아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

To Bring In the Kingdom of God (2) The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church

In Matthew 16 the way to build up the church and the enemy of the building are revealed: Christ, the Son of the living God, builds the church on Himself as the rock, with stones such as Peter, a transformed person. The gates of Hades, Satan’s authority or power of darkness, attack the church to […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

To Bring In the Kingdom of God (1) The Kingdom of God as the Spreading of the Divine Life for God’s Eternal Administration

The direction of the Lord’s move today is to bring in the kingdom of God as the spreading of the divine life for God’s eternal administration: The kingdom of God is actually Christ Himself sown into the believers in the church age. The kingdom of God is spreading in Christ’s increasing to be the enlarged, […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (2) Praising Christ as the King in Himself, in the Church as His Queen, and in All His Sons, the Overcomers as the Princes

The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them: The Lord’s recovery is for the fulfillment of Matthew 16:18 and Revelation 19:7-8 —the building up of Christ’s church and the preparation of Christ’s bride. When we as God’s people enter into a love relationship […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (1) The Readiness of the Bride

The direction of the Lord’s move today is to prepare the bride as the counterpart of the Bridegroom for the eternal marriage of the redeeming God with His redeemed. The marriage of the Lamb is the issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy, which is to obtain for Christ a bride, the church, […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ (2) The Revelation and Building Up of the Body of Christ in Ephesians

Each chapter of the book of Ephesians unveils the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God from a particular point of view; we must pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may see the Body of Christ as the top revelation of the Bible. Ephesians […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ (1) Governed by a Vision of the Universal Body of Christ as the Goal of God’s Economy

The direction of the Lord’s move today is to build up the organic Body of Christ as the organism of the processed and dispensing God in His Divine Trinity for His full expression: This organic Body is full of Christ Himself and is built up with Himself as the life-giving Spirit, who is the essence […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Ascension (3) Living with Christ in His Ascension as a New Creation in Resurrection to Engage in Spiritual Warfare for the Kingdom of God

As those  who love the Lord and seek Him,  we are eventually called  by our Beloved  to live with Him  in His ascension  as a new creation in resurrection: Christ expresses  His appreciation of His lover  to prepare her  to receive His call  to live with Him  in His ascension  as a new creation in […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Ascension (2) Christ as the Divine High Priest Interceding for Us

In His ascension  Christ is  the divine High Priest: Christ’s divinity  constitutes Him  a High Priest  who is living,  full of life,  and able to continue  His priesthood  perpetually. Christ has been constituted  the divine High Priest  according to the powerful element  of an indestructible life —the divine, eternal, uncreated,  resurrection life  that has passed […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Ascension (1) Christ Inaugurated, Exalted, and Enthroned to Execute God’s Universal Administration and to Carry Out God’s New Testament Economy through His Body

In His ascension  Christ was inaugurated, exalted, and enthroned  to execute God’s universal administration  and to carry out God’s New Testament economy: Christ’s ascension  was His inauguration into His heavenly offices  for His heavenly ministry;  these offices include  His being  the Lord of all,  the Christ,  the Leader and Savior,  the Ruler of the kings […]

아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection (3) Living in Resurrection for the Reality of the Body of Christ

In order to live in resurrection,  we must see  the unveiled truth  concerning Christ’s resurrection: Christ in His humanity  was begotten by God  in His resurrection  to be the firstborn Son of God  as the Head of the Body. All the believers of Christ  were regenerated by God the Father  through the resurrection of Christ  […]