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God’s Purpose for the Church (3) To Head Up All Things in Christ

“Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, 
to head up all things in Christ, 
the things in the heavens 
and the things on the earth, 
in Him” (Eph. 1:10):

The economy, or dispensation, 
that God, according to His desire, 
planned and purposed in Himself 
is to head up all things in Christ 
at the fullness of the times.

This is accomplished 
through the dispensing 
of the abundant life supply 
of the Triune God 
as the life factor 
into all the members of the church 
so that they 
may rise up from the death situation 
and be attached to the Body.

The times refers to the ages, 
and the fullness of the times 
will be when the new heaven and new earth appear 
after all the dispensations of God in all the ages 
have been completed. 
(A dispensation is 
the act or instance of dispensing. 
It refers to 
God’s dispensing of Himself 
into His chosen people. 
We need 
the element of God with His life and nature 
to be wrought into our being. 
This is 
the meaning of dispensation.):

Altogether there are four ages: 
the age of sin (Adam), 
the age of the law (Moses), 
the age of grace (Christ), 
and the age of the kingdom (the millennium).

God dispensed Himself into 
Abel, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, 
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with Joseph, Moses, 
and, of course, with the Lord Jesus.

This dispensing continues 
in the New Testament Epistles; 
God’s dispensation is even greater 
than it was at the time of the apostle Paul; 
there is a deeper, higher, and wider dispensation 
of the grace of God.

This dispensation will continue 
through the millennium 
until the fullness of the times; 
the ultimate, the consummate, dispensation 
will be the dispensing of the Triune God 
into the whole city of the New Jerusalem.

We enjoy a miniature 
of this consummate dispensation 
in the church life today; 
as we enjoy the Spirit as the living water 
and eat Christ as the tree of life 
in the church life, 
we are awaiting the consummate dispensation, 
in which we shall be fully saturated 
with the Triune God.

Where life is, 
there is light also; 
because the New Jerusalem 
is saturated with light, 
it has 
no need of the light of the sun; 
the glory of the Triune God 
will be our shining and controlling light.

In the New Jerusalem 
there will be 
no night, no death, and no darkness; 
there will be 
life and light, 
causing everything 
to rise up and be in good order.

In the New Jerusalem 
as the center of the new heaven and new earth, 
all things will be headed up in Christ; 
this will be the fulfillment 
of the heading up of all things in Christ 
spoken of in Ephesians 1:10.

God made Christ the Head over all things; 
through all the dispensations of God in all the ages, 
all things will be headed up in Christ 
in the new heaven and new earth; 
that will be 
God’s eternal administration and economy.

the heading up of all things in verse 10 
is the issue of all the things 
covered in verses 3 through 9
—God has chosen us, predestinated us, 
redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us 
for the purpose of 
heading up all things in Christ.

Verse 22 reveals further 
that this heading up 
is to the church 
so that the Body of Christ 
may share in all 
that is of Christ as the Head, 
having been rescued from 
the heap of the universal collapse 
in death and darkness, 
which was caused by 
the rebellion of the angels 
and the rebellion of man; 
to be rescued from the collapse 
is to be headed up.

The believers participate in this heading up 
by being willing to be headed up in the church life, 
by growing in life 
and by living under Christ’s light.

The picture in Ezekiel 37 
of the dead, dry, and scattered bones 
shows that the unique way 
to have the Body, the church, and the house of God 
in the genuine oneness 
is the way of life:

When the breath entered into the dead ones, 
it became life to them, 
and they lived and stood up in oneness 
to become an exceedingly great army.

The dead bones 
were enlivened 
and became one 
as the issue of 
the dispensing of life 
and the growth in life.

The heading up of all things in Christ 
takes place through the dispensing 
of the abundant life supply of the Triune God into us; 
the more the factor of life is ministered to us, 
the more we rise up and become attached; 
God’s way to head us up 
is to work Himself as the factor of life into us 
that we may rise up and be attached to one another.

When everything is headed up in Christ, 
there will be absolute peace and harmony, 
a full rescue out of the collapse; 
this will begin 
from the restoration of all things.

We need to grow up 
into Christ, the Head, 
in all things (Eph. 4:15):

The organic building up of the Body 
is the growth of the Body, 
which is the growth of God, 
the increase of God as life, 
in all the members.

To grow in life 
is to have more of God in us; 
our problem is 
that we are short of God.

The growing members 
are the building members.

In order to grow up into the Head, 
we must hold to truth in love:

Truth here 
means things that are true:

We need to hold to God’s eternal economy:
This is the economy of the mystery 
hidden in God.
This economy 
is to have the church 
as the organic Body of Christ 
to consummate in the New Jerusalem 
for the manifestation of Christ 
as God’s multifarious wisdom.

We need to hold to the all-inclusive Christ:
His measure is immeasurable.
His riches are unsearchable.
His love is knowledge-surpassing.

We need to hold to the church 
as the Body of Christ:
The Body of Christ 
is the corporate Christ.
The Body of Christ 
is the fullness, the expression, of Christ and of God.

We hold to truth 
in the element and sphere of the divine love.

We grow up into the Head in all things
—in all things means 
in everything, big or small, 
in our daily life and in our work.

We grow up into the Head 
through acknowledging the authority 
of the headship of Christ:

As the Head of everyone.

As the Head of the church.

As the Head of all things.

We grow up into the Head 
by allowing Christ to increase and grow 
in all the inward parts of our being:

In order to grow in life, 
we must know, we must use, and we must exercise 
our mingled spirit:

Ephesians 1:17 shows 
that we need to pray 
for a spirit of wisdom and revelation 
to fully know Christ and God’s economy.

Ephesians 2:22 says 
that all the believers are being built together 
into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

Ephesians 3:5 says 
that the mystery of Christ 
has been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in spirit.

Ephesians 3:16 shows 
that we need to pray 
to be strengthened into the inner man, 
which is our regenerated spirit 
with God’s life as its life.

Ephesians 4:23 tells us 
to be renewed in the spirit of our mind.

Ephesians 5:18 tells us 
to be filled in spirit.

Ephesians 6:18 tells us 
to pray at every time in spirit.

In order to grow in life, 
we must feed on 
the milk and food of the holy Word, 
as the embodiment of Christ, the living Word of God.

As we grow up into the Head in life, 
our function will come out from the Head 
for the building up of the Body:

When we allow Christ to be the Head in everything 
and when we grow up into Him in all things, 
we will be supplied with the riches of His life, 
receiving something from Him 
to transfuse into other members of the Body:

To build up the Body of Christ 
is to minister Christ 
as the life-giving Spirit 
into the saints 
for their growth into Christ.

We must help the saints 
learn to enjoy the Lord 
and be nourished by the Lord 
so that they can grow.


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7 replies on “God’s Purpose for the Church (3) To Head Up All Things in Christ”

Prophecy note, 11 January 2015

The economy, or dispensation, 
that God, according to His desire, 
planned and purposed in Himself 
is to head up all things in Christ 
at the fullness of the times.

This is accomplished 
through the dispensing 
of the abundant life supply 
of the Triune God 
as the life factor 
into all the members of the church 
so that they 
may rise up from the death situation 
and be attached to the Body.

A dispensation is 
the act or instance of dispensing. 
It refers to 
God’s dispensing of Himself 
into His chosen people. 
We need 
the element of God with His life and nature 
to be wrought into our being. 
This is 
the meaning of dispensation.

God’s dispensation is even greater 
than it was at the time of the apostle Paul; 
there is a deeper, higher, and wider dispensation 
of the grace of God.

This dispensation will continue 
through the millennium 
until the fullness of the times; 
the ultimate, the consummate, dispensation 
will be the dispensing of the Triune God 
into the whole city of the New Jerusalem.

We enjoy a miniature 
of this consummate dispensation 
in the church life today; 
as we enjoy the Spirit as the living water 
and eat Christ as the tree of life 
in the church life, 
we are awaiting the consummate dispensation, 
in which we shall be fully saturated 
with the Triune God.

In the New Jerusalem 
there will be 
no night, no death, and no darkness; 
there will be 
life and light, 
causing everything 
to rise up and be in good order.

In the New Jerusalem 
as the center of the new heaven and new earth, 
all things will be headed up in Christ; 
this will be the fulfillment 
of the heading up of all things in Christ 
spoken of in Ephesians 1:10.

The believers participate in this heading up 
by being willing to be headed up in the church life, 
by growing in life 
and by living under Christ’s light.


Day 6

Eph. 4:16
Out from whom 
all the Body, 
being joined together 
and being knit together 
through every joint 
of the rich supply 
and through the operation 
in the measure of each one part, 
causes the growth of the Body 
unto the building up of itself 
in love.

Eph. 5:25
love your wives 
even as Christ also loved the church 
and gave Himself up for her.

In Ephesians 4:16
the expression “out from” 
in the original language 
carries the sense of “originating from.” 
When we grow into Christ 
in all things big or small, 
and when we become men in Christ 
enjoying Him, 
we will spontaneously have something 
originating from Him 
that is 
for the building up of His Body.

The growth of the Body of Christ 
is firstly through the joints 
of the rich supply. 
These are the gifts 
described in verse 11: 
the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, 
and the shepherds and teachers. 
They are the joints, 
which are joined together 
by the sinews, 
for the rich supply 
to every member of the Body of Christ. 
this growth is 
according to the operation 
in measure of each one part. 
The each one part 
refers to 
every member in the Body. 
Every member in the Body of Christ, 
whether great or small, 
has a measure. 
Because of its measure, 
it has an operation. 
Through the rich supply 
of every joint 
and according to the operation 
in measure of each one part, 
the Body of Christ 
grows gradually.

The building up of the Body of Christ 
is in love and by love. 
This love is 
not our natural love. 
it is 
the divine love. 
We are building up the Body of Christ 
in the element and sphere of the divine love. 
At the same time, 
this is the direct building up 
of the whole Body of Christ 
by the many members of this Body. 
The Head 
does not build directly, 
nor do the gifted ones 
do the direct building work. 
it is 
we, the perfected members, 
who build up the Body of Christ directly.

The end of 1 Corinthians 12 
reveals that love 
is the most excellent way (v. 31b). 
How can one be an elder? 
Love is the most excellent way. 
How can one be a co-worker? 
Love is the most excellent way. 
How do we shepherd people? 
Love is the most excellent way. 
Love is the most excellent way 
for us 
to prophesy 
and to teach others. 
Love is the most excellent way 
for us 
to be anything 
or do anything.

Love prevails. 
We should love everybody, 
even our enemies. 
If the co-workers and elders 
do not love the bad ones, 
eventually they will have nothing 
to do.

The church is 
a loving home 
to raise up the children. 
The church is 
also a hospital 
to heal and to recover the sick ones. 
the church is 
a school 
to teach and edify the unlearned ones 
who do not have much understanding. 
Because the church is 
a home, a hospital, and a school, 
the co-workers and elders 
should be one with the Lord 
to raise up, to heal, to recover, and to teach others 
in love.

Love covers and builds up, 
so love is the most excellent way 
for us 
to be anything 
and to do anything 
for the building up of the Body of Christ.

The opposite of being subject 
is to rule; 
the apostle did not exhort husbands 
to rule over their wives 
but to love them. 
In married life, 
the wife’s obligation 
is to be subject 
and the husband’s 
is to love. 
The wife’s subjection plus the husband’s love 
constitutes a proper married life 
and typifies the normal church life, 
in which the church is subject to Christ 
and Christ loves the church. 
Love is 
the very element, the inner substance, of God. 
The goal of Ephesians 
is to bring us 
into God’s inner substance 
that we may enjoy God as love 
and enjoy His presence 
in the sweetness of the divine love, 
and thereby love others 
as Christ did.


Day 5

Eph. 6:17-18
And receive the helmet of salvation 
and the sword of the Spirit, 
which Spirit is the word of God, 
by means of all prayer and petition, 
praying at every time in spirit 
and watching unto this 
in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints.

To hold to truth 
is for the purpose of 
growing into the Head, Christ [Eph. 4:15]. 
According to our experience, 
the growth here 
is not our growth, 
but it is 
the growth of Christ within us.
In the end 
we will be like Paul 
who said 
that “it is no longer I who live, 
but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). 
when Christ grows within us, 
we grow in Him. 
our growth 
is just His growth. 
As a result, 
we decrease, 
and He comes in 
to gradually replace us, 
and we grow into Him.

In Ephesians 4:15
in all things means 
in everything big or small 
in our daily life and in our work. 
Whether they are big things, small things, 
spiritual things, or things in our daily life, 
we have to allow the Lord 
to grow in us. 
We must decrease, 
and He must grow. 
Once He grows and we decrease, 
we will grow into Him.

The meaning of growing into the Head, Christ, 
is acknowledging the authority 
of the headship of Christ.
He has the authority over us. 
In all things big or small 
we have to allow Him 
to be the Lord. 
This lesson 
is not easy. 
In our eating out in restaurants 
and in our shopping, 
seldom do we allow Him 
to be the Lord. 
Since we lack the practice 
in our daily life, 
it is 
not a surprise 
that when we come to the meeting 
we find it difficult 
to prophesy for the Lord. 
The key to prophesying 
is to allow Jesus 
to be the Lord.
Christ is 
not only the Head of us individually; 
He is also 
the Head of the church 
and the Head of all things. 
We should acknowledge the authority of His headship 
in our Christian life, 
in the church life, 
and in everything. 
By this 
we will grow into Him.

When we grow into the Head, Christ, 
we are allowing Christ 
to increase and grow 
in all the inward parts of the members. 
our common problem 
is that we 
reserve a big part within us for ourselves 
and give the Lord 
only a little place. 
it is impossible 
for Him 
to increase and grow within us. 
When He cannot grow, 
we cannot grow.
When Christ grows in you and me, 
the Body of Christ 
will grow. 
the growth of the Body of Christ 
is the growth of Christ 
in His members.

In each of the six chapters of Ephesians, 
the human spirit is mentioned. 
Our human spirit 
has been regenerated 
and indwelt by the compound, all-inclusive, consummated Spirit 
to make this spirit 
a mingled spirit. 
In 1:17 
the apostle Paul prayed 
that the Father would give us 
such a mingled spirit 
of wisdom to understand 
and of revelation to see
the mystery of God’s economy.
Ephesians 2:22 says 
that all the believers 
are being built together 
to be God’s dwelling place 
in spirit.
Ephesians 3:5 tells us 
that the economy of God, 
which is so mysterious, 
has been unveiled to the apostles and the prophets 
in their spirit.
Ephesians 4:23 says 
that we have to be renewed 
in the spirit of our mind. 
Our spirit 
can become the spirit of our mind.
Ephesians 5:18 tells us 
not to be drunk with wine, 
that is, 
not to be filled in our physical body with wine. 
we should be filled 
in our spirit.
Ephesians 6:18 says 
that whenever we pray, 
we should pray 
in our spirit, 
not in our mind.

Our spirit mingled with the Spirit 
has been mentioned six times 
in the book of Ephesians. 
This indicates 
that to know God’s economy, 
to receive His dispensing, 
and to participate in Christ’s transmission, 
we must know, we must use, and we must exercise 
our spirit. 
We should not be persons in our mind 
but persons in our spirit.


Day 4

Eph. 4:15
But holding to truth in love, 
we may grow up into Him 
in all things, 
who is the Head, Christ.

Col. 2:19
And not holding the Head, 
out from whom 
all the Body, 
being richly supplied and knit together 
by means of the joints and sinews, 
grows with the growth of God.

New believers 
are short of God. 
They have God within them, 
but they are short of God 
in their conversation, in their expression, 
and in their attitude.
They do not have 
that much of God’s element within them, 
so they need to grow. 
To grow in life 
is to have more of God in us.

Life is 
God in Christ as the Spirit. 
God is life to us 
in Christ and as the Spirit.
The growth in life 
is the increase of God 
in Christ as the Spirit in us.

Growth, increase, and building up 
are not three different things. 
With organic matters 
such as a tree or a person, 
growth, increase, and building up 
are synonyms. 
They are also synonyms 
in relation to the organic Body of Christ.
The organic building up of the Body of Christ 
is the increase of the Triune God in the believers, 
and this increase 
is the believers’ growth in Christ.

On the one hand, 
we are 
members of the organic Body of Christ, 
and on the other hand, 
we are 
the builders of this Body. 
We, the members of the Body, 
are the builders of the Body. 
The growth of all the members of a man 
is the building up of this man.
The growing members 
are the building members.
All the Body causes the growth of the Body 
unto the building up of itself. 
The Body grows 
to build up the Body. 

Ephesians 4:15 says, 
“But holding to truth in love, 
we may grow up into Him 
in all things, 
who is the Head, Christ.”
According to the words of Solomon, 
everything under the sun 
is vanity; 
there is no reality (Eccl. 1:2). 
But there is One 
who is real in the universe, 
God Himself. 
If God occupies the proper position in everything, 
then everything is true. 
all things 
are but vanity of vanities. 
As Romans 3:4 says, 
every man is a liar; 
only God is true. 
In this true God 
there are three things: 
the economy of God, 
the Christ of God, 
and the Body of Christ, the church. 
In the whole universe 
only this group of things 
is true. 
If you take them away from the universe, 
the universe will become vain.

When we hold to truth, 
the first item to hold to 
is God’s New Testament economy. 
God’s economy 
is His dispensation of the mystery 
hidden in Him.
God arranged 
to create the heavens and the earth 
and to create man according to His image and likeness 
that man would be like Him, be His vessel, 
and be prepared for the day 
when the Creator God would enter into man 
to be mingled with man, 
to become the many members of Christ, 
and to constitute the Body of Christ 
to express Christ, 
which is to express 
the Triune God in Christ.

we have to hold to 
the all-inclusive Christ. 
This Christ 
is the One 
who fills all in all. 
He is 
not only in all 
but also fills all. 
The universe is immeasurable, 
and Paul compared 
the breadth, length, height, and depth of the universe 
to the measure of Christ (Eph. 3:18). 
This shows us 
that the measure and riches of Christ 
are unsearchable.
Paul used the highest expressions 
such as “the breadth and length and height and depth”
and “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (3:8) 
to describe Christ.

we have to hold to 
the church. 
The church 
is the Body of Christ 
as the fullness of Christ 
to express Him. 
the church is 
not an organization, 
but an organism.
It is constituted by those 
who are regenerated, saved, 
and have received Christ as their life.
All the genuine members 
are grown into the church; 
they are 
not added in 
by organization.


Day 3

Eph. 1:22
And He subjected all things 
under His feet 
and gave Him 
to be Head over all things 
to the church.

Where life is, 
there is light also.
This light 
is the light of life. 
In Revelation 21 
we have 
both life and light. 
Because the New Jerusalem 
is saturated with light, 
it has no need 
for the light of the sun.
In the New Jerusalem 
we shall have 
the glory of the Triune God 
as our shining light. 
In the new heaven and new earth 
with the New Jerusalem 
there will be 
no night, no death, and no darkness. 
there will be 
life and light. 
This will cause everything 
to rise up 
and be in good order.

In Revelation 21 
we see 
the Head, 
the Body surrounding the Head, 
and all the nations 
walking in the light of the city. 
This will cause the new heaven and the new earth 
to be a bright sphere. 
in the new heaven and the new earth 
with the New Jerusalem as the center, 
all things 
will be headed up in Christ. 
This will be the fulfillment 
of the heading up of all things in Christ 
spoken of in Ephesians 1:10.

The heading up of all things 
in Ephesians 1:10 
is the issue of all the items 
covered in verses 3 through 9.
God has chosen us, predestinated us, 
redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us 
for the purpose of 
heading up all things in Christ.

In order to head up all things in Christ, 
God firstly heads up His chosen ones. 
the church life 
is a life of being headed up.
Ephesians 1:22 says 
that God gave Christ 
to be the Head over all things 
to the church. 
The little word “to” 
implies transmission. 
It indicates 
that Christ’s headship 
is being transmitted to the church. 
This means 
that, in a sense, we can share 
the headship of Christ over all things. 
Although we are not the head,
the church can share the headship of Christ 
because the church is the Body of Christ.

Due to the two rebellions, 
the angelic rebellion and the human rebellion, 
the whole universe 
is in a state of collapse.
To be rescued from the collapse 
is to be headed up.

God’s eternal intention 
is to head up all things in Christ, 
who has been appointed 
to be the universal Head. 
The first step 
God takes to accomplish this 
is to head up His chosen ones in Him. 
One by one, 
God rescues His people from the heap 
caused by the universal collapse
and places them under the headship of Christ. 
under the headship of Christ, 
we are outside of the heap 
of the universal collapse, 
and we are over all things.
When the church takes the lead 
to be headed up in Christ, 
God has a way 
to head up all other things.

When everything is headed up in Christ, 
there will be 
absolute peace and harmony 
in the human kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the plant kingdom 
because everything will have been fully rescued 
out of the heap of collapse. 
This rescue out of the collapse 
is called “the restoration of all things” (Acts 3:21). 
This restoration 
begins with our being headed up 
in the church life.

The heading up in the church 
is a matter in life. 
If we try to be headed up 
without growing in life, 
we shall fall into organization.
The more you grow in life, 
the more life you will have, 
the more heading up there will be, 
and the more you will be rescued 
from the heap of collapse.

The heading up in the church life 
also takes place by light. 
This light, 
of course, is not the light of knowledge 
but the light of life.

we in the church life 
are taking the lead 
to be headed up in Christ. 
For this 
we need to grow in life 
and have the light of life.


Day 2

Rom. 5:14
But death reigned
from Adam until Moses,
even over those
who had not sinned
after the likeness of Adam’s transgression,
who is
a type of Him
who was to come.

John 1:17
For the law was given
through Moses;
grace and reality came
through Jesus Christ.

In the Bible 
there are four different ages.
In John 1:17 
we see 
that the law is related to Moses 
and grace to Jesus Christ. 
Two ages are implied here: 
the age of the law 
and the age of grace. 
When Moses was raised up, 
that was 
the beginning of the age of the law. 
When Christ came, 
that was 
the beginning of the age of grace. 
Romans 5 mentions 
Adam and Moses (v. 14). 
Sin is related to Adam, 
and, as we have seen, 
the law is related to Moses. 
we have three persons
—Adam, Moses, and Christ—
and three things
—sin, law, and grace. 
Adam is related to sin, 
Moses is related to the law, 
and Christ is related to grace. 
This indicates 
that from Adam to the second coming of Christ 
there are three ages: 
the age of sin, 
the age of the law, 
and the age of grace.

Many of you 
are familiar with the theological teaching 
of the seven dispensations, 
the dispensations of 
innocence, conscience, human government, promise, 
law, grace, and the kingdom. 
It is not incorrect to say 
that there are seven such dispensations. 
But according to the record of the Bible, 
we may say 
that prior to the millennium 
there are just three ages, 
the ages of Adam, Moses, and Christ. 
After the age of grace, 
the age of the kingdom 
will come. 
This will be 
the thousand years 
of the heavenly reign on earth. 
there are four ages: 
the age of sin, 
the age of the law, 
the age of grace, 
and the age of the kingdom.

These four ages 
are the times. 
Before the first of these ages began, 
there was not time 
but eternity past. 
And after these four ages 
there will no longer be time; 
there will be 
eternity future. 
Between the two ends of eternity, 
eternity past and future, 
there are four ages, four times.
When these four times 
have been fulfilled, 
that will be 
the fullness of the times, 
the completion of the ages. 
The ages of Adam and Moses 
have been completed, 
the age of grace 
is being completed, 
and the age of the millennium 
has not yet begun. 
After the completion of the fourth age, 
there will be a dispensation 
called by Paul 
the fullness of the times.

God dispensed Himself into 
Abel, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. 
He had an even greater dispensation with Moses 
and, of course, with the Lord Jesus. 
The dispensing continues 
in the New Testament Epistles. 
It may surprise you 
to know 
that God’s dispensation at the present time 
is even greater 
than it was at the time of the apostle Paul. 
I doubt 
that when Paul was on earth 
there was a congregation 
who had the privilege of hearing the things 
that you are hearing today. 
there is 
a deeper, higher, and wider dispensation 
of the grace of God. 
This dispensation will continue 
through the millennium 
until the fullness of the times. 
The dispensation of the fullness of the times 
will be 
the highest and the broadest. 
This dispensation 
will be in eternity, 
as revealed in Revelation 21 and 22.

The New Jerusalem 
is actually a great mountain.
At the top of the mountain 
there is 
the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. 22:1). 
Out of the throne 
flows the river of water of life.
In the water of life 
grows the tree of life (Rev. 22:2).
When you drink the water, 
you receive the life supply. 
Here we see 
the ultimate, the consummate, dispensation: 
the dispensing of the Triune God 
into the whole city of New Jerusalem. 
This will cause the city 
to be filled, saturated, permeated, and soaked.
This is 
the highest dispensation 
purposed by God 
for the fullness of the times.

We enjoy 
a miniature 
of this consummate dispensation 
in the church life today.
We have the flow of life, 
we drink the water of life, 
and we eat the tree of life.
As I enjoy 
the living water 
in the church, 
I am awaiting 
the ultimate dispensation. 
We shall all be 
in this consummate dispensation,
fully saturated with 
the Triune God.


Day 1

Eph. 3:2
If indeed you have heard of 
the stewardship of the grace of God 
which was given to me for you.

Eph. 3:9
And to enlighten all 
that they may see 
what the economy of the mystery is, 
which throughout the ages 
has been hidden in God, 
who created all things.

The economy, dispensation, 
which God purposed in Himself 
is to head up all things in Christ 
at the fullness of the times. 
The times 
refer to the ages. 
When the new heaven and the new earth 
come after all the dispensations of God 
in all the ages 
have been completed, 
that will be 
the fullness of the times. 
The word stewardship, or dispensation, 
is also found in Ephesians 3:2.
The stewardship of the grace of God 
means the administration of the grace of God.

In order to understand 
what the dispensation of the grace of God is, 
we need to see 
that in eternity past 
God purposed a plan. 
According to this plan, 
He created the universe 
with the heavens, the earth, and billions of items. 
He then created mankind 
as the center of the universe 
to be a vessel 
to contain God 
for God’s expression. 

we need to understand 
what a dispensation is. 
According to one teaching, 
a dispensation 
refers to an age. 
this understanding 
is not accurate. 
Another teaching 
is that a dispensation 
refers to the way 
God deals with people 
during a particular period of time. 
For example, 
in the dispensation of innocence 
God dealt with man in one way, 
and in the dispensation of conscience 
He dealt with man in another way. 
God deals with people 
in different ways 
in the ages of 
human government, promise, law, grace, and the kingdom. 
This understanding of dispensation 
is not incorrect, 
but it falls short. 
A dispensation is 
the act or instance of dispensing. 
It refers to 
God’s dispensing of Himself 
into His chosen people. 
Although I have studied 
this matter of the dispensations 
for many years 
and have studied 
a number of diagrams, 
I have never been told 
that God’s dispensation 
is the dispensing of Himself 
into His people.
Forget all the diagrams 
and remember one basic point: 
God is now dispensing Himself into us.

The stewardship 
involves a dispensation.
For example, 
a mother dispenses food to her children 
every morning at breakfast.
In such a dispensation 
a proper control 
is always exercised. 
If a child misbehaves, 
the mother may say, 
“If you don’t behave, 
there will be no breakfast for you.”
She controls them 
by means of a sweet dispensation, a dispensation 
that is also a kind of 
administration and intimate service. 
The heading up of all things in Christ 
does not take place 
by a governmental administration. 
On the contrary, 
it comes about 
by a sweet stewardship, 
by an intimate household arrangement, 
by a pleasant dispensation. 
It takes place 
through the dispensing 
of the abundant life supply 
of the Triune God 
into us. 
The apostle Paul calls this 
a “stewardship 
of the grace of God” (Eph. 3:2).

Satan’s injection 
has no administration or stewardship 
because he 
subtly injects himself into us. 
But God is working Himself 
into His chosen ones 
by a sweet, intimate stewardship. 
Paul’s ministry 
was such a stewardship. 
It was 
a model of the stewardship of grace, 
of the dispensing of God as grace 
into His chosen ones. 
By this dispensation of grace, 
the dispensing of God Himself 
as our enjoyment, 
the factor of life 
is ministered into the chosen ones. 
As the life factor gets into them, 
they are raised up 
and attached to Christ in the Body. 
This is the dispensation 
that heads up all things in Christ.

God’s way to head us up 
is to work Himself 
as the factor of life 
into us 
that we may rise up 
and be attached to one another.
Through this dispensation, 
the life factor 
is ministered to all the members of the church 
that they may rise up 
and be attached in the Body. 
This is 
the heading up in Christ.


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