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The Triune God as Our Constitution, Existence, Enjoyment, Living, and Expression

The three kinds of precious materials 
for the building of the holy city 
signify that the Triune God 
is the triune constitution 
of the New Jerusalem :

Gold signifies
God the Father in His holy nature 
as the base of God’s organic building :

We need to partake of and be constituted with 
the holy and divine nature of God, 
the divine element of the New Jerusalem.

We need to do everything 
according to the divine nature of God, 
taking the divine nature as our pathway, 
to be under the ruling of God’s golden administration :

The divine life flowing in the divine nature 
is the unique way 
for our daily life 
and for our move in the Lord’s move.

We need to practice the divine fellowship 
based upon the golden nature within us.

Pearls signify 
the issue of Christ’s secretion in two aspects
—His redeeming and life-releasing death 
and His life-dispensing resurrection :

We need to preach regeneration
through the death
-overcoming and life-secreting Christ 
as the entrance into the holy city.

We need to remain 
under the killing of the Lord’s death 

so that His resurrection life 
may be imparted through us into others.

Precious stones 
signify the Spirit’s work 
to transform the redeemed and regenerated saints 
for the building of God’s eternal habitation 

that they may express God corporately 
in His all-permeating glory :

Transformation is 
not an outward change or correction 
but a spiritual metabolism; 
it is the metabolic function 
of the life of God 
in the believers.

For the church life 
there is
the need of the transformed human virtues, 
which have been strengthened and enriched 
by the divine attributes.

We must learn to minister the Triune God to others 
for their transformation 
by perfecting them 
with the attributes of the Triune God.

The river of water of life 
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb 
signifies that the Triune God 
is the triune existence of the New Jerusalem :

The application of the New Jerusalem 
in its triune existence 
is described in Ephesians 4:4-6
—one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one God and Father.

These verses show us 
how the Body of Christ exists 
with the Father, the Lord, and the Spirit 
as a foretaste of the existence of the New Jerusalem in eternity:

We are existing with God the Father 
as the source of the Body, 
allowing Him to be over us, through us, and in us.

We are existing with the Lord Christ 
as the element of the Body, 
living Him, existing by Him, 
through the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ 
for His magnification in our existence.

We are existing with the Spirit 
as the essence of the Body
—walking by the Spirit, serving by the Spirit, 
drinking the Spirit, being transformed by the Spirit, 
and being strengthened and enriched 
by the sevenfold intensified Spirit 
for the Body life, 
which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

The Triune God
—the Father as the light of life, 
the Son as the tree of life, 
and the Spirit as the river of life—
is the triune enjoyment 
of the New Jerusalem :

God as the light 
shines from within the Lamb as the lamp 
through the New Jerusalem as the diffuser :

We need to keep our heart pure and single for God 
so that our whole inner being 
will be illuminated, 
full of light 
without any dark part.

For the building up of the Body of Christ, 
we need to walk and live 
under the divine, redeeming, shining light 
through the word of God.

We need to shine 
as luminaries in the world, 
letting our light shine before men 
in all goodness, righteousness, and truth 
for His glory.

We need to be one with Christ 
as the light of the Gentiles 
so that His salvation may reach to the end of the earth 
for Him to come again 
as the Desire of all the nations.

The enjoyment of Christ 
as the tree of life 
will be the eternal portion 
of all God’s redeemed :

The tree of life 
signifies God as life to man 
and declares 
that God offers Himself to man 
in an edible form.

We are not only the eaters of this tree, 
enjoying the continually fresh fruit, 
but also the branches of this tree, 
abiding in Him 
to enjoy the life-juice.

The river of water of life 
is the flowing out of the Triune God
—the Spirit 
as the ultimate consummation 
of the processed Triune God 
reaching His redeemed people 
for their enjoyment :

To contact God the Spirit with our spirit 
is to drink of the living water, 
which is 
to render real worship to God.

By drinking the living water, 
we become the New Jerusalem, 
the totality of the eternal life, 
the destination of the flowing Triune God.

The Triune God
—the Father as the source of life, 
the Son as the tree of life, 
and the Spirit as the flow of life—
is the triune living 
of the New Jerusalem :

We need to live out the Father 
as the source of life 
on the throne :

We need to take God the Father 
as our source 
with His redeeming element 
and with the element of His divine authority 
so that we may enjoy 
the flow of life 
for our organic salvation.

We need to live out the Father 
as love and as light 
by keeping ourselves 
in the fellowship of the divine life, 
the inner flow of the divine life.

We need to live out the Son 
as the life 
and life supply, the tree of life :

We need to learn to take Christ as everything 
for His magnification.

We need to call upon His name 
to enjoy His riches 
as our supply.

We need to live out the Spirit 
as the bountiful supply 
of the processed and consummated Triune God, 
the flow of life :

The flow of the river of water of life in the New Jerusalem 
illustrates the fellowship of life, 
which is the flow of the eternal life 
within the believers.

The flow of the river of water of life 
is the one stream of the Lord’s work 
for His one move 
through His one ministry 
to produce and build up His one Body 
for His one testimony.

The Triune God
—the Father as the source of the divine riches, 
the Son as the embodiment of the divine riches, 
and the Spirit as the realization of the divine riches—
is the triune expression of the New Jerusalem :

The expression of God the Father 
as the source of the divine riches 
is His communicable glory 
in His rich life :

The first layer of the wall’s foundation 
and the entire wall 
is built of jasper, 
signifying that the whole city 
bears the appearance of God 
for God’s glory, His corporate expression.

The work of the apostles, 
who are signified by the twelve foundations, 
is “layer upon layer” 
and leads to 
the unique appearance of jasper, 
the appearance of God in Christ.

The expression of God the Son 
as the embodiment of the divine riches 
is in His person and with His work:

The Lamb as the redeeming One 
is the lamp for the expression of God as the light 
through the city as the light-bearer 
to express Him as the glory.

The work of Christ’s death and resurrection, 
signified by the pearls, 
is a “double cure” 
that saves us 
from the guilt of sin through His blood 
and from the power of sin in His life.

The expression of God the Spirit 
as the realization of the divine riches 
is in His all-inclusiveness 
as the consummation of the processed Triune God:

The all-inclusive Spirit 
as the river of water of life 
flows with God, 
with the Lamb, 
with the throne, 
with the divine nature as the divine way, 
and with all the unsearchable riches of Christ 
to saturate our entire being.

The Christian life 
must be a life 
in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and with the Spirit, 
issuing in the fruit of the Spirit, 
with all the divine attributes 
expressed in human virtues.


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7 replies on “The Triune God as Our Constitution, Existence, Enjoyment, Living, and Expression”

Prophecy note, 10 August 2014
We all need to learn
how to perfect others
with the attributes of the Triune God.
We should not look
merely at a person’s mistakes.
Instead, we should realize
that they are short
of God’s golden nature and life.
They are short
of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension.
They are short
of the Holy Spirit’s work.
We have to add
all these things to them.
We should not condemn others;
instead, we should minister
the life-supply to them.
We need to impress them
that in the proper church life
we pay our attention fully to the Triune God.
This is
to minister the Triune God to them.

Such transformation and perfecting
can take place
only in the proper church life.
The Lord directs us
to the proper church life
for the purpose of producing
the essence of the church
to constitute the Body of Christ
for the upcoming consummation
of the New Jerusalem.

All the apostles were created as clay,
but they were regenerated
and transformed into precious stones
for God’s eternal building.
This regeneration and transformation
is required of every believer
who will be
a part of the New Jerusalem

Although the entire wall is jasper,
the twelve foundations
are different stones with various colors.
Each layer is different from the others.
The reason for this
is that the apostles had different ministries.
However, these twelve foundations
are not laid side by side;
rather, they are laid
one on top of another.

All twelve layers
lead to and support
the unique testimony
in the unique expression.
The work of the apostles
was layer upon layer
and led to
the unique appearance of jasper,
the appearance of God in Christ.

Paul’s work was upon Peter’s,
and John’s work was upon Paul’s.
As a result,
they produced one building,
not three distinct houses.
In the entire universe
there will only be
the unique New Jerusalem,
built upon the foundation
of many ministries
laid one on top of the other.

Our work must be a layer
laid upon the present layer,
and it must produce the same appearance.
All the ministries
must lead to one appearance
—the appearance of today’s church
and of the coming New Jerusalem.

Day 6

Revelation 21:19-20 
lists the names of twelve precious stones, 
which are the twelve apostles of the Lamb, 
each of whom is signified by a precious stone. 
When Peter, the first of the twelve apostles, 
was brought to the Lord, 
the Lord changed his name to Cephas, 
which means “a stone”. 
Later, the Lord called him by this name 
when He spoke concerning the building of His church (Matt. 16:18). 
Precious stones are not created 
but are transformed from something 
that has been created. 
All the apostles were created as clay, 
but they were regenerated 
and transformed into precious stones 
for God’s eternal building. 
This regeneration and transformation 
is required of every believer 
who will be a part of the New Jerusalem.

The foundations of the wall of the city 
are of twelve layers.
The first layer of the wall’s foundation, 
as well as the entire wall of New Jerusalem, 
is built with jasper. 
This indicates 
that the main material in the building of the holy city 
is jasper. 
Since jasper signifies God 
expressed in His communicable glory, 
the main function of the holy city 
is to express God 
in bearing His glory.

Although the entire wall is jasper, 
the twelve foundations 
are different stones with various colors. 
Each layer is different from the others. 
The reason for this 
is that the apostles had different ministries. 
Paul’s ministry was different from Peter’s, 
and Peter’s was different from John’s. 
However, these twelve foundations 
are not laid side by side; 
rather, they are laid 
one on top of another. 
The top layer, the layer that met the bottom of the wall, 
was jasper, 
the same color as the wall. 
Thus, all the work of the apostles 
issued in the same appearance, jasper. 
All twelve layers 
lead to and support 
the unique testimony in the unique expression.
The work of the apostles
was layer upon layer 
and led to 
the unique appearance of jasper, 
the appearance of God in Christ.

If you examine 
the ministries of the apostles in the New Testament, 
you will see 
that each ministry was 
upon the top of another, 
not side by side.
Peter, a fisherman, 
brought in the fish, the material. 
Paul, a tent maker, 
built up the tent 
with the materials brought in by Peter. 
Eventually, after the tent had been torn, 
the apostle John came in 
to mend it. 
Thus, Peter’s ministry was a fishing ministry, 
Paul’s was a building ministry, 
and John’s was a mending ministry. 
These three apostles worked 
one on top of the other. 
Paul’s work was upon Peter’s, 
and John’s work was upon Paul’s. 
As a result, 
they produced one building, 
not three distinct houses. 
Unlike Peter, Paul, and John, 
today’s so-called Christian workers 
all build up their own houses, 
each with its own design, shape, color, and expression.
But in the entire universe 
there will only be 
the unique New Jerusalem, 
built upon the foundation of many ministries 
laid one on top of the other.

By the Lord’s mercy, 
I can testify 
that I worked with Brother Nee for many years, 
but I do not bear an appearance 
different from his.
My ministry is the same in appearance 
as Brother Nee’s ministry.
In our ministries 
there was no division or differing opinion. 
But this does not mean 
that my ministry is exactly the same as Brother Nee’s ministry. 
If the Lord delays His coming back, 
I hope that some of the young brothers among us 
will be the continuation of the Lord’s recovery. 
However, we must realize 
that it is absolutely wrong 
to have another, side-by-side work. 
Your work must be a layer 
laid upon the present layer, 
and it must produce the same appearance.
All the ministries 
must lead to one appearance
—the appearance of today’s church 
and of the coming New Jerusalem.


Day 5

God as life to man 
first flows out in His Son, our Lord Jesus. 
Thus, the Lord can give us the living water, 
and the water that He gives 
will become in us a fountain of water, 
springing up into eternal life.
God is the fountain of the divine water of life, 
and the Lord Jesus is the springing up of the fountain. 
He is the Rock smitten for us 
that out of Him 
may flow the living water of the divine life 
to be taken by us.

God flows out as the living water 
in His Spirit and through His Spirit. 
The Lord tells us 
that he who believes into Him 
will have rivers of living water 
flowing from within him. 
He spoke this of the Spirit. 
By this we know 
that the Holy Spirit is the second channel 
by which God Himself flows out as the living water to us.
The book of Revelation 
tells us 
that this stream of living water 
flows out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Within this stream 
is the life of God.
In the river of living water 
is growing the tree of life, 
yielding its fruit each month. 
This shows 
that the life that supplies all our need 
is something 
growing in the river of living water. 
Thus, it proves to us 
that the river of living water 
is the supply of the divine life.
This is a stream 
that will both heal and produce, 
both swallow up death and supply us with life. 
This is the stream of life.

We should be those 
living with the Father 
as the source of life on the throne. 
The first striking point of the New Jerusalem 
is that God is sitting on the throne. 
This God is 
the Lamb-God, the redeeming God, God the Redeemer.
He is the source 
from which flows the river of water of life.

We also live with the Father 
as love, the nature of God’s essence, 
and as light, the nature of God’s expression. 
In the very divine life 
which flows from the divine source 
is love and light.

We also need to be those 
living with the Son 
as the embodiment of God. 
When you have the Father, 
you have the Son, 
and when you have the Son, 
you have the Father. 
The Son as the embodiment of God 
is life. 
We live with the Father as the source of life, 
but we live with the Son as life. 
The New Testament does not tell us 
that the Father is life, 
but it always says 
that the Son is life. 
The life comes out of the source, of course, 
just as the flow comes out of the fountain. 
We live with the Father as the fountain, 
and we live with the Son 
as life 
and as the life supply, the tree of life. 
Even today in the church life, 
as indicated by Revelation 2:7, 
we can eat the tree of life.

The Lord Jesus 
is our daily life supply, 
and every day 
we must call upon His name 
to enjoy this supply,
learning to take our Lord individually and extensively 
as our enjoyment for His magnification.

The Lord is realized as the Spirit. 
The more you call on the Lord, 
the more you have the Spirit within you 
as the realization of Christ, the Spirit of reality.

The Spirit of life 
simply means the current of life. 
When life moves, 
it is the Spirit of life.
The fellowship of the Spirit 
is the flow of the Spirit.
The Spirit of life 
is also the water of life, 
and we live with the Spirit 
as the water of life 
for the bountiful supply of the Triune God.


Day 4

We partake of, enjoy, and express 
the light, the lamp, the light-bearer, 
and the glory of the New Jerusalem. 
The light is God, 
the lamp is the Lamb, 
the light-bearer is the city, 
and the glory is God expressed.
God as light 
shines from within the Lamb as the lamp 
through the city as the light-bearer 
to express Himself as the glory.

Light refers to God the Father. 
First John 1:5 tells us 
that God is light, 
and according to the context of this verse, 
God mainly refers to God the Father. 
While love is the nature of God’s intrinsic essence, 
light is the nature of God’s outward expression. 
In the New Jerusalem 
light refers to God Himself 
to illuminate the entire city for His expression. 
Revelation 21:23 tells us 
that the city has no need of the sun or of the moon. 
This indicates 
that in the new heaven and the new earth 
the sun and moon will still be there. 
The fact that the tree of life in the New Jerusalem 
yields its fruit each month 
also indicates that in the new heaven and new earth 
the moon will still be there 
to divide the twelve months.
In the New Jerusalem, however, 
there will be no need of the sun or of the moon. 
The light in the city 
will be God Himself 
as the light of life.

God as the divine light, the light of life, 
is contained in the Lamb as the lamp.
An electrical light 
always needs a bulb or a lamp 
to contain it; 
there is the possibility 
of a person being electrocuted. 
In the New Jerusalem, 
the redeeming Lamb is the lamp, 
and God is within Him as the light. 
This indicates 
that without the redeeming Christ 
to contain the divine light, 
the divine light would “kill” us. 
With the redeeming Christ as the lamp, however, 
the divine light does not kill us; 
it illumines us. 
The killing becomes 
a kind of enlightening 
through the redemption of Christ. 
First Timothy 6:16 tells us 
that God dwells in unapproachable light. 
In Christ, though, 
God becomes approachable. 
Outside of Christ, 
God’s shining is a kind of killing, 
but inside of Christ, 
God’s shining is a kind of illumination. 
Since the day we were saved, 
we began to enjoy God 
as the divine light 
in the redeeming Christ 
illumining us all the time. 
Even today 
we should enjoy God 
in this way.

According to the principle of the new creation, 
we have God in us as light. 
In Him 
there is no darkness at all.
When you are fellowshipping with God, 
you do not need any other light. 
As long as you have Him, 
He is the very light to you 
and you do not need any teaching or doctrine. 
As long as you have the very God 
who is light to you 
in your fellowship with Him, 
there is no need of anything else.

Glory is God expressed. 
In the New Jerusalem 
God is light, 
and His shining is His glory. 
The shining is 
the coming out of the light, 
so when God shines in the city, 
God is expressed in glory, 
first in Christ and through Christ 
and then in the city and through the saints. 
God is the light, 
Christ is the containing lamp, 
and the city’s wall 
bears the divine light 
to express God.

A certain saint 
may be a very good person, 
but he may still be opaque and not transparent 
because he remains in the old creation so much.
When you are with another saint, though, 
you may sense 
that with him everything is transparent 
since he has experienced much transformation in life.
We all need to be transformed to such an extent 
that we are full of light and transparent.

When we open our entire being to Him,
we are in the light, 
and the light is God Himself 
enjoyed by us in our daily life.


Day 3

Eph. 4:4-6
One Body and one Spirit, 
even as also you were called 
in one hope of your calling; 
one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 
one God and Father of all, 
who is over all and through all and in all.

The application of the New Jerusalem 
in its triune existence 
is described in Ephesians 4:4-6. 
These verses show us 
how the church can exist with the Triune God, 
with the Father, with the Lord, and with the Spirit.
We need a vision 
to see how we have to exist 
with God the Father over us, through us, and in us; 
with the Son living in us 
that we may take Him as our life 
to live by Him, to live Him, and to magnify Him; 
and we also have to see 
that the very consummation of the Triune God 
is the reaching Spirit 
who is right now within us. 
He has regenerated us, 
we have been baptized in Him, 
we are drinking Him, 
and He is transforming us. 
He is the very substance and the very essence 
of our church life.
The Spirit, the Lord, and God the Father 
are the substance of our daily existence. 
It is truly marvelous 
that today we can enjoy a foretaste 
of the existence of the New Jerusalem in eternity.

In the triune existence 
we are existing with God the Father, 
who is over all, through all, and in all.
God is the originator of all things 
and the originator of His eternal purpose, His eternal economy. 
As the Father, 
God is the source of life for the Body. 
As the originator, He created us in the old creation, 
and as the source, He regenerated us in the new creation 
to be the church. 
Concerning the old creation, 
we were created by God. 
Concerning the new creation, 
we were regenerated by the Father. 
On the one hand, 
we are still the old creation, 
and on the other hand, 
we are the new creation. 
Ephesians 2:15 tells us 
that through the death of Christ in the flesh, 
one new man has been created, 
and this new man is the Body. 
This Body is 
of God the originator 
and of the Father the source. 
The very originator and the source 
are over all of us, through all of us, and in all of us.

We also need to be those 
existing with the Lord Christ. 
Our existence today 
must be one with Christ 
in the way He lives in us.
Christ living in us 
is a continuation 
of the Father being over us, and eventually in us. 
The Son’s living in us 
is a continuation of the Father’s being in us. 
When God is over us, through us, and in us, 
that is Christ living in us. 
When Christ lives in us, 
we live by Him, 
which means we exist by Him. 
Furthermore, we even live Christ. 
To live by Christ 
is not as high as to live Christ. 
We need to live Christ. 
The very Christ 
whom we live 
is the very substance 
with which we exist. 
We exist with Christ 
as the living substance.

Finally, we should be those 
existing with the Spirit. 
Ephesians 4:4 refers to 
the one Body and the one Spirit. 
This verse indicates 
that the very Spirit 
is the essence and the substance 
of the Body, the church. 
The church today must be 
substantially and essentially the Spirit Himself. 
If there is no Spirit, 
there is no Body, no church. 
Without the Spirit, 
all we have 
is a kind of human congregation.

The Spirit is 
the substance or the essence of the church.
We were regenerated by the Spirit.
We have been baptized in the Spirit.
Now we are those drinking the Spirit.
Day after day 
the Spirit is our drink, 
and whatever we drink 
becomes our intrinsic essence. 
Therefore, the Spirit must be 
the intrinsic essence of the church life. 
Furthermore, we are now being transformed by the Spirit.
He is now transforming us with the divine element, 
which is being added to us 
to replace and discharge the old element of our old nature. 
You and I have to exist with the Spirit 
as our spiritual essence. 
Finally, we are being strengthened and enriched 
by the sevenfold intensified Spirit
for the Body life, 
which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.


Day 2

The second aspect of the triune constitution 
is the pearls 
which are produced 
through the secretion of Christ’s resurrection life.
The divine nature 
was given to us by God, 
but pearls 
are produced 
through the secretion of Christ’s resurrection life 

from the time 
that we entered into Christ. 
When we stay in the death of Christ, 
Christ’s resurrection life 
secretes itself over us, 
making all of us pearls.

When you declare, 
“I have been crucified with Christ,” 
this means 
that you are staying in His death, 
that you would not go away from His death, 
and that His death is your dwelling place. 

When you stay, remain, and abide in Christ’s death, 
then it is no longer you that live 
but Christ that lives in you. 

His living and moving in you 
is the secretion of His resurrection life over you 
to make you a pearl. 

This secreting 
is a constituting.

The seeker’s transformation in Song of Songs 
can be seen in the description of her in 1:10-11: 
“Your cheeks are lovely 
with plaits of ornaments, 
/ Your neck with strings of jewels. 
/ We will make you plaits of gold 
/ With studs of silver.” 
The perfected ones 
coordinate with the transforming Spirit 
to perfect the lover of Christ 
by adding God’s divine nature (plaits of gold) into her. 

Then silver studs 
are added to bind the gold plaits together. 
Silver refers to 
Christ with His all-inclusive redemption 
in His death, His resurrection, and His ascension. 

His death is 
the redeeming, all-terminating, and life-releasing death; 
His resurrection is 
the all-germinating and life-dispensing resurrection; 
and His ascension is 
the all-transcending and all-attaining ascension.
His ascension
transcends everything 
that would frustrate us from going to God. 

We have to receive 
the reality of Christ in all these aspects.

The strings of jewels 
are a sign of the transforming Spirit. 
Thus, the seeker is perfected 
with the Triune God.
Gold signifies 
God the Father in His golden nature; 
silver signifies 
Christ the Son in His all-inclusive redemption; 
and strings of jewels signify 
God the Spirit in His transformation. 

The perfected ones 
help the seeker 
to know God in His nature 
and to experience Christ in His death, resurrection, and ascension. 

This is
to beautify the seeker 
in her submission to God 
through the transformation of the Spirit 
with the divine nature of God (plaits of gold) 
as ornaments
in her expression (cheeks). 

The perfected ones 
also coordinate with the Spirit 
to beautify the seeker 
through the dispensing
of the transforming Spirit 

with the divine life 
expressed as jewels in strings. 

Transformation is 
the working of the Triune God’s attributes 
into the seeking believers 
to become their virtues.

The perfected ones 
who have experienced this kind of transformation 
know how to perfect others. 

We all need to learn 
how to perfect others 
with the attributes of the Triune God.

We should not look 
merely at a person’s mistakes. 

Instead, we should realize 
that they are short 
of God’s golden nature and life. 

They are short 
of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension. 
They are short 
of the Holy Spirit’s work. 
We have to add
all these things to them. 

We should not condemn others; 
instead, we should minister the life-supply to them. 
We need to impress them 
that in the proper church life 
we pay our attention fully to the Triune God: 

God the Father 
as the divine nature and life, 
God the Son 
as the divine element, 
and God the Spirit 
as the transforming One in His divine essence. 
This is 
to minister the Triune God to them.

Such transformation and perfecting 
can take place 
only in the proper church life. 

The Lord directs us 
to the proper church life 
for the purpose of producing the essence of the church 
to constitute the Body of Christ 
for the upcoming consummation of the New Jerusalem.


Day 1

The first intrinsic element 
of the triune constitution of the New Jerusalem
is gold, 
given by the Father 
as the basic element.
Gold in typology 
always refers to God’s divine nature, 
and Peter told us 
that we are partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4).
When we were born of God, 
as the begetting Father 
He imparted His own nature into our being, 
which is the gold 
of the “golden mountain,” the New Jerusalem. 

The city proper 
is like a mountain 
with the height of twelve thousand stadia, 
and Revelation 21:18 tells us 
that the city
was pure gold. 
Also, Revelation 21:21 tells us 
that the street of the city 
was pure gold. 
All of this 
denotes that the divine nature 
is the basic element 
of our spiritual constitution.

Before you were saved, 
who was your ruler? 
What was your administration? 
You yourself tried to be your own ruler 
and you were a mess. 
Actually, you had no ruler or administration. 

One day you heard the gospel, 
which said, 
for the kingdom of the heavens
has drawn near” (Matt. 3:2).
You repented to the divine Ruler 
and came under His administration. 

Through the gospel 
God came to be your kingdom. 
He is the King on the throne. 

Connected to His throne 
is a street 
on which you should walk, 
and that street is His administration. 

From the day you repented, 
you have felt 
that there is 
a throne and a golden street, a golden administration, within you. 

Then you began to do things 
according to the gold, according to the nature of God. 

This is because 
both the throne and the street 
are built on the gold 
as the nature of God.

The high peak of the gospel
brings us back 
to God as our throne, 
to God as our administration. 

We have to live a life 
in which we do everything 
according to God’s nature. 

Ephesians 4 says 
that we should let
no corrupt word proceed 
out of our mouth. 
This is because 
we are children of God. 

Let no corrupt word proceed 
out of your mouth, 

but only that 
which is good for building up, 
according to the need, 
that it may give grace 
to those who hear.

When we speak anything, 
we need to remember 
that we are God’s children; 
we are golden. 

To speak corrupt things 
does not match our golden nature.

If we take this word, 
it will change our life. 
We will be adjusted and regulated 
by the golden nature of God 

in all that we do
according to the golden throne, the golden administration.

All of our fellowship 
should be according to God’s golden nature. 
The river is in the middle of the street, 
and the street is the golden nature. 
In this fellowship 
is the river, the Holy Spirit, 
as our beverage and our supply 

to quench our thirst. 
Then we also have Christ 
as the tree of life 
for our life supply 

to nourish us. 
In order to experience all of this, 
we must be on the golden street, the base of gold. 

We may feel 
that it is enough to say 
that our fellowship with God 
is our contacting God, 
and our fellowship with the saints 
is our contacting the saints. 
But this is not the deciding factor 
concerning whether or not 
our fellowship is the fellowship of God. 

The fellowship of God 
must be based upon God’s divine nature. 
I may go to visit a certain brother every day, 
but is that the real fellowship? 
Whether that is the real fellowship or not 
is determined by
whether or not 
it is based upon the golden nature within me. 

If my contact with a brother 
is not based upon the golden nature, 
then I am making a natural friendship with him. 
I am not practicing the spiritual fellowship of life 

based upon God’s divine nature.

As we enter into 
the experience and application 
of the divine nature of God, 

we make ourselves 
genuine parts of the New Jerusalem. 
Eventually, we become golden in everything.

The inward being of our Christian life 
must be God’s golden nature. 
We should live, walk, and do everything 
based upon the golden nature within us.


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