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The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Ascension (3) Living with Christ in His Ascension as a New Creation in Resurrection to Engage in Spiritual Warfare for the Kingdom of God

As those 
who love the Lord and seek Him, 
we are eventually called 
by our Beloved 
to live with Him 
in His ascension 
as a new creation in resurrection:

Christ expresses 
His appreciation of His lover 
to prepare her 
to receive His call 
to live with Him 
in His ascension 
as a new creation in resurrection:

The new creation 
is only that 
which is in ascension and resurrection.

who is in Christ and in His resurrection 
is a new creation.

The matters of resurrection 
and the new creation 
are closely related to 
Christ’s ascension:

Christ’s resurrection and ascension 
are one.

If we are in His resurrection, 
we are also in His ascension.

Christ asks His lover as His bride 
to look with Him 
from His ascension
the highest place of the truth
and of Christ’s victory in His fighting
(Senir and Hermon), 
and from the heavenly places of His enemies 
(the lions’ dens and the leopards’ mountains).

As one 
living in ascension 
as a new creation in resurrection, 
the lover of Christ 
becomes a garden 
to satisfy Christ:

The garden 
is enclosed, 
and there is 
a spring shut up, 
a fountain sealed, 
for Christ’s private enjoyment:

This indicates 
that, in experiencing Christ, 
we, the seeking believers, 
must have something 
private, hidden, shut up, and sealed 
that is for Christ alone.

The spring 
is the Spirit of life 
and is seen in Revelation 22:1 
as the river of water of life; 
the fountain 
is the source of the spring, 
which is God’s throne.

The lover of Christ 
grows all kinds of plants 
in different colors 
as different expressions 
of the inner life 
and in a variety of fragrances 
as the rich expression 
of the mature life, 
producing fruits 
to nourish and refresh, 
giving forth sweet fragrances, 
and displaying beautiful colors 
for Christ’s enjoyment.

The fountain in gardens 
and the well of living water 
of the life-giving Spirit 
are streams 
from the resurrection 
and ascension life (Lebanon); 
the fountain and the spring 
stream out from the overcomers, 
flowing out 
from what they are 
and from where they are.

We live with Christ 
in His ascension 
by living in our spirit 
and by discerning the spirit 
from the soul.

As we live with Christ in His ascension 
as a new creation in resurrection, 
we engage in spiritual warfare 
for the kingdom of God:

In ascension 
we look with Christ 
“from the lions’ dens, 
/ From the leopards’ mountains”:

The lions’ dens and the leopards’ mountains 
signify the heavenlies, 
where Satan and his subordinates 
(the lions and the leopards) 

The victory has been gained, 
but Satan and his evil forces 
are still in the heavenlies; 
we must have our living in ascension, 
far above the evil powers.

we fight with 
Satan and his power of darkness 
by being empowered 
in the Lord 
and in the might of His strength 
and by putting on 
the whole armor of God; 
this is 
the reality of living 
in the ascension of Christ.

Spiritual warfare 
is necessary 
because Satan’s will 
is set against God’s will; 
our fighting 
is to subdue the satanic will 
and defeat God’s enemy.

In order to engage in 
spiritual warfare, 
we must maintain 
the position of ascension:

The spiritual warfare 
mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-12 
is based upon 
the position of ascension 
in 2:6.

The position of ascension 
causes us 
to be victorious in battle 
because only in the position of ascension 
can we have heavenly authority 
and pray with authority 
to deal with God’s enemy.

Spiritual warfare 
is based on 
the victory of Christ; 
through death 
the Lord Jesus 
destroyed the devil, 
bringing him to nothing.

We engage in spiritual warfare 
to conquer the satanic chaos 
and triumph in the divine economy:

The history of the universe 
is a history of 
God’s economy and Satan’s chaos:

Satan is 
the source of chaos, 
and God Himself is 
the divine economy.

Both in the Bible 
and in our experience, 
the satanic chaos 
always goes along with 
the divine economy.

Instead of delivering us from chaos, 
God wants us 
to be one with Him 
to conquer 
the destructive satanic chaos 
in the old creation 
and to carry out 
the constructive divine economy 
for the new creation.

As we are suffering the chaos, 
we need to 
stand for 
and live out 
the divine economy.

We need to engage in spiritual warfare 
for the divine building, 
the church 
as the Body of Christ; 
the building up of the church 
is a service of warfare.

The purpose of spiritual warfare 
is to bring in 
the kingdom of God:

Spiritual warfare 
is the warfare 
between the kingdom of God 
and the kingdom of Satan.

The kingdom of God 
is the exercise of the divine will 
and the overthrowing of the power of Satan 
by the power of God.

The work of the church 
is to bring in the kingdom of God, 
and through prayer 
the church must release 
the power of the kingdom of God 
upon the earth.


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7 replies on “The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Ascension (3) Living with Christ in His Ascension as a New Creation in Resurrection to Engage in Spiritual Warfare for the Kingdom of God”

Prophecy note, 5 April 2015
In experiencing Christ
we, the seeking believers,
must have something
private, hidden, shut up, and sealed
that is for Christ alone.

To live in ascension
requires that we
discern our spirit
from our soul.

Our soul
is still old.
after we have been regenerated,
our soul
needs to be transformed.
The transformation of the soul
is a gradual process
that takes place
step by step.

As saved persons
we all have two men.
The new man
is in our spirit,
and the old man
is in our soul.

Before doing anything
we must first pray
to contact the Lord
in our spirit,
asking Him
what He feels
about what we
intend to do.

in our spirit
we may have the sense
that the Lord is happy.
This is an indication
that the Lord wants us
to do this particular thing.

we should proceed
to do it
in our spirit.
This is
to live in the spirit.

As lovers of Christ,
we need to realize
that our old man, including our soul,
has been crucified.
It is
no longer “I”
who live,
but another man
lives in me.

When we live
by this other man,
we are
the new man,
for we are living
in the spirit,
not in the soul.


Our spirit
is connected to the heavens
by God as the Spirit.
In spirit
we are
in the heavens, in ascension.

To live in ascension
requires that we
live, act, move, and do everything
in our spirit.

we must learn
how to discern our spirit.

When we live in our spirit,
we are in ascension
as the new creation in resurrection.
We are
a new person
living in a new universe.

If we constantly have fellowship with the Lord,
walk in spirit,
and live in the heavenly life,
we are heavenly
and abide in
the position of ascension.
we can stay on higher ground
over against lower ground
and deal with Satan.

At this time,
should the church encounter difficulties,
we can engage in prevailing prayer
before God,
demanding God
to come forth
to judge His enemy.
We can rise
to express our attitude
to God,
“We will not allow these things
to happen in the church.”

We can also say seriously
to Satan,
“We are disgusted with this.
We are against this.”

When we make
such a severe declaration
and strong expression,
the entire host of Satan
will retreat.
His work
will also be completely destroyed.

God needs man
to cooperate with Him
in His work.
When God’s people move,
He will also move.

Although the purpose of God
is to bring in His kingdom,
His part alone
is not sufficient.
He needs the church
to work with Him.

Through prayer,
the church must release
the power of the kingdom of God
upon the earth.

We believe
that Christ
is going to come again.
But do not think
that the Lord Jesus
will automatically come
if we sit and passively wait.
there is
a work
which the church must do.

As the Body of Christ,
we must learn
to work together with God.
We should never think
that it is enough
just to be saved.
It is not.
We must be concerned with
God’s need.


Day 6

1 Tim. 6:12
the good fight of the faith; 
lay hold on the eternal life, 
to which you were called 
and have confessed the good confession 
before many witnesses.

Rev. 12:10
And I heard a loud voice in heaven 
Now has come 
the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God 
and the authority of His Christ, 
for the accuser of our brothers 
has been cast down, 
who accuses them 
before our God 
day and night.

We may now consider our work 
to be very common and ordinary. 
I received a burden from the Lord 
to remind all of us 
that our work 
is a spiritual warfare.

The first time 
the church, which is the house of God, 
is spoken of in the New Testament 
is in Matthew 16:18.
This verse clearly shows 
that as soon as the church is mentioned, 
the gates of Hades, 
that is, the power of darkness, 
is also mentioned. 
This shows 
that in the New Testament, 
the work in God’s economy 
to build up the church 
is a warfare.

The purpose of spiritual warfare 
is to bring in the kingdom of God. 
This is 
a subject of great significance 
in the Bible.

the church 
is a model of God’s reign.
It is through the church 
that God will bind Satan 
and destroy his power. 
His name 
will be honored 
in the whole earth, 
His kingdom 
set up, 
and His will 
This is 
the commission of the church. 
This also is 
the purpose of 
the church’s spiritual warfare.
In the universe 
there is 
the kingdom of God, 
and there is also 
the kingdom of Satan.
In order to engage in spiritual warfare, 
we must first know the opposition 
between the kingdom of God 
and the kingdom of Satan.

Many Christians 
do not know the true significance 
of the preaching of the gospel. 
The Bible says 
that we must repent 
for the kingdom (Matt. 4:17). 
The kingdom of God 
is actually the exercise 
of the divine will. 
When sinners repent 
for the kingdom of God, 
they turn from the side of Satan 
to the side of God, 
which is 
the kingdom of God, 
the will of God. 
After a person turns 
from the satanic will 
to the divine will, 
he must believe in the Lord Jesus 
and be baptized. 
Through baptism 
he is brought out of 
the authority of darkness, the satanic will, 
and is transferred into 
the kingdom of the Son of God’s love.

The Lord Jesus 
once explained 
what the kingdom of God is. 
He said, 
“But if I, 
by the Spirit of God, 
cast out the demons, 
the kingdom of God 
has come upon you” (Matt. 12:28). 
What is 
the kingdom of God? 
It is 
the overthrowing of 
the power of Satan 
by the power of God. 
When the devil 
is unable to stand 
in a certain place, 
the kingdom 
has come to that place.

God needs man 
to cooperate with Him 
in His work. 
When God’s people move, 
He will also move. 
When God’s people saw 
that they should leave Egypt 
(though not all the Israelites 
realized this, 
yet some did), 
they cried to God, 
and He moved 
to deliver them.

Even the birth of the Lord Jesus 
was the result of the cooperation 
of some of God’s people 
with Him. 
In Jerusalem 
there were some 
who were continually looking for 
the consolation of Israel. 
This is 
why the Lord was born. 
Although the purpose of God 
is to bring in His kingdom, 
His part alone 
is not sufficient. 
He needs the church 
to work with Him. 
Through prayer, 
the church must release 
the power of the kingdom of God 
upon the earth.

We believe 
that Christ 
is going to come again. 
But do not think 
that the Lord Jesus 
will automatically come 
if we sit and passively wait. 
there is a work 
which the church must do. 
As the Body of Christ, 
we must learn 
to work together with God. 
We should never think 
that it is enough 
just to be saved. 
It is not. 
We must be concerned with 
God’s need.


Day 5

Eph. 1:10
Unto the economy 
of the fullness of the times, 
to head up all things in Christ, 
the things in the heavens 
and the things on the earth, 
in Him.

Eph. 3:10
In order that now 
to the rulers and the authorities 
in the heavenlies 
the multifarious wisdom of God 
might be made known 
through the church.

What God wants 
is embodied in the words 
overcome and conquer. 
If God delivered us 
out of the satanic chaos, 
He would not need us 
to overcome it, 
to conquer it. 
God wants us 
to conquer the satanic chaos. 
The real deliverance to us from God 
is our conquering. 
In Ephesians 6 
Paul told us 
that we need 
to be empowered in the Lord 
to stand against 
the stratagems of the devil. 
Then he said, 
“Therefore take up 
the whole armor of God 
that you may be able to withstand 
in the evil day, 
and having done all, 
to stand” (v. 13). 
We are not to be delivered 
out of the chaos, 
but we are to stand against it.

The New Testament age 
is approaching 
two thousand years of history.
There have been two thousand years 
for the Adamic race, 
two thousand years 
for the Abrahamic race 
according to the flesh, 
and almost two thousand years 
for the Abrahamic race 
according to the Spirit. 
What the Lord needs 
is the race of overcomers 
to conquer all the satanic chaos 
and triumph in the divine economy.

As a mixture of economy and chaos, 
the Christian life 
is a miniature of the entire universe. 
The history of the universe 
is a history of 
God’s economy and Satan’s chaos. 
the entire Bible, 
from the first chapter of Genesis 
to the last chapter of Revelation, 
is a record of 
the divine economy and the satanic chaos. 
In our married life 
we also have 
the economy of God and the chaos of Satan. 
The reason for this situation 
is that in the universe 
there are two sources
—God and Satan.

the earth 
is filled with chaos.
Every part of society 
is chaotic. 
we should not be discouraged. 
In addition to the satanic chaos, 
there is the divine economy. 
Whereas the satanic chaos 
will come to an end, 
the divine economy 
will reach a consummation. 
The end of the satanic chaos 
will be the lake of fire, 
and the consummation of the divine economy 
will be the New Jerusalem.

We need to realize 
that, both in the Bible and in our experience, 
the satanic chaos 
always goes along with the divine economy.
Where there is the divine economy, 
there is the satanic chaos. 
Where God is, 
Satan is also. 
Satan is 
not behind God, 
following Him; 
Satan is 
at God’s side. 
We may say 
that God is in the “central lane” 
and Satan is in the “side lane.”

We were called by the Lord 
to be one with Him 
to conquer His enemy, 
to overcome him. 
Some of us 
may feel 
that there is too much chaos today.
We might want to ask the Lord 
to deliver us 
out of this. 
Instead of delivering us, 
the Lord might allow chaos 
to come to our place 
so that we would learn 
how to be one with Him 
to conquer it, 
to overcome it. 
We are 
in the Lord’s recovery, 
which is for the carrying out 
of God’s economy on this earth. 
Because of this, 
the satanic chaos 
is here also. 
The overcomers 
are not delivered 
out of this present chaos. 
the overcomers 
conquer all the destructive chaos 
and triumph 
in the unique constructive economy.

The overcomers are those 
who suffer the chaos, 
but they are 
not disappointed or discouraged. 
they are strengthened and enabled 
to stand for and live out 
the divine economy. 
The satanic chaos 
is still going on 
around us in Christendom. 
Even within the Lord’s recovery, 
we have experienced this chaos.
All of us 
have to conquer this destructive chaos. 
If we are enabled by the Lord 
to conquer all the destructive chaos, 
we will triumphantly enter 
into the kingdom. 
We will be those 
who triumph 
in the unique constructive economy.


Day 4

Eph. 2:6
And raised us up together with Him 
and seated us together with Him 
in the heavenlies 
in Christ Jesus.

Eph. 6:11-12
Put on the whole armor of God 
that you may be able to stand 
against the stratagems of the devil, 
for our wrestling 
is not against blood and flesh 
but against the rulers, 
against the authorities, 
against the world-rulers of this darkness, 
against the spiritual forces of evil 
in the heavenlies.

The position of spiritual warfare 
is absolutely in the heavenlies. 
Whenever we lose 
the position of ascension, 
we are unable to carry on 
any spiritual warfare. 
On the battlefield, 
all military strategists 
pay attention to 
the problem of position. 
Whoever takes the high ground 
against the low ground 
can win the battle. 
On the spiritual battleground, 
this principle 
is even more important. 
We can say 
that spiritual warfare 
depends solely on 
the problem of position. 
If we wish to win 
in the fight, 
the position of ascension 
must be absolutely known and kept.

Ephesians 2 declares 
that we are seated together with Christ 
in the heavenlies. 
Then chapter 6 
goes on to speak 
of our wrestling 
against the spiritual forces of evil 
in the heavenlies (v. 12). 
This means 
that we must first be 
men of ascension 
with the position of ascension 
before we can attack the enemy 
in the air 
from above. 
If we are men of earth 
and lose the position of ascension, 
we will fall into 
the hand of the enemy 
and cannot fight against him. 
the position of spiritual warfare 
is absolutely in the heavenlies.

If we constantly have fellowship with the Lord, 
walk in spirit, 
and live in the heavenly life, 
we are heavenly 
and abide in 
the position of ascension. 
we can stay on higher ground 
over against lower ground 
and deal with Satan. 
At this time, 
should the church encounter difficulties, 
we can engage in prevailing prayer 
before God, 
demanding God 
to come forth 
to judge His enemy. 
We can rise 
to express our attitude 
to God, 
“We will not allow these things 
to happen in the church.” 
We can also say seriously 
to Satan, 
“We are disgusted with this. 
We are against this.” 
When we make 
such a severe declaration 
and strong expression, 
the entire host of Satan 
will retreat. 
His work 
will also be completely destroyed.

Why does the position of ascension 
cause us 
to be victorious in battle? 
It is 
because only in the position of ascension 
may we have 
heavenly authority. 
In order to wage spiritual warfare, 
we need to depend upon 
heavenly authority. 
There is 
only one place 
where we can obtain 
heavenly authority: 
this place 
is heaven. 
If we pass through death and resurrection 
to reach the heavenly realm, 
we will surely obtain 
heavenly authority. 
we will surely be victorious 
in battle.

Many Christians today 
are greatly concerned with 
the problem of power. 
But the Lord 
has saved us 
not only to the state of 
possessing power 
but also to the place of 
having authority. 
Those in the heavenly realm 
not only have power 
but also authority.

The spiritual warfare 
is defensive, 
not offensive, 
because the Lord Jesus 
has already fought the battle 
and won the victory. 
The work of the church on the earth 
is simply to maintain 
the Lord’s victory. 
The Lord 
has already won the battle, 
and the church 
is here 
to maintain His victory. 
The church’s work 
is not to overcome the devil 
but to resist him 
who has already been overcome 
by the Lord. 
Her work 
is not to bind the strong man
—the strong man 
has already been bound. 
Her work 
is not to let him 
be loosed. 
There is 
no need to attack; 
simply guarding 
is sufficient. 
The starting point 
of spiritual warfare 
is standing upon 
the victory of Christ; 
it is seeing 
that Christ has already overcome. 
It is 
not dealing with Satan 
but trusting in the Lord. 
It is 
not hoping 
that we will win the victory, 
because the victory 
has already been won. 
The devil 
can do nothing. 
The church’s work and responsibility 
is spiritual warfare.


Day 3

S.S. 6:4
You are 
as beautiful, 
my love, 
as Tirzah, 
as lovely as Jerusalem, 
as terrible as an army with banners.

S.S. 6:10
Who is this woman 
who looks forth 
like the dawn, 
as beautiful as the moon, 
as clear as the sun, 
as terrible as an army with banners?

Matt. 6:10
Your kingdom 
Your will 
be done, 
as in heaven, 
so also on earth.

Authority depends entirely upon position.
A policeman 
without his uniform 
and not standing in the assigned post 
has no authority 
to direct the cars. 
A general 
taking leave from his duty 
has no authority 
to command an army. 
our heavenly authority 
depends solely on 
our position of ascension. 
Whenever we lose 
the position of ascension, 
we also lose 
the spiritual authority. 
in order to engage in 
spiritual warfare, 
we must first know 
the position of ascension 
and, second, 
keep the position of ascension. 
Only then 
can we deal with the enemy.

if we stand 
in the position of ascension, 
we can 
directly command the environment, 
rebuke difficulties, 
and destroy all the works of the enemy.

In Song of Songs 4:8, 
that the armor 
is soft, 
not hard, 
signifies that the enemy, Satan, 
has been defeated, 
the war 
is over, 
and the victory 
has been gained. 
In Christ’s ascension 
we do not need to fight, 
for the enemy 
has already been defeated. 
We wear soft armor 
to enjoy our victory in Christ.

The lions’ dens and the leopards’ mountains 
signify the heavenlies, 
where Satan and his subordinates 
(the lions and the leopards) 
The victory 
has been gained, 
but Satan and his evil forces 
are still there, 
in the heavenlies. 
Christ calls His lover 
to look from this, 
indicating that we 
must have our living 
in ascension, 
far above the evil powers.
Here we fight with 
Satan and his power of darkness 
by being empowered 
in the Lord 
and in the might of His strength, 
by putting on 
the whole armor of God, 
by standing against 
the stratagems of the devil, 
by receiving 
the helmet of salvation 
and the sword of the Spirit, 
the word of God, 
and by praying always 
in the spirit 
for the building up 
of the Body of Christ 
and the spreading 
of the gospel. 
This is 
the reality 
of living in 
the ascension of Christ.

All warfare 
has its source 
in this conflict of wills. 
Before the satanic will 
rose up 
to contradict the divine will, 
there was 
no war 
in the universe. 
The controversy in the universe 
began with 
the rebellion of the archangel 
against God. 
That rebellion 
was the beginning 
of all the fighting 
that is now taking place 
among nations, 
in society, 
in the family, 
and in individuals. 
Throughout history 
there have been wars 
between nations, groups, persons, 
and even within individuals. 
For example, 
you may experience 
an inner warfare 
between your reason and your lust. 
All the different kinds of warfare 
have their source 
in the controversy 
between the divine will 
and the satanic will.

From the day 
we were saved, 
our Christian life 
has been 
a life of warfare. 
The same was true 
of the children of Israel 
after they made their exodus 
from Egypt. 
After eating the Passover, 
they marched 
like an army 
out of the land of Egypt. 
This indicates 
that their eating of the Passover lamb 
was a preparation for war.
As soon as they came out of Egypt, 
the fighting began.

Not only 
must God’s eternal purpose 
be fulfilled 
and the desire of Christ’s heart 
be satisfied, 
but God’s enemy 
must be defeated. 
For this, 
the church 
must be a warrior. 
Even in the Song of Songs 
we see 
that as the seeking one 
enjoys the Lord’s presence, 
the fighting 
is going on. 
we walk 
according to truth 
and by grace, 
we live 
in love and light, 
and we fight 
to subdue 
the satanic will. 
Our walk 
is for the fulfillment 
of God’s purpose, 
our living 
is for the satisfaction 
of Christ, 
and our fighting 
is for the defeat 
of God’s enemy.


Day 2

S.S. 4:13
Your shoots 
are an orchard of pomegranates 
with choicest fruit; 
henna with spikenard.

S.S. 4:15
A fountain in gardens, 
a well of living water, 
and streams from Lebanon.

In Christ’s enjoyment of His lover, 
she is an enclosed garden 
that grows all kinds of plants 
in different colors 
as different expressions 
of the inner life 
and in a variety of fragrances 
as the rich expression 
of the mature life. 
This becomes 
the lover’s beauty 
to the Lord. 
The lover of Christ 
is now rich in life, 
producing fruits 
to nourish and refresh, 
giving forth sweet fragrances, 
and displaying beautiful colors 
for Christ’s enjoyment.

The fountain in gardens 
and the well of living water 
of the life-giving Spirit
are streams 
from the resurrection 
and ascension life (Lebanon). 
The fountain and the spring 
stream out from the overcomers, 
flowing out 
from what they are 
and from where they are.

To live in ascension 
requires that we 
discern our spirit 
from our soul. 
This is 
according to our experience.

We are 
of three parts. 
We have 
a spirit, 
a soul (the self), 
and a body. 
God’s economy 
in saving us 
is first to regenerate
our dead spirit 
by imparting Himself into it 
as the divine element, 
making our spirit new. 
our soul 
is still old. 
after we have been regenerated, 
our soul 
needs to be transformed. 
The transformation of the soul 
is a gradual process 
that takes place 
step by step. 
Our body 
is also old. 
the body, the outer man, 
needs to be consumed 
day by day, 
while the inner man 
is being renewed. 
This renewing 
will go on and on 
until it reaches its peak 
with the transfiguration of our body, 
that is, 
the redemption of our body.

As saved persons 
we all have two men. 
The new man 
is in our spirit, 
and the old man 
is in our soul. 
Regardless of 
whether it is 
good or bad, 
right or wrong, 
whatever we do, 
if we do it 
in our soul, 
we are living 
by the old man. 
For instance, 
you may love 
a certain brother 
and want to help him. 
But if you love him 
and help him 
not in your spirit 
but in your soul, 
you are living 
in your self, the old man. 
This is 
to do a good thing 
in the old man. 
Before doing anything
—in this case 
helping a brother—
we must first pray 
to contact the Lord 
in our spirit, 
asking Him 
what He feels 
about what we intend to do. 
in our spirit 
we may have the sense 
that the Lord is happy. 
This is an indication 
that the Lord wants us 
to do this particular thing. 
we should proceed 
to do it 
in our spirit. 
This is 
to live in the spirit.

If we do things 
by the old man 
in the soul 
or in the self, 
we are living 
on the earth. 
The things we do 
may be good, 
but we are 
nevertheless on the earth 
because we are living 
in the soul. 
there are many good people 
who are doing good things, 
but these people 
are all living 
in the soul. 
As lovers of Christ, 
we need to realize 
that our old man, including our soul, 
has been crucified. 
It is 
no longer “I” 
who live, 
but another man
lives in me. 
When we live 
by this other man, 
we are 
the new man, 
for we are living 
in the spirit, 
not in the soul.

Our spirit 
is connected to the heavens 
by God as the Spirit. 
In spirit 
we are 
in the heavens, in ascension. 
To live in ascension 
requires that we 
live, act, move, and do everything 
in our spirit. 
we must learn 
how to discern our spirit. 
If we do not know our spirit, 
if we do not know 
how to discern our spirit 
from our soul, 
we cannot be 
a spiritual person. 
When we live in our spirit, 
we are in ascension 
as the new creation in resurrection. 
We are 
a new person 
living in a new universe.


Day 1

S.S. 4:7-8
You are altogether beautiful, 
my love, 
and there is 
no blemish in you. 
Come with me 
from Lebanon, 
my bride; 
with me 
from Lebanon 
from the top of Amana, 
from the top of Senir and Hermon, 
from the lions’ dens, 
from the leopards’ mountains.

In Song of Songs 4:7-8 
the Lord calls His lover 
to live in ascension 
as a new creation in resurrection. 
The new creation 
is only that 
which is in ascension in resurrection. 
Without resurrection, 
there cannot be 
a new creation.

In verse 7 
the Lord expresses 
His appreciation of His lover 
to prepare her 
to receive His call 
to live in ascension.

Lebanon is a high mountain, 
signifying resurrection. 
In 2:9 
the lover was in “our wall” 
of the introspective self. 
The wall 
is down in the self. 
Her introspection 
had built a wall 
which separated her 
from the Lord. 
Now He calls her 
to come with Him 
to a high mountain, 
which is 
the top of resurrection
Christ died, rose, and then ascended. 
we experience resurrection, 
then ascension.

The Lebanon 
that is referred to 
in Song of Songs 4:8 
is a high mountain.
In the Bible, 
a high mountain 
often signifies 
a separation from the earth 
and a heavenly place. 
this call 
is a call for ascension. 
More accurately stated, 
this call 
is a call to the believers 
to stand on the ground of ascension 
and to look down from such ground. 
this is 
a vision of ascension.

The third stage 
of spiritual experience 
is to be called by Christ 
to live in ascension 
as the new creation of God 
in the resurrection of Christ. 
Christ’s death 
is followed by Christ’s resurrection, 
and in His resurrection 
we are a new creation. 
The new creation 
is a product of Christ’s resurrection. 
who is in Christ 
and in His resurrection 
is a new creation. 
The matters of 
resurrection and a new creation 
are closely related to 
Christ’s ascension. 
Christ’s resurrection and ascension 
are one. 
If we are 
in His resurrection, 
we are also 
in His ascension. 
When we live in resurrection, 
we are surely living in ascension.

When we live in ascension, 
we realize 
that the war is over, 
that the victory has been gained, 
and that the enemy has been destroyed.
When we live in ascension, 
we are a new creation of God 
in the resurrection of Christ. 
How wonderful!

In Song of Songs 4:8 
Christ asks 
His lover as His bride 
to look with Him 
from His ascension (Lebanon), 
the highest place 
of the truth (Amana) 
and of Christ’s victory 
in His fighting (Senir and Hermon), 
and from the heavenly places of the enemies 
(the lions’ dens and the leopards’ mountains). 
Christ calls His lover 
to live with Him 
in His ascension, 
as He had called her 
to remain in His cross. 
When the lover 
is living in ascension, 
she and Christ 
are living in 
one condition, 
the condition of ascension, 
to be a couple. 
is divine and human, 
and His transformed lover 
is human and divine. 
They are the same 
in life and nature, 
perfectly matching one another.

Through her living in Christ’s ascension 
as the new creation in resurrection 
for her growth in life 
and transformation by life, 
Christ’s transformed bride 
becomes mature 
in the riches 
of the life of Christ 
so that she 
becomes four things: 
a garden 
to satisfy Christ, 
God’s dwelling place 
with its protection, 
the heavenly bodies 
as the universal light, 
and a terrible army, 
which is 
the corporate overcomer
—the Shulammite. 
In 4:12 
the garden 
is enclosed, 
and there is 
a spring shut up, 
a fountain sealed, 
for Christ’s private enjoyment, 
indicating that in experiencing Christ 
we, the seeking believers, 
must have something 
private, hidden, shut up, and sealed 
that is for Christ alone. 
The spring 
is the Spirit of life 
and is seen in Revelation 22:1 
as the river of water of life. 
The fountain 
is the source of the spring, 
which is God’s throne.


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