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Having the Glory of God

“And he … showed me
the holy city, Jerusalem
… having the glory of God”
(Rev. 21:10-11):

Glory is
the expression of God, God expressed in splendor.

An outstanding feature of the New Jerusalem 
is that it has the glory of God, His expression :

The entire city of New Jerusalem 
will bear the glory of God, 
which is God Himself 
shining out through the city.

The glory of God 
will actually be the content of the New Jerusalem, 
for this city will be completely filled with His glory; 
this indicates 
that the city is a vessel 
to contain God and express Him.

The glory of God 
is actually God Himself 
being manifested; 
the fact that the New Jerusalem 
is full of God’s glory 
means that God is manifested in this city.

The church today 
also should have God’s glory, 
manifesting and expressing Him 
in this marvelous divine attribute.

The glory of God 
is intrinsically related to 
the economy of God :

God is a God of glory.

God’s purpose 
is to bring many sons 
into glory.

God created us as vessels 
prepared unto glory.

Sin is 
falling short of God’s glory.

Christ’s redemption 
has fulfilled 
the requirements of God’s glory.

Through the gospel of the glory of God, 
God has called us 
into His eternal glory.

We have been predestined for God’s glory, 
called into it, 
and will be brought into it.

Christ in us 
is the hope of glory.

We are being transformed 
into the Lord’s image 
from glory to glory.

The goal of God’s organic salvation, 
and the last stage of this salvation, 
is glory.

Christ as the Author, the Captain, the Pioneer, 
of our salvation 
is leading many sons 
into glory.

We will enter 
into the highest stage of oneness
—the oneness in the divine glory.

There is 
glory to God 
in the church.

There will be 
the glory of God 
in the kingdom.

The believers 
will be glorified with Christ 
to bear the glory of God 
for God’s expression 
in the New Jerusalem.

The glory of God 
in the economy of God 
involves deification
—God becoming man 
that man may become God 
in life, in nature, and in expression.

God has called us 
to enter into His kingdom and glory :

God’s glory 
goes with His kingdom 
and is expressed 
in the realm of His kingdom :

The kingdom is the realm 
for God to exercise His power 
so that He may express His glory.

The shining of the kingdom 
is for the glorification of the Father.

The kingdom of God 
is God being manifested through us; 
the expression of God from within us 
is the kingdom.

The kingdom of God 
is God’s manifestation 
in His glory 
with His authority 
for His divine administration; 
hence, entering into the kingdom of God 
and entering into the expressed glory of God 
take place at the same time 
as one thing.

Through the gospel 
God has called us 
“unto the obtaining of the glory 
of our Lord Jesus Christ” :

The glory which the Father has given the Son 
is the sonship with the Father’s life and divine nature 
to express the Father in His fullness.

This glory the Son has given to His believers 
so that they also may have the sonship 
with the Father’s life and divine nature 
to express the Father in the Son in His fullness.

God has called us 
unto the obtaining of 
this glory, the glory of the divine life and the divine nature 
to express the Divine Being.

The gospel is 
the gospel of the glory of Christ :

Christ is 
the image of God 
and the effulgence of His glory; 
hence, the gospel of Christ 
is the gospel of His glory 
that illuminates and shines forth.

The gospel is 
the gospel of the glory of Christ, 
which illuminates, radiates, and shines 
in our hearts.

Through the illumination 
of the gospel of the glory of Christ, 
the Christ of glory as the excellent treasure 
is received by the believers; 
now the shining reality of Christ, 
the embodiment and expression of the Triune God, 
is the treasure within us.

God shines in our hearts 
that we may shine on others 
so that they may have 
the knowledge of the glory of God 
in the face of Jesus Christ, 
that is, the knowledge of Christ, 
who expresses and declares God.

Those who receive 
the gospel of glory through our shining 
will have Christ as the precious treasure 
dispensed into them; 
then, like us, 
they will be earthen vessels 
containing this priceless treasure.

The Lord Jesus 
is coming 
“to be glorified in His saints” (2 Thes. 1:10):

Christ is the Lord of glory, 
and He was glorified 
in His resurrection and ascension.

Christ is in us 
as the hope of glory 
to bring us into glory.

The coming again of Christ in glory 
has two aspects:

On the one hand, 
the Lord Jesus 
will come from the heavens with glory.

On the other hand, 
He will be glorified in His saints; 
that is, His glory 
will be manifested 
from within His members, 
causing their body of humiliation 
to be transfigured into His glory, 
conforming it 
to the body of His glory.

“He comes, He comes, 
Christ comes 
to glorify me! 
/ My body He’ll transfigure, 
like His own 
it then will be. 
/ He comes, He comes, 
redemption to apply! 
/ As Hope of glory 
He will come, 
His saints to glorify” 
(Hymns, #949).


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Prophecy note, 17 August 2014
When others see 
that we are not anxious about our living, 
the light of the lamp 
will penetrate into their being 
and shine within them. 
This is not the general shining from outside; 
it is the particular shining from within. 
If we are proper kingdom people, 
we shall be a lamp 
without any covering 
shining into others. 
This inward shining 
penetrates the inward being of others 
and convinces them.

Everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus 
will eventually become a glorified son of God. 
We will all be brought into the glory of God 
and shine with His glory. 
This is the full salvation of all those 
who believe in Christ. 
At that time, 
we will bear
the righteousness of God outwardly, 
be saturated
with the holiness of God inwardly, 
and shine in the realm of His full glory
as His sons. 
In this glory 
God will be expressed
in a full way 
in His redeemed, transformed,
and glorified people. 
This will be the ultimate issue 
of the dispensing 
of the processed Triune God.

The shining of God in our hearts 
is to illumine us 
that we may know 
the glory in Christ’s face. 
The glory of God 
manifested in the face of Jesus Christ 
is the God of glory 
expressed through Jesus Christ, 
who is the effulgence of the glory of God; 
to know Him 
is to know the God of glory.
God shines in our hearts 
that we may shine on others 
so that they may have 
the knowledge of the glory of God 
in the face of Jesus Christ, 
that is, the knowledge of Christ, 
who expresses and declares God.

For us to be redeemed in our body 
is not only to enjoy the full divine sonship 
but also to have our body of humiliation
and conformed to the body of Christ’s glory. 
When the Lord Jesus returns, 
our body will be 
transfigured, fully redeemed, glorified. 
This is 
the ultimate consummation
of God’s salvation. 
After we are transfigured, 
we will be the same as Christ 
in all three parts of our being.

Day 6

2 Thes. 1:10
When He comes 
to be glorified in His saints 
and to be marveled at in all those 
who have believed 
(because our testimony to you 
was believed) 
in that day.

Col. 1:27
To whom God willed to make known 
what are the riches 
of the glory of this mystery 
among the Gentiles, 
which is 
Christ in you, the hope of glory.

In 2 Thessalonians 1:10 
Paul speaks of Christ 
coming to be glorified in His saints.
The Lord is 
the Lord of glory. 
He has been glorified 
in His resurrection and ascension. 
Now He is in us 
as the hope of glory 
to bring us into glory. 
At His coming back, 
on the one hand, 
He will come 
from the heavens with glory, 
and on the other hand, 
He will be glorified 
in His saints. 
For Him to be glorified in His saints 
means that His glory will be manifested 
from within His members. 
It will transfigure their body of humiliation 
into His glory 
like His glorified body. 
He will be 
marveled at, admired, wondered at, 
in us, His believers, 
by the unbelievers.

From Colossians 1:27 
we know 
that we have Christ in us 
as our hope of glory. 
This indwelling Christ 
is the coming glory. 
Christ will come 
from the heavens, 
but He will also come out 
from within us. 
Therefore, the coming of the Lord 
is both from the heavens to the earth 
and also from within us. 
For Christ to come from within us 
is for Him to be glorified in us. 
Christ is now within us as glory. 
But this Christ of glory 
is concealed in us; 
He has not yet been manifested. 
At His coming back, 
the Christ of glory within us 
will be glorified in us. 
This means 
that He will come out of us 
and will be made manifest from within us. 
Thus, His coming 
will be a marvel. 
This is the reason 
that Paul says 
that when Christ comes, 
He will be glorified in His saints 
and marveled at in all those who believe.
The Christ 
who is glorified in us 
will be marveled at 
by unbelievers.

We have Christ in us, 
and we are in the process of being filled with Christ. 
But our Christ is veiled, 
even to us. 
When the Christ of glory 
comes out from within us 
and is manifested, 
others will marvel at us.
The day will come 
when the Christ in you, the hidden Christ, 
will be made manifest. 
That manifestation 
will actually be 
the glorification of Christ in us. 
When He comes out from within us, 
He will be marveled at 
by all the unbelievers.

For us to be redeemed in our body 
is not only to enjoy the full divine sonship 
but also to have our body of humiliation transfigured 
and conformed to the body of Christ’s glory. 
When the Lord Jesus returns, 
our body will be 
transfigured, fully redeemed, glorified. 
This is 
the ultimate consummation of God’s salvation. 
After we are transfigured, 
we will be the same as Christ 
in all three parts of our being.

In Philippians 3:21 
Paul refers to our body 
as “the body of our humiliation.” 
This describes our natural body, 
which is made of worthless dust 
and damaged by sin, weakness, sickness, and death. 
But one day 
this body will be transfigured 
and conformed to the body of Christ’s glory. 
Christ’s body of glory 
is His resurrected body, 
which is a mystery. 
On the day of His resurrection, 
He appeared to His disciples 
with such a body. 
Although He had a body 
that could be seen and touched, 
He came into a room 
while the doors were shut. 
Christ’s resurrected body, 
the body of Christ’s glory, 
is saturated with God’s glory 
and transcendent over corruption and death.

The transfiguration of our body 
will take place 
at Christ’s appearing from the heavens. 
At the time of the Lord’s coming back, 
He will transfigure our body of humiliation. 
Hence, we are waiting for Christ to come back 
so that we may be brought 
into the ultimate consummation of God’s salvation
—the transfiguration of our body.


Day 5

2 Cor. 4:4
In whom 
the god of this age 
has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers 
that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, 
who is the image of God, 

might not shine on them.

2 Cor. 4:7
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels 
that the excellency of the power 
may be of God 
and not out of us.

Second Corinthians 4:4 indicates 
that the terms God, image, Christ, glory, gospel, and illumination 
are all in apposition to one another; 
thus, they all 
refer to the same wonderful person. 
God is the image, 
the image is Christ, 
Christ is the glory, 
the glory is the gospel, 
and the gospel is the illumination.
The image of God 
is Christ. 
As the image of God, 
Christ is the expression of the invisible God.
Christ is the glory. 
This is confirmed by Hebrews 1:3, 
which says 
that Christ is the effulgence of God’s glory.
Christ, the glory, 
is the gospel. 
Acts tells us 
that the believers preached 
Christ Jesus as the gospel. 
This shows 
that the gospel is not 
something separate from Christ; 
rather, Christ is the gospel.

The gospel is God Himself 
embodied and expressed in Christ.

The gospel is 
the illumination, the enlightenment. 
The gospel is 
the gospel of the glory of Christ, 
which illuminates, radiates, and shines 
in the heart of man. 
When the gospel came to us, 
it came to us by shining, 
and this shining brought into us Christ, 
who is the image of the processed Triune God. 
As a result, 
Christ, the living person, 
was illuminated into our being.

The shining of God in our hearts 
is to illumine us 
that we may know 
the glory in Christ’s face. 

The glory of God 
manifested in the face of Jesus Christ 
is the God of glory 
expressed through Jesus Christ, 
who is the effulgence of the glory of God; 
to know Him 
is to know the God of glory.
God shines in our hearts 
that we may shine on others 
so that they may have 
the knowledge of the glory of God 
in the face of Jesus Christ, 
that is, the knowledge of Christ, 

who expresses and declares God.

We need to preach the gospel 
in a very illuminating way. 
This means 
that while we are preaching, 
God shines into the hearts of those 
to whom we are speaking. 
We also need to help them 
to call on the name of the Lord Jesus 

in order that they would be brought 
to the face of Christ, 
have personal contact with Him, 
and experience God’s shining 
in their hearts. 
To preach in this way 
is to present 
not merely a gospel of certain facts 
but a gospel of glory. 

Those who receive the gospel of glory 
will have Christ as the precious treasure 
dispensed into them. 
Then, like us, 
they will be earthen vessels 
containing this treasure.

The Christ of glory 
as the excellent treasure 
is received by the believers 
through the illumination of the gospel 
of the glory of Christ. 
We need to remember 
that we have within us the treasure, 
a living person 
who is more excellent than the world. 
Christ is the most excellent One 
in the whole universe; 

there is nothing 
that is more excellent than He. 
Since we have Christ 
as the treasure, the most excellent One and the most lovely One, 
we do not love the world. 
It is not 
that we should not love the world 
but that the world is inferior 
to the treasure, the excellent and lovely Christ.

We are the earthen vessels 
to contain the Christ of glory 
as the excellent treasure. 
These vessels 
are like today’s camera, 
into which Christ the figure enters 
through the flash of God’s shining. 

The shining reality of Christ 
is the treasure in us, the earthen vessels. 
we are earthen vessels, 
but inwardly 
we have a priceless treasure
—Christ as the embodiment of the processed Triune God 
to be the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit. 

This treasure has a power, 
and this power is excellent. 
Christ as the life-giving Spirit in us 
is the One who shines and works. 
This is the treasure 
we have in us.


Day 4

John 17:22
And the glory which You have given Me 
I have given to them, 
that they may be one, 
even as We are one.

2 Thes. 2:14
To which also He called you 
through our gospel 
unto the obtaining of the glory 
of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Which in 2 Thessalonians 2:14 
refers to salvation 
in sanctification and belief 
in the preceding verse. 
God chose us unto salvation in eternity, 
and then in time 
He called us 
unto the obtaining of the glory of our Lord. 
Salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth 
is the procedure; 
the obtaining of the glory of our Lord 
is the goal.

The glory of the Lord 
is that He, as the Son of God the Father, 
possesses the Father’s life and nature 
that He may express the Father. 
To obtain the Lord’s glory 
is to be in the same position 
as the Son of God 
that we may express the Father.

Second Thessalonians 2:14 says 
that God has called us through the gospel 
so that we may obtain 
the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ 
is the glory given to the Son by the Father, 
which is the sonship 
with the Father’s divine life and nature 
to express the Father in His fullness. 
The Son has given this glory to us 
so that we also may have the sonship 
with the Father’s divine life and nature 
to express the Father in the Son
in the Son’s fullness. 
What a glory! 
God has called us 
to obtain 
this glory, the glory of the divine life and the divine nature 
to express the Divine Being.

According to Romans 8:21, 
when the believers are glorified, 
they will enjoy 
the glory of the children of God 
with its freedom. 
Although we are sons of God, 
we have not yet been manifested, 
for we are still under a veil. 
One day 
the veil will be removed, 
and that will be our glorification. 
The sons of God 
will come out from under the veil 
and will be revealed 
to the whole creation. 
Then the sons of God 
will enjoy the glory of the children of God 
with its freedom, 
and the whole universe 
will behold the sons of God in glory 
and participate in the freedom of this glory.

As a result of the fall of Adam, 
the entire creation 
is under bondage and corruption. 
All creation, 
which has been subjected to vanity, 
is groaning, 
and it is travailing together in pain until now. 
Therefore, creation is 
anxiously watching, eagerly awaiting 
the revelation of the sons of God 
in the hope that it will also be freed 
from the slavery of corruption 
into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 
This indicates 
that God has promised 
that we, the believers in Christ, 
will be glorified 
and will enjoy 
the glory of the children of God with its freedom. 
However, creation will share 
only in the freedom of our glory, 
not in the glory itself.

When the believers are glorified, 
they will be in the glory of the divine sonship. 
Hebrews 2:10 says 
that the Father with the Son 
is leading us, the many sons, into glory. 
We are sons of God, 
but we are not yet in glory. 
Just as a caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly, 
we are being led into glory. 
One day 
we will be in glory 
as the many sons of God. 
Our glorification 
will be our full sonship. 
We will be glorified 
in the divine life and the divine nature 
to bear the glory of the Triune God 
for His expression.

Everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus 
will eventually become a glorified son of God. 
We will all be brought into the glory of God 
and shine with His glory. 
This is the full salvation of all those 
who believe in Christ. 
At that time, 
we will bear the righteousness of God outwardly, 
be saturated with the holiness of God inwardly, 
and shine in the realm of His full glory as His sons. 

In this glory 
God will be expressed in a full way 
in His redeemed, transformed, and glorified people. 
This will be the ultimate issue 
of the dispensing 
of the processed Triune God.


Day 3

1 Thes. 2:12
So that you might walk 
in a manner worthy of God, 
who calls you 
into His own kingdom and glory.

The kingdom is the realm 
in which God exercises His power 
so that He can express His glory.

God’s calling 
is according to His selection, 
and it follows His selection. 
As worshippers of idols, 
the believers were in the kingdom of Satan (Matt. 12:26). 
Now, through the salvation in Christ, 
they are called 
and have believed into the kingdom of God, 
which is the sphere 
for them to worship and enjoy God 
under the divine ruling 
with a view of entering into God’s glory. 
God’s glory 
goes with His kingdom.

In 1 Thessalonians 2:12 
Paul exhorts the believers to walk 
in a manner worthy of God. 
If he himself 
had not walked worthily of God, 
how could he 
have exhorted others to do so? 
In this matter also, 
he set an example 
for the believers to follow.

Verse 12 indicates 
that walking worthily of God 
is related to entering into His kingdom 
and being ushered into His glory. 
The thought here, 
in contrast to that in verses 1 through 11, 
is quite deep. 
Here we have a matter 
often neglected by Christians. 
Not many believers 
are taught to have a Christian walk 
that will enable them 
to enter into the kingdom of God, 
a walk that will usher them into God’s glory. 
Many Christians have never heard such a word. 
Nevertheless, this is included 
as part of Paul’s teaching 
to young believers.

To walk worthily of God 
is actually to live God. 
Only a life that lives God 
is worthy of God. 
When we live God, 
we walk worthily of Him. 
Such a walk 
will lead us into the kingdom 
and usher us into the glory of God. 
This is the goal of God’s calling. 
God has called us 
to enter His kingdom and glory.

Eventually, our shining 
will be for the glorification of the Father, 
for it will give glory to Him. 
Concerning this, 
the Lord Jesus says, 
“Let your light shine before men, 
so that they may see your good works 
and glorify your Father 
who is in the heavens” (Matt. 5:16). 
As regenerated children of God, 
we should have good works. 
These good works 
are the behavior of the kingdom people 
through which others may see God 
and be brought to Him.

Our shining 
will glorify the Father 
because it expresses 
what God is. 
To glorify the Father 
is to give Him the glory. 
Glory is God expressed. 
When the kingdom people express God 
in their behavior and good works, 
others see God 
and give glory to God.

God hidden 
is God Himself. 
But when God is expressed, 
that is the glory of God. 
If as the kingdom people we have such a shining light, 
God will be expressed in this shining, 
and all those around us 
will see 
the glory, God expressed. 
When others see God in our shining, 
that is the glory of God. 
Therefore, the shining of the kingdom as light 
is for the glorification of the Father.

Matthew 5:15 speaks of the light 
shining to “all who are in the house.”
The light as a city on a mountain 
shines over the outsiders, 
whereas the lighted lamp on the lampstand 
shines over those 
who are in the house. 

As the city, 
the light shines upon people, 
but as the lamp in the house, 
the light shines into people. 

This indicates 
that our influence over others 
should not be just outward 
but also inward.

When others see 
that we are not anxious about our living, 
the light of the lamp 
will penetrate into their being 
and shine within them. 

This is not the general shining from outside; 
it is the particular shining from within. 
If we are proper kingdom people, 
we shall be a lamp 
without any covering 
shining into others. 

This inward shining 
penetrates the inward being of others 
and convinces them.


Day 2

The last step of God’s great salvation 
is to bring His many sons into glory. 
Romans 8 tells us 
that God’s work of grace upon us 
began with His foreknowing, 
passed through His predestination, calling, and justification, 
and will end with His glorification. 
Also, Romans 8 tells us 
that the whole creation 
eagerly awaits the revelation (glorification) of the sons of God, 
in hope that the creation itself 
will enter into the freedom of the glory 
of the children of God. 
This will be accomplished 
by the Lord’s coming back, 
at which time 
we will be manifested with Him in glory; 
this is our hope. 
This glorification of the sons of God, 
as the goal of God’s salvation, 
will last through the millennial kingdom 
and will be manifested in full 
in the New Jerusalem for eternity.

We have been predestinated 
to be glorified. 
This is our future. 
Today Christ is living in us as our hope of glory.
Glory in Colossians 1:27 
is “the glory” in Greek 
and denotes Christ, 
who is 
God’s expression, 
the effulgence of God’s glory. 
Hence, this glory 
is not a thing 
but a living person, 
the indwelling Christ, 
the all-inclusive embodiment of the processed Triune God. 
Through regeneration 
Christ as the glory 
came into us, 
and now we have the seed of glory in us 
as our hope of glory. 
When Christ returns 
to glorify us, 
this glory will come out of us 
and will be manifested to the fullest extent. 
Hence, the glory is a hope; 
it is the hope of glory. 
Christ Himself 
is this hope of glory.

In the completing stage 
of God’s full salvation, 
the believers 
reach the goal of God’s predestination. 
This goal 
is our glorification.
Our glorification will be 
our participation in the goal of God’s predestination. 
We are vessels of mercy, 
which God has before prepared unto glory, 
and He has called us into this glory. 
Christ Himself 
is our hope of glory, 
and today we exult and boast 
in this hope of glory. 
When this hope, Christ, is manifested, 
we “also will be manifested with Him in glory” (Col. 3:4). 
At that time, 
God’s glory 
will not only have spread 
from our spirit into our soul 
but will also be expressed 
through our body. 
The three parts of our being
—spirit, soul, body—
will be the same 
as Christ is 
and will be fully saturated with God’s glory. 
This is our participation in the ultimate goal 
to which God has predestinated us in eternity.

The glory in 2 Corinthians 3:18 
is actually the life-giving Spirit.
From glory to glory
means from the Lord Spirit to the Lord Spirit, 
because in this verse 
glory and Spirit are synonyms. 
Therefore, to be transformed from glory to glory 
is to be transformed from the Spirit to the Spirit.
The more we live and walk 
in the life-giving Spirit, 
the more glory is added 
into our being, 
and the more we are transformed 
into the same image 
from glory to glory
which far surpasses 
a mere outward improvement of behavior 
according to religious or ethical teachings.

The glory of God 
is the expression of God, God expressed. 
When God is manifested, 
that is glory. 
We have been ordained for this glory 
and called to this glory.
We are being transformed into this glory, 
and we shall be brought into it. 
Eventually, we shall be glorified with Christ
to bear the glory of God 
for God’s expression in the New Jerusalem.


Day 1

The glory of God 
is the very content of the New Jerusalem, 
for the city is completely filled with His glory. 
This means 
that the city is a vessel 
to contain and express God. 
To illustrate this point, 
let us consider a common table lamp: 
a typical lamp 
has an outer covering, 
which is the lampshade, 
and within the lamp 
there is the fullness of light. 
The lamp expresses the light, 
and the light is the very content 
of the lamp and the shade. 
The glory of God 
is simply God Himself 
being manifested. 
The New Jerusalem 
is full of God’s glory; 
therefore, God is manifested in this city. 
The normal church life today 
is the same: 
it is full of God’s glory, 
manifesting and expressing God.

A marvelous attribute of God 
is glory. 
Acts 7:2 says, 
“The God of glory 
appeared to our father Abraham.” 
Acts 7:55 says 
that Stephen “looked intently into heaven 
and saw the glory of God.” 
Glory is 
the expression of God, 
God expressed in splendor. 
God’s glory was a great attraction to Abraham, 
separating him from the world unto God. 
God’s glory was also a great encouragement and strength, 
enabling Abraham to follow God.

Second Peter 1:3 says 
that God has called us 
to, or by, His own glory. 
Furthermore, 1 Peter 5:10 says 
that God has called us 
into His eternal glory. 
According to 2 Timothy 2:10, 
God’s salvation 
is with eternal glory. 
This indicates 
that eternal glory 
is the ultimate goal 
of God’s salvation. 
God’s salvation 
leads us 
into His glory.

Heb. 2:10
For it was fitting for Him, 
for whom are all things and through whom are all things, 
in leading many sons into glory, 
to make the Author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

In the Gospel of John 
we read 
that the Word, who was God, 
became flesh and tabernacled among us, 
and that we beheld His glory. 
John 1:18 goes on to say, 
“No one has ever seen God; 
the only begotten Son, 
who is in the bosom of the Father, 
He has declared Him.” 
There is 
glory in the declaration of God. 
When we see God, 
we see glory.

Romans 3:23 says, 
“All have sinned 
and fall short of the glory of God.” 
Man was made by God in His image 
in order that man may express Him for His glory. 
But man sinned. 
Now instead of expressing God, 
man expresses sin and his sinful self. 
Therefore, man is short of God’s glory. 
Nevertheless, we have been ordained for God’s glory 
and called to it. 

1 Cor. 2:7
But we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, 
the wisdom which has been hidden, 
which God predestined 
before the ages 
for our glory,

1 Thes. 2:12
So that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, 
who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.

As believers, 
we are being transformed into this glory
and shall be brought into it. 

2 Cor. 3:18
But we all with unveiled face, 
beholding and reflecting like a mirror 
the glory of the Lord, 
are being transformed 
into the same image 
from glory to glory, 
even as from the Lord Spirit.

Eventually we shall be glorified with Christ
to bear the glory of God 
for God’s expression 
in the New Jerusalem.

Rom. 8:17
And if children, heirs also; 
on the one hand, heirs of God; 
on the other, joint heirs with Christ, 
if indeed we suffer with Him 
that we may also be glorified with Him.

Rom. 8:30
And those whom He predestinated, 
these He also called; 
and those whom He called, 
these He also justified; 
and those whom He justified, 
these He also glorified.

God created us as His vessels 
to contain Him and express Him. 
God makes known 
the riches of His glory upon us, His vessels, 
which He has prepared unto glory. 

Rom. 9:23
In order that He might make known 
the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, 
which He had before prepared unto glory,

We were predestinated by His sovereignty 
to be His containers, vessels of honor, 
to express what He is in glory. 
This will be fully revealed 
in the New Jerusalem.

An outstanding feature of the New Jerusalem 
is that it has the glory of God, His expression. 

Rev. 21:11
Having the glory of God.
Her light was 
like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, 
as clear as crystal.

The entire city of New Jerusalem 
will bear the glory of God, 
which is God Himself 
shining out through the city. 
Actually, the glory of God 
will be the content of the New Jerusalem, 
for this city will be completely filled with His glory. 
This indicates 
that the city is a vessel 
to contain God and express Him.
The fact that the New Jerusalem is full of God’s glory 
means that God is manifested in this city. 
The church life today 
should also have God’s glory, 
manifesting and expressing Him 
in this marvelous divine attribute.


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