아침 부흥을 위한 거룩한 말씀

To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (1) The Readiness of the Bride

The direction of the Lord’s move today
is to prepare the bride
as the counterpart of the Bridegroom
for the eternal marriage
of the redeeming God
with His redeemed.

The marriage of the Lamb
is the issue of
the completion of
God’s New Testament economy,
which is
to obtain for Christ
a bride, the church,
through His judicial redemption
and by His organic salvation
in His divine life.

The Lord’s recovery
is for the preparation of the bride,
who is composed of
all His overcomers:

All the overcomers
will be the New Jerusalem,
as the bride of Christ
for one thousand years,
in its initial and fresh stage.

all the believers
will join the overcomers
to consummate and complete
the New Jerusalem
in full
as the wife of Christ
in the new heaven and new earth
for eternity.

The readiness of the bride
depends on the maturity in life
of the overcomers:

In the maturity of the divine life,
the lover of Christ
becomes the Shulammite,
signifying that she
has become
the reproduction and duplication
of Christ
to match Him
for their marriage.

In the New Testament
the word mature
is used to refer to
the believers’ being full-grown
and perfected
in the life of God,
indicating that we
need to grow and mature
unto perfection
in the divine life.

We need to continue to grow
until we are matured
in the divine life
to become a full-grown man,
arriving at
the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ.

We need to learn
of the apostle Paul
to pursue
the growth and maturity
in the life of Christ.

A mature believer
knows the Body,
cares for the Body,
and honors the Body,
being Body-conscious
and Body-centered.

The overcomers
who constitute the bride
are not separate individuals
but a corporate bride;
for this aspect of the bride,
building is needed:

The overcomers
are not only mature
in life
but also built together
as one bride.

The central and divine thought
of the Scriptures
is that God
is seeking a divine building
as the mingling of Himself
with humanity;
He is seeking
a living composition
of living persons
redeemed by
and mingled with Himself.

The principle of God’s building
is that God
builds Himself
into man
and builds man
into Himself;
God mingling with man
is God building Himself into man,
and man mingling with God
is man being built into God.

God’s building
is the corporate expression
of the Triune God.

To be built up
with fellow believers
is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement
of His faithful seekers
according to one of the divine attributes
—the divine oneness.

As the bride,
the counterpart of the Bridegroom,
the church
needs beauty:

“Your eyes
will see the King
in His beauty”
(Isa. 33:17a);
“the King
will desire
your beauty”
(Psa. 45:11a).

In the corporate constitution
of the Body of Christ,
there is
much beauty, excellency, and virtue.

The virtues
manifested by us Christians
should be
the manifestation of the glory and beauty
in the divine attributes;
a Christian
is one
who has divinity
as his element and reality,
from which the divine glory and beauty
are expressed
through the human virtues.

The beauty of the bride
is for the presentation of the bride
to Christ
as the Bridegroom:

The beauty of the bride
comes from the Christ
who is wrought
into the church
and who is then expressed
through the church.

Our only beauty
is the shining out of Christ
from within us.

What Christ appreciates in us
is the expression of Himself.

According to Revelation 19:11-21,
will come
as the fighting General
with His bride,
the overcoming believers
who are His army,
to fight against Antichrist,
the kings under him,
and their armies
at Armageddon:

When Christ comes
with His army
to fight against Antichrist
and his armies,
He will come
as the Son of Man,
and as the Son of Man,
He will need
a counterpart, His bride,
to match and complete Him.

Before His coming back,
Christ will have a wedding,
uniting His overcomers
to Himself as one entity:

Christ will marry the one
who has been fighting the battle
against God’s enemy
for years.

In Revelation 19
will marry the overcomers,
who have already overcome
the evil one.

After His wedding
will come with His bride
to destroy Antichrist.

The wedding garment
—Christ lived out of us
as our subjective righteousness—
qualifies us
not only to attend the wedding
but also to join in the army
to fight with Christ
against Antichrist
in the ultimate war
—the war at Armageddon.

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7 replies on “To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (1) The Readiness of the Bride”

Prophecy note, 12 February 2017
The direction of the Lord’s move today
is to prepare the bride
as the counterpart of the Bridegroom
for the eternal marriage
of the redeeming God
with His redeemed.

The marriage of the Lamb
is the issue of
the completion of
God’s New Testament economy,
which is
to obtain for Christ
a bride, the church,
through His judicial redemption
and by His organic salvation
in His divine life.

The Lord’s recovery
is for the preparation of the bride,
who is composed of
all His overcomers:

All the overcomers
will be the New Jerusalem,
as the bride of Christ
for one thousand years,
in its initial and fresh stage.

all the believers
will join the overcomers
to consummate and complete
the New Jerusalem
in full
as the wife of Christ
in the new heaven and new earth
for eternity.

The readiness of the bride
depends on the maturity in life
of the overcomers:

In the maturity of the divine life,
the lover of Christ
becomes the Shulammite,
signifying that she
has become
the reproduction and duplication
of Christ
to match Him
for their marriage.

In the New Testament
the word mature
is used to refer to
the believers’ being full-grown
and perfected
in the life of God,
indicating that we
need to grow and mature
unto perfection
in the divine life.

We need to continue to grow
until we are matured
in the divine life
to become a full-grown man,
arriving at
the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ.

We need to learn
of the apostle Paul
to pursue
the growth and maturity
in the life of Christ.

A mature believer
knows the Body,
cares for the Body,
and honors the Body,
being Body-conscious
and Body-centered.

The overcomers
who constitute the bride
are not separate individuals
but a corporate bride;
for this aspect of the bride,
building is needed:

The overcomers
are not only mature
in life
but also built together
as one bride.

The central and divine thought
of the Scriptures
is that God
is seeking a divine building
as the mingling of Himself
with humanity;
He is seeking
a living composition
of living persons
redeemed by
and mingled with Himself.

The principle of God’s building
is that God
builds Himself
into man
and builds man
into Himself;
God mingling with man
is God building Himself into man,
and man mingling with God
is man being built into God.

God’s building
is the corporate expression
of the Triune God.

To be built up
with fellow believers
is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement
of His faithful seekers
according to one of the divine attributes
—the divine oneness.

As the bride,
the counterpart of the Bridegroom,
the church
needs beauty:

“Your eyes
will see the King
in His beauty”
(Isa. 33:17a);
“the King
will desire
your beauty”
(Psa. 45:11a).

In the corporate constitution
of the Body of Christ,
there is
much beauty, excellency, and virtue.

The virtues
manifested by us Christians
should be
the manifestation of the glory and beauty
in the divine attributes;
a Christian
is one
who has divinity
as his element and reality,
from which the divine glory and beauty
are expressed
through the human virtues.

The beauty of the bride
is for the presentation of the bride
to Christ
as the Bridegroom:

The beauty of the bride
comes from the Christ
who is wrought
into the church
and who is then expressed
through the church.

Our only beauty
is the shining out of Christ
from within us.

What Christ appreciates in us
is the expression of Himself.

According to Revelation 19:11-21,
will come
as the fighting General
with His bride,
the overcoming believers
who are His army,
to fight against Antichrist,
the kings under him,
and their armies
at Armageddon:

When Christ comes
with His army
to fight against Antichrist
and his armies,
He will come
as the Son of Man,
and as the Son of Man,
He will need
a counterpart, His bride,
to match and complete Him.

Before His coming back,
Christ will have a wedding,
uniting His overcomers
to Himself as one entity:

Christ will marry the one
who has been fighting the battle
against God’s enemy
for years.

In Revelation 19
will marry the overcomers,
who have already overcome
the evil one.

After His wedding
will come with His bride
to destroy Antichrist.

The wedding garment
—Christ lived out of us
as our subjective righteousness—
qualifies us
not only to attend the wedding
but also to join in the army
to fight with Christ
against Antichrist
in the ultimate war
—the war at Armageddon.

Day 6
Eph. 6:13
Therefore take up
the whole armor of God
that you
may be able to withstand
in the evil day,
and having done all,
to stand.

Rev. 19:14
And the armies
which are in heaven
followed Him
on white horses,
dressed in fine linen,
white and clean.

We come to the war
at Armageddon.
After His wedding feast,
Christ will come
as a fighting General
with His bride,
the overcoming believers
who are His army,
to fight Antichrist,
the kings under him,
and their armies
at Armageddon.

The Bridegroom
is the Commander-in-chief,
and the bride
is the army.
What a honeymoon
this will be!
During His honeymoon
will clear up
the universe.

In His coming
to crush human government,
Christ will be
the Husband
with the overcomers
as His bride.
This means
that before He descends
to earth
to deal with the ten toes
and then with the entire image,
He will have
a wedding.
After His wedding,
He will come
with His newly-married bride
to destroy Antichrist,
who with his army
will fight against God directly.

Human government
not only rebels against God,
exalts man,
and worships idols
but also fights against God directly.
Christ, the embodiment of God,
will come with His bride
to crush the human government.

When Christ comes
as the smiting stone,
He will not come alone.
He will come
with His bride.
This is
because when Christ
comes to fight
against Antichrist and his army,
He will come
as the Son of Man.
As the Son of Man,
He will need
a counterpart
to match Him and complete Him.
This counterpart
will be His bride.
After gaining and marrying the church
as His bride,
Christ will come
as the smiting stone.
If Christ did not have a bride,
He would have to fight alone
against Antichrist and his army.
Christ will have
an army,
and this army
will be His bride.
On the day of His wedding,
Christ will marry the one
who has been fighting the battle
against God’s enemy
for years.
This means
that Christ will marry
the overcomers,
who have already overcome
the evil one, the devil.
As the God-cut stone,
Christ with His overcomers
—the corporate Christ—
will strike
the ten kings with Antichrist,
signified by
the ten toes
of the great human image.
In so doing,
the corporate Christ
will crush the great image
from the toes
to the head;
that is,
the corporate Christ
with His newly-married bride
composed of the overcomers—
will come
as a stone
cut without hands
and smite the human government into pieces.
In this way,
Christ with His bride
will annihilate human government.

The armies in Revelation 19:14
are the called and chosen believers in 17:14.
They are
also both the bride
and the guests
invited to the marriage dinner of the Lamb.
The guests
invited to the wedding feast
and the bride
are the same.
The bride
consists of the invited guests,
and the invited guests
make up the bride.
After the wedding,
all the guests
will become the army.

Revelation 19:14 says
that the armies
are dressed
in fine linen, white and clean.
…The overcoming saints
have two garments,
the one for salvation
and the other for reward.
The fine linen here
is the second garment.
This second garment of the overcomers
qualifies them
both to attend
the marriage dinner of the Lamb
and to fight with the Lord
against His enemy.
the wedding garment
becomes the fighting garment.
The second garment
qualifies us
not only to attend the wedding
but also to join the army.
As we have seen,
this garment
is Christ
lived out of us
to be our daily righteousness.
Even today,
we are fighting
by Christ as our garment.
Ephesians 6
indicates that the whole armor of God
is Christ.
the Lord’s army
will be on white horses.
We shall not be guerrillas;
we shall be
a properly formed heavenly army.

Day 5
Rev. 19:7-8
Let us rejoice and exult,
and let us give the glory to Him,
for the marriage of the Lamb
has come,
and His wife
has made herself ready.
And it was given to her
that she
should be clothed in fine linen,
bright and clean;
for the fine linen
is the righteousnesses
of the saints.

The growth in Ephesians 4
is for the function of the new man,
whereas the beauty in chapter 5
is for the presentation of the bride.
…When Christ
presents the church to Himself,
the church
will not be a strong man;
she will be
a beautiful bride.
Christ is
the universal Man.
As this universal Man,
He needs the church
to be His bride
to match Him.
In order to be
the bride of Christ,
the church
must become beautiful
and have all the spots and wrinkles removed.

This union,
the life union of
Christ and His Body,
is a great mystery
in the universe.
This mystery
is the processed Triune God
being joined and mingled
with the regenerated and transformed tripartite man
to become
a universal couple.
This is
the ultimate point
of the mingling of God and man.
God is
the principal character,
and man is
His counterpart.
The two
share the same nature;
they live and walk together.
In other words,
divinity is living in humanity
to become the reality of humanity,
and the human virtues
are living out the divine glory and beauty
to become
the expression of divinity.
Divinity and humanity
are mingled
as one.
Divinity is
the content and the reality within,
and humanity is
the manifestation and beauty without.
The virtues
manifested by us Christians
should be
the manifestation
of the glory and beauty
in the divine attributes.
…A Christian
is one
who has divinity
as his element and reality,
from which the divine glory and beauty
are expressed
through the human virtues.
This is
the expression of God.

One day
the church
will be not only clean and pure
but also without blemish, without mixture.
The church
will be the expression of God Himself
mingled with a resurrected, uplifted, and transformed humanity.
This is
the glorious church,
the church
that is
holy and without blemish.

The spots and wrinkles
do not affect
the function of the church.
they very much detract
from the beauty of the church.
The church
as Christ’s bride
must be beautiful.
When Christ
presents the church
to Himself,
the church
will be
a beautiful bride.
…In order to be
the bride of Christ,
the church
must become beautiful
and have all the spots and wrinkles removed.

at the time of her presentation to Christ,
the bride
will not have
any wrinkles or spots.
In His bride
Christ will behold
nothing but beauty.
This beauty
will be the reflection
of what He is.
The beauty
of the bride
comes from the Christ
who is wrought into the church
and expressed through the church.
Our beauty
is not our behavior;
our only beauty
is the reflection of Christ,
the shining out of Christ
from within us.
What Christ appreciates in us
is the expression of Himself.

we must prepare ourselves
to be the bride
by taking in the element of Christ’s riches
as our nourishment.
Christ is
the food
for the church.
as she prepares herself
to be presented to Christ,
the church
must eat Christ.
There is
no other way
to be prepared.
Eating Jesus
is the way.
By eating Him
we become
a beautiful and even glorious bride.

Christ must come into us
and then
be assimilated by us.
He will be able
to shine out of us.
This shining
is the glory of the bride,
the manifestation of divinity
through humanity.
Real beauty
is the expression of the divine attributes
through humanity.
Nothing in the universe
is as beautiful
as this expression.
the beauty of the bride
is Christ
shining out of us.
It is
a matter of divinity
expressed through humanity.

Day 4
John 17:22
And the glory
which You have given Me
I have given to them,
that they
may be one,
even as We
are one.

Isa. 33:17
Your eyes
will see the King
in His beauty…

God has
only one image,
and since His image
is one,
He can only have
one expression.
There are
many thousands of Christians
on this earth.
How then can so many
be just one expression of God?
The answer
is in God’s building!
We must have
the building.
I do not have words
to express
what is on my heart
concerning this matter.
There is a vision
open to me continuously
day and night.
on the negative side,
it is impossible
for any single individual
to express God
in a full way;
on the positive side,
the proper and adequate expression of God
must be
a coordinated, corporate expression.
God’s desire and purpose
is that He
be expressed and represented
through man
on this earth.
But this is possible
only when we
are being mutually coordinated
and built up together.

God’s first created man
failed to be His one expression,
but the principle
still holds:
the other man
created by God
—the new man—
is to be
that all-inclusive, corporate man,
God’s real expression
on this earth.
…In the early years
of my Christian life
I did not see
this building principle.
I was
struggling and striving,
seeking and fighting.
One day
the Lord
opened my eyes.
I saw
that there was
no need
for me
to struggle, fight, and toil any longer.
I need
only to abide in the Body.
As long as each member
of my physical body
abides in the body,
everything is
all right.

The building
is something
which is critical
to the accomplishment
of God’s eternal economy.

To be built up
with the fellow believers
is the Lord’s supreme and highest requirement
to His faithful seekers
according to
one of the divine attributes
of the Divine Trinity.
Our oneness,
to which we testify
in the Lord’s table meeting,
is according to
the divine oneness,
which is
an attribute of
the Divine Trinity.

Being built up
with the fellow partakers
of the divine life
is the highest virtue
of the one
who pursues after Christ
in God’s eternal economy.
is the highest requirement,
and being built up
is the highest virtue.

In Ephesians 1
we have
a general sketch
of the church,
and in chapter 2,
the creation, birth, and formation
of the one new man.
…In chapter 4
we have
the growth
of this new man
for functioning.
Also in chapter 4
we see the daily life
of the new man.
…In chapter 5
we come to
the presentation of the church
to Christ.
At the time of
this presentation,
the church
will be the bride,
not the new man.
As the new man,
the church
needs the functions.
But as the bride,
the church
needs beauty.

We may wonder
why there are three
in the Godhead
and not one.
If there were
only one
in the divine Godhead,
there would be
no beauty and no excellency.
All the beauty, the excellency,
the attributes, and the virtues
found in the Godhead
depend upon
the divine Godhead
being three
yet one.
Three yet one
—here is
the beauty;
here is
the excellency.

in the corporate constitution
of the Body of Christ,
composed of
millions of members,
there is
much beauty, excellency, and virtue.
Millions of members
have been composed together
and constituted together
to become members
one of another.
In this corporate constitution
are many beauties, excellencies,
virtues, and attributes.
all of these millions of members .
will be
the constituents of the New Jerusalem,
which will be
the ultimate, corporate expression
of the Triune God,
full of beauty.

In the church life,
in the Body life,
in the new man,
it is marvelous
to see saints
from every race and background .
meeting together
in oneness.
To have harmony
in the church life
requires humility and selflessness.
The harmony
in the church life
is beautiful.

Day 3
Col. 1:28
Whom we announce,
admonishing every man
and teaching every man
in all wisdom
that we
may present every man
in Christ.

John 14:20
In that day
you will know
that I am in My Father,
and you in Me,
and I in you.

The apostle’s ministry,
whether in announcing Christ
or in admonishing and teaching men
in all wisdom,
was altogether to minister Christ to men
that they
might become perfect and complete
by maturing with Christ
as the element of the divine life
unto full growth.

To practice the truth
is to take care of the Body.
Sometimes the Body is strong,
and sometimes the Body is weak,
but it is still the Body.
If we
come back to the truth
and take care of
the proper order in the Body,
the Body
will immediately become stronger.
All the problems
are due to one thing:
not seeing,
not knowing,
and not caring for
the Body.
We have to honor
the Body.

need to be adjusted
in our thinking.
If we trace
the history of the thought
concerning the heavenly mansions,
we will find
that it comes from
the teaching of Roman Catholicism
based on superstition.
We do believe
that there is a Paradise
prepared by God,
but we
must realize and remember well
that the divine thought
in the entire Scriptures
is not that God
is seeking a physical habitation.
A physical habitation
can never satisfy God.
The central and divine thought
of the Scriptures
is that God
is seeking a divine building
as the mingling of Himself
with humanity.
He is seeking
a living composition
of living persons
redeemed by
and mingled with Himself.

After His creation,
and is still carrying out
the work of
the divine building.
Even today
God is doing
the work of
the divine building,
which is
to mingle Himself with man.
We preach the gospel
not merely to win souls
or save souls from hell
but to minister God Himself
through the Spirit
to man
so that God
can be mingled with man.
In this way
we gain the materials
for the divine building.
we minister Christ
to the saints
so that they
can be mingled
and built up together
with Christ.
This is
the basic and central thought
behind what we do.

The principle of God’s building
is that God
builds Himself into us
and builds us into Him;
that is,
God mingles
Himself with us,
divinity with humanity,
as one building.
To create
is to bring something into existence
out of nothing.
on the other hand,
means that two things
that are already here
are put together.
God is here,
and man is here,
but now
there is
the need of some work
to bring God together with man
as one
and to bring so many persons together
as one
in God and with God.
This is the work of building.

we know
the principle of God’s building,
and we know
what God’s work is
in these days,
the period, the age, of building.
What God always has been doing,
and what He still is doing,
is working Himself into us,
working us into God,
and bringing all of us together
as one
in God and through God.
We may illustrate this
with concrete.
God is the cement,
the Spirit is the water,
and we are the stones.
When the cement
is put into the water
and the stones
are put into the cement,
the stones
are bound together
by the cement and water.
The result
is a building of concrete.

first carried out
His building work
by coming
as the divine person
to be incarnated into humanity
to build
a man with God,
that is,
to build
a God-man.
In the four thousand years
from the time of Adam
to the time of Christ,
there were
many millions of people,
but not one of them
was a building
of God with man.
Before the incarnation,
God was God,
and man was man.
God and man, man and God,
were never mingled
as one
until the day
that God Himself
was incarnated
to be born
in a manger
as a man.
This man
was a unique man,
God mingled with man,
a man with God,
a God-man.
What God did
to work Himself into man
and work man into Himself
was the beginning
of the divine building.

Day 2
Rev. 21:9
And one of the seven angels
who had the seven bowls
full of the seven last plagues
came and spoke with me,
Come here;
I will show you
the bride, the wife
of the Lamb.

Eph. 4:13
Until we all
arrive at the oneness
of the faith
and of the full knowledge
of the Son of God,
at a full-grown man,
at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

In eternity
the New Jerusalem
will be
the wife of Christ.
On the wedding day,
the wife is the bride,
but after the wedding day
she is
no longer the bride
but simply the wife.
The believers
who do not overcome
in this age
will participate in
the New Jerusalem
as the wife,
but they
will have
no share
in her
as the bride
because they
will mature too late.
The New Jerusalem
in eternity future
will be
with the addition of
all the saints
for their maturity
in the divine life
through the discipline
in the kingdom age.
This will be
for the eternal expression,
to its fullest extent,
of the processed Triune God
in, with, and through
all the regenerated, transformed, and glorified
tripartite saints
in eternity.

The readiness of the Bride
depends upon
the maturity in life
of the overcomers.

is the feminine form
of Solomon,
derived from the root
meaning peace.
The use of this name
in Song of Songs 6:13
indicates that at this point
she has become
Solomon’s duplication,
the same as Solomon
in life, nature, expression, and function,
as Eve was to Adam.
This signifies
that in the maturity of Christ’s life
the lover of Christ
becomes the reproduction of Christ,
the same as He is
in life, nature, expression, and function
(but not in the Godhead)
to match Him
for their marriage.

In the life aspect
of the full salvation
prepared by God
for us,
the transformation in life
which we experience
spontaneously causes us
to grow in the spiritual life
unto maturity.
our experience
also enters into
the aspect of maturity
in the growth of life.

The meaning of
the word mature
in Greek
is “at the end point.”
…This word
is used many times
in the New Testament,
referring to
the believers’ being full-grown,
and perfected
in the life of God,
which they receive
at the time of regeneration.
It indicates
that although we
receive the life of God
when we are regenerated,
after regeneration
we still need
to grow and mature
unto perfection in this life.

The wisdom in God’s economy
can be spoken
only to the full-grown.
To enter
into God’s New Testament economy,
into God’s eternal plan,
requires that we
grow and mature
in the life of God.

After being regenerated,
we begin to grow
by the divine renewing,
and transformation
until we mature
in the divine life
to be a full-grown man,
at the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ,
being conformed to
the image of Christ,
the firstborn Son of God.

The fullness of Christ
is the Body of Christ.
Christ’s Body
is not something empty or formless;
it is an organism
with a measure
of the stature
of its fullness
in its breadth, length,
height, and depth.
Thank the Lord
that God has regenerated us
that we
may begin to have
His divine element.
Following this,
we still need
to be built up, established, and shaped
in God’s organic salvation.
after we have been shaped
through transformation,
it is still not enough.
We need to continue to grow
until we are matured
in the divine life
to become a full-grown man.
we can arrive at
the measure of the stature
of the fullness of Christ
and be conformed to
the image of Christ,
the firstborn Son of God.

Day 1
John 3:29
who has the bride
is the bridegroom;
but the friend of the bridegroom,
who stands and hears him,
rejoices with joy
because of the bridegroom’s voice…

Rev. 21:2
And I saw
the holy city, New Jerusalem,
coming down
out of heaven
from God,
prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband.

The direction
of the Lord’s move today
is…to prepare
His bride, the church,
as His (the Bridegroom’s) counterpart
for the eternal marriage,
the universal marriage,
of the redeeming God
with His redeemed people.
This universal marriage
was typified by
the union of the people of Israel
with their redeeming God
and is clearly revealed
in the New Testament.

In Revelation 19:7 and 8
we see
that Christ
and His counterpart, His bride,
will be married
at His coming back.
Verse 7 says,
“Let us rejoice and exult,
and let us give the glory to Him,
for the marriage of the Lamb
has come,
and His wife
has made herself ready.”
The marriage of the Lamb
is the issue of
the completion of
God’s New Testament economy.
God’s economy
in the New Testament
is to obtain
for Christ
a bride, the church,
through His redemption and divine life.
By the continual working
of the Holy Spirit
through all the centuries,
this goal
will be attained
at the end of this age.
the bride
will be ready.

As the Lamb,
needs a wedding.
The Gospel of John
that Christ
is the Lamb
who came
to take away sin
and also the Bridegroom
who came
that He
might have the bride.
Christ’s goal
is not to remove sin;
His goal
is to have the bride.
In the book of Revelation
we see
that Christ
is the Lamb
and the coming Bridegroom.
As the Bridegroom,
He must have
a wedding.

We need to emphasize
the marriage
of Christ and His bride
so that we
may know
that our position
is that of the bride
and the position of the coming Christ
is that of the Bridegroom.
We are on earth
preparing to become the bride
to meet Him,
and He is
on the throne
in the third heaven
prepared to come
as the Bridegroom
to meet us.
He is coming
as the Bridegroom,
and we are going
as the bride.
When we meet Him
at His coming back,
we shall have
a wedding.

What God wants
is the New Jerusalem,
which will be
the totality of
what the overcomers are.
all the overcomers
will be the New Jerusalem,
as the bride of Christ
for one thousand years,
in its initial and fresh stage.
These one thousand years
will be counted
as one day, the wedding day.
This will be
the initial and fresh stage
of the New Jerusalem
as the bride of Christ.

The overcomers
will also be
the New Jerusalem
as the present Paradise of God
in the millennial kingdom.
This bride
will be the Paradise of God.
The three things
are one:
the bride,
the city,
and the Paradise
of God.

the New Jerusalem
will be consummated and completed
in full,
as the tabernacle of God
and the wife of Christ
in the new heaven and new earth
for eternity.
In the kingdom of one thousand years,
the New Jerusalem
will be composed
only of the overcomers.
Besides the overcomers
there will be
a great number of immature saints,
but after the thousand-year kingdom,
all the believers
will be matured.
The Lord
has a way
to cause all the believers
to be matured.
If we
do not get matured
in this age,
we will be matured
in the next age.
The process of being matured
in the next age,
will be very severe.
all of the believers
will join the overcomers
to make the New Jerusalem
larger than it was
in the thousand-year kingdom.
That will consummate and complete
the New Jerusalem
in full,
as the tabernacle of God
and the wife of Christ
in the new heaven and new earth
for eternity.

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