As the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
He is the God of living persons.
If you say
that there is no resurrection,
then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
will remain in the tomb.
But God is
the God of resurrection,
and these three forefathers
will not remain dead
but will be resurrected
to be living.”
As God is the God of the living
and is called
the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob,
so the dead Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
will be resurrected.
According to the New Testament thought
resurrection is
a release in life,
and this release in life
is a matter of glorification.
Just before He was about to be crucified,
the Lord Jesus prayed
not that the Father would resurrect Him
but that the Father would glorify Him.
As we have pointed out,
the Father answered this prayer
for glorification
by resurrecting the Lord Jesus.
Glorification is
therefore a synonym of resurrection.
glorification is
not for resurrection;
resurrection is
for glorification.
Resurrection is
the cause,
and glorification is
the effect, the result.
Such a glorification
is a transfer,
transferring Christ
from the stage of His incarnation
into the stage of His inclusion,
in which He, as the last Adam,
became the life-giving Spirit
in resurrection.
Through His glorification
in His resurrection
Christ became
the firstborn Son of God,
possessing both divinity and humanity,
and became
the life-giving Spirit, the pneumatic Christ,
and regenerated all His believers
to be God’s children, God’s species.
How could Christ,
who was the only begotten Son of God from eternity,
become the firstborn Son of God?
This is
a mystery
which has not been covered adequately
by traditional Christian theology.
The firstborn Son of God
and the only begotten Son of God
are the same one person,
but there is
nevertheless a difference
between the firstborn Son and the only begotten Son.
The only begotten Son of God
has divinity
but not humanity,
whereas the firstborn Son of God
has both divinity and humanity.
The only begotten Son of God
is God,
but the firstborn Son of God
is both God and man.
When Christ, who is the very God,
became a man,
He did not set aside His divinity.
He retained His divinity,
but, as Philippians 2 indicates,
He concealed His divinity
within His humanity.
Through His incarnation
He became the God-man, the One
who is both the complete God and a perfect man.
Before His incarnation
He was the only begotten Son of God,
and as such
He had nothing to do with man.
when He was incarnated,
He became a man,
and thus was no longer just God
but was both God and man.
in His resurrection
He regenerated all His believers
to be God’s children, God’s species.
In His incarnation
He, the very God,
became a man,
and in His resurrection
He regenerated His believers,
who are men,
and thereby made them
the children of God.
Day 1
Christ as the second of the Triune God
possessed the divine glory
from eternity past,
and His humanity, His flesh,
through His incarnation
became a shell
to conceal
the glory of His divinity.
The glory of Christ’s divinity
was released
through the breaking of
the shell of His humanity
by His death.
The death of Christ
was a release.
For Him
to be glorified
was not to be exalted
but to be released.
This is clearly indicated
by verse 24:
“… Unless the grain of wheat
falls into the ground and dies,
it abides alone;
but if it dies,
it bears much fruit.”
If a grain of wheat
does not fall into the ground and die,
it abides by itself alone
and no one knows
what is within the grain.
But when the grain
enters into death,
its content
is released.
In John 12:24
the Lord Jesus likens Himself
to a grain of wheat.
When He was living in His humanity
for thirty-three and a half years,
no one, including His mother,
knew who He was.
Others regarded Him
as nothing more than a man,
but no one knew
what He was
according to the contents of
His inner being.
He was a man
in the flesh,
but there was another One
in this man.
This other One
was God Himself,
and God
is glory.
Since God as glory
was concealed in His flesh
as a shell,
He needed the release
spoken of in John 12:24.
In order to be released
and not to remain alone,
the one grain of wheat
had to fall into the ground and die.
Through the Lord’s death
the glory of His divinity
was released.
When the shell of the Lord’s humanity
was broken
through His crucifixion,
which was the baptism
He went through,
all the elements of His divinity
—His divine life and His divine glory—
were released.
In Luke 12:50
the Lord Jesus said,
“I have a baptism
to be baptized with,
and how I am pressed
until it is accomplished!”
The Lord’s baptism
was His crucifixion.
He longed to be baptized,
to be crucified,
in order to be released.
He was pressed, constrained,
in His flesh,
and He desired to be released
by the baptism of His death.
Through the breaking of
the shell of His humanity
by His death,
His glory
was released.
His release was
His being glorified.
In the sense
explained above,
Christ’s death
is considered the life-releasing death
with His glory released simultaneously.
We cannot separate His life
from His glory.
When His life was released,
His glory was released also.
The release of
the glory of Christ’s divinity
was His being glorified
by the Father
with the divine glory
in His resurrection
through His death.
The release of
the glory of Christ’s divinity
was to cast fire
on the earth.
In Luke 12:49
He said,
“I have come
to cast fire
on the earth,
and how I wish
that it were already kindled!”
This fire
is the impulse of
the spiritual life,
an impulse
that comes from
the Lord’s released divine life.
When Christ was baptized
with the baptism of His death
on the cross,
the glory of His divinity
was released.
From the time of His resurrection
a fire has been burning on earth.
This fire started from Jerusalem,
and then it spread
through Judea and Samaria
to the uttermost part of the earth.
this fire is burning
all over the earth
—in America, in Russia, in Romania,
in Poland, in Brazil, in Africa,
in Australia, in New Zealand.
Christ today
is a burning fire.
We all have been burned
by this fire;
we have been brought together
by this fire;
and now we are burdened
that this fire
would burn many others.
When the concealed glory
of Christ’s divinity
was released,
a divine fire
was cast on earth
to burn the whole earth.
Let the fire burn on!
No one can stop it.