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The Fellowship of Life

The Holy Word for Morning Revival
International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones—Spring 2014

“He showed me
a river of water of life, 
bright as crystal, 
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb 
in the middle of its street” (Rev. 22:1):

In the New Jerusalem 
the fellowship of life 
begins from the throne 
and reaches all the gates; 

this fellowship 
is in the flow of life (the river), 
with the supply of life (the tree), 
and on the way of life (the street).

As portrayed by the flowing 
of the water of life in the New Jerusalem, 
the function of the fellowship of life 
is to supply us 
with all the riches of the divine life.

First John unfolds 
the mystery of the fellowship of life :

The fellowship of life 
is the flow of the eternal life 
within all the believers, 

illustrated by the flow 
of the water of life in the New Jerusalem; 
the reality of the Body of Christ, 
the church life in actuality, 
is the flow of the Lord Jesus within us, 
and this flowing One 
must have the preeminence within us.

The fellowship of life 
is the imparting of the Triune God
—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—
into the believers 
as their unique portion and blessing 

for them to enjoy today and for eternity.

Fellowship indicates 
a putting away of private interests 
and a joining with others for a certain common purpose; 

hence, to be in the divine fellowship 
is to put aside our private interests 
and join with the apostles and the Triune God 

for the carrying out of God’s purpose.

The fellowship of life 
is realized by the sense of life 
and is preserved by the sense of life.

The fellowship of life 
is carried out by the Spirit in our regenerated spirit, 
and thus it is called the “fellowship of spirit”.

The divine fellowship 
is everything in the Christian life:

When fellowship disappears, 
God also disappears; 
God comes 
as the fellowship.

The divine fellowship 
blends us, tempers us, adjusts us, 
harmonizes us, and mingles us together 
into one Body.

Just as there is the circulation of blood in the human body, 
so there is a circulation in the Body of Christ
—a circulation which the New Testament calls 
fellowship, the fellowship of life :

Fellowship is a common participation, a joint participation; 
thus, to have fellowship 
is to have a corporate participation in something.

In order to have the unique fellowship, 
we must live by and behave in the divine life, 
not in our natural life.

The church life 
depends upon the fellowship of the Holy Spirit; 
the current, the fellowship, of the Divine Trinity within us, 

as revealed in 2 Corinthians 13:14, 
is our spiritual pulse.

The fellowship of life 
is the reality of the church life; 
thus, we should seek to live in this fellowship 
so that we may enjoy Christ in the church.

The fellowship of life 
is related to oneness :

The fellowship, the circulation, of the divine life in the Body 
brings all the members of the Body into oneness .

As long as we have the divine life flowing within us, 
we are in this oneness
—the oneness of the Body, 
the oneness among all the saints.

The fellowship of the divine life, 
as the issue of God in His faithfulness, 
causes us to participate in, to partake of, to enjoy, Christ 
in His all-inclusiveness 
as the solution to all the problems in the church; 
we should focus on Him, 
not on any persons, matters, or things other than Him, 
so that all the problems among the believers 
may be solved.

The fellowship of the eternal life 
is the reality of living 
in the Body of Christ 
in the oneness of the Spirit :

We enter into the vertical aspect of the divine fellowship 
by the divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit; 
this aspect of fellowship 
refers to our fellowship with the Triune God 
in our loving Him.

We enter into the horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship 
by the human spirit; 
this aspect of fellowship 
refers to our fellowship with one another 
by the exercise of our spirit 
in our loving one another.

The one divine fellowship 
is an interwoven fellowship
—the horizontal fellowship is interwoven 
with the vertical fellowship :

The initial experience of the apostles 
was the vertical fellowship 
with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, 
but when the apostles reported the eternal life to others, 
they experienced the horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship.

Our horizontal fellowship with the saints 
brings us into vertical fellowship with the Lord; 
then our vertical fellowship with the Lord 
brings us into horizontal fellowship with the saints.

We must maintain 
both the vertical and horizontal aspects of the divine fellowship 
in order to be healthy spiritually.

The fellowship among the churches 
is the fellowship of the Body of Christ :

Because there is one Spirit, 
there is only one Body, 
and there is only one circulation of life in the Body; 

this circulation is the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

A local church is a part of the unique Body of Christ, 
and the fellowship of the Body is universally one; 
in fellowship there is no separation.

The fellowship of life, the flow of the divine life, 
mingles us with the Triune God 
for His corporate expression :

The flow of the divine life 
causes us to become precious materials 
for the building up of the New Jerusalem.

The flowing of the Triune God as the fellowship of life 
causes us to become the New Jerusalem.


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Prophecy note, 20 July 2014
When we blend together, 
we have the cross and the Spirit. 
Without the cross and the Spirit, 
all that we have 
is the flesh with division. 
It is not easy 
to be crucified 
and to do all things 
by the Spirit in ourselves. 
This is 
why we must learn to be blended. 
Blending requires us 
to be crossed out,
and to be by the Spirit 
to dispense Christ 
and to do everything 
for the sake of His Body.

When we come together, 
we should experience 
the terminating of the cross. 
Then we should learn 
how to follow the Spirit, 
how to dispense Christ, 
and how to say and do something 
for the benefit of the Body.
We can be in harmony, 
because we have been tempered. 
Eventually, the distinctions 
will all be gone. 
Blending means 
to lose the distinctions. 
We all have to pay some price 
to practice the blending.

The fellowship of life 
is carried out by God’s Spirit in our spirit. 
Our mind may apprehend the fellowship, 
but it is not in our mind. 
Our emotions may be happy about it, 
but the fellowship of life 
is not in our emotion.
The fellowship of life 
must be in our spirit.

Actually, the fellowship of the eternal life 
is the impartation of the Triune God
into the believers 
as their unique portion 
for them to enjoy today
and for eternity.

The entire city of the New Jerusalem 
is supplied by the flow of this living water; 
it is supplied 
by the fellowship of life. 
The fellowship of the divine life 
flows out of the Triune God 
and through His people 
in order to reach every part of the Body of Christ, 
which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

Day 6

Without the Spirit, 
the Body is empty 
and has no life. 

The Body in Ephesians 4:4 
is the Body of Christ, 
and the essence of the Body of Christ 
is the Spirit. 

Hence, the Body and the essence of the Body 
are one. 
It is impossible 
for the Body of Christ 
to have more than one essence. 

The unique essence of the Body 
is the Spirit.

Because there is one Spirit, 
there is only one Body. 
Moreover, there is 
only one circulation, one fellowship, of life in the Body. 
This circulation 
is the fellowship of the Body of Christ. 
All the local churches 
need to be in this unique fellowship.

Among all the churches 
that compose the one universal Body of Christ, 
there is no organization, 
but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ.
If all the churches stay 
in this circulation, in the fellowship of the Body, 
they will be healthy.

On the one hand, 
we should not have any organization among the churches; 
on the other hand, 
we should be open 
to have fellowship with all the churches. 

However, the church in a certain locality 
or the churches in a particular region 
may not be willing to have fellowship with other churches. 
This attitude is absolutely wrong. 

All the churches should remain 
in the fellowship of the Body.

If we realize 
what the fellowship among the churches is, 
we shall not have the concept 
that a local church should be altogether independent. 

In its local administration 
a local church is independent. 
However, according to the nature, essence, and intrinsic element of the church, 
no local church can be independent. 
To be independent 
is to be in darkness. 
Many Christian groups are in darkness 
because they have cut themselves off from the one, divine fellowship 
of the unique, divine life, the life of the Triune God. 

This may become the situation 
even with a church in the Lord’s recovery 
if that church makes itself isolated and independent. 

No church or region should be isolated 
from the fellowship of the Body.

It is possible 
that, among us in the Lord’s recovery,
certain churches or regions 
may make themselves independent. 
They may isolate themselves from the Body. 
They do not want to keep their church or their region 
open to the entire Body, 
that is, open to all the local churches on earth. 

As a result, 
to some extent at least, 
they cut themselves off from the fellowship among the churches. 

The result is 
darkness, confusion, division, and death. 
This should be a warning to us all. 
Whoever has the intention, either consciously or unconsciously, 
to separate his area from the fellowship of the Body of Christ 
eventually will suffer darkness, confusion, division, and death. 
Just as a member of the human body cannot live 
if it is separated from the circulation of blood in the body, 
so a church cannot be in a healthy condition 
if it isolates itself from the fellowship of the Body of Christ. 

From this we see 
that we all need to pay careful attention 
to the crucial matter of the one fellowship among the churches.

Although the administration of the church is separate and equal locally, 
the fellowship of the church is one universally. 
In fellowship there is no separation. 

On this entire earth 
there is only one fellowship, 
and this fellowship is universally one. 

The fellowship of the church 
is one not merely in a particular nation 
but throughout the earth. 

There are separate churches in many cities, 
but there is only one fellowship in the entire universe.


Day 5

The divine fellowship has two aspects: 
the vertical aspect between God and us 
and the horizontal aspect among the believers. 
The horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship 
is by the human spirit. 
The vertical aspect of the divine fellowship 
is by the divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit. 
The word “by” 
is actually not strong 
enough to express what we mean. 

The Spirit is not merely involved,
wrapped up, or mingled with the fellowship. 

The Spirit Himself is the fellowship 
because the fellowship is 
the flow, the current, of the Spirit. 

This is like saying 
that the current of electricity 
is just the electricity itself. 
The current of electricity 
is electricity in motion. 
When the electricity stops, 
the current of electricity also stops. 
In the same way, 
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 
mentioned in 2 Corinthians 13:14 
is the Spirit moving. 
The grace of Christ 
is Christ Himself 
enjoyed by us; 
the love of God 
is God Himself 
tasted by us; 
and the fellowship of the Spirit 
is the Spirit Himself 
moving within us. 
The divine fellowship 
is the Holy Spirit Himself.

We need to enter into the horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship 
by the human spirit. 
If we are going to have real fellowship horizontally with one another, 
we need to exercise our spirit. 
If we exercise our spirit, 
we will never talk in a worldly manner 
or speak negatively about the saints or the churches. 

A local church can be severely damaged 
if many of the saints in that locality 
spend time speaking negative things 
about other saints and other churches. 

Such discussions 
spread gossip and death 
among the saints. 
This kind of contact between the saints 
is not the fellowship of spirit 
that Paul spoke about in Philippians 2:1-2.

When we exercise our spirit, 
we are unable to talk about worldly amusements and entertainment. 
When we exercise our spirit, 
the nature of our conversation will change 
because our spirit is holy. 

If there are problems in a certain church, 
we may have a desire 
to merely talk about the situation, 

but our spirit within 
will urge us to pray. 

Our spirit will not allow us to gossip 
about others’ mistakes and failures.
The only way 
to have the reality of horizontal fellowship 
is by exercising our spirit.

The horizontal and vertical aspects of the divine fellowship 
are very closely related. 
We can see this from our experience. 
Sometimes we may talk about other saints 
under the pretense of having fellowship about their situation, 
but our conversation is actually gossip. 
Afterwards, we often cannot pray 

because our praying spirit is quenched by our gossip. 
But when we fellowship in a genuine way 
by exercising our spirit, 
we are eager to pray and contact the Lord. 
This shows 
how close the relationship is 
between the vertical and horizontal aspects of fellowship.

If two brothers exercise their spirit 
to have genuine, proper, horizontal fellowship, 
they will eventually be ushered 
into a very honest and sincere intercession. 

When they pray together, 
the two aspects of the divine fellowship are interwoven. 
The horizontal fellowship 
is interwoven with the vertical fellowship. 
This interwoven fellowship 
is the real fellowship.

If you have a good time with the Lord in vertical fellowship, 
you will be eager to see the other saints 
in order to have fellowship with them. 

Once you have fellowship with the saints through prayer, 
you are brought into vertical fellowship with the Lord again.
Thus, these two aspects are always interwoven; 
that is, they are always crisscrossing each other.


Day 4

Being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit 
in the uniting bond of peace: 
one Body and one Spirit, 
even as also you were called 
in one hope of your calling; 
one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 
one God and Father of all, 
who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph. 4:3-6)

Just as there is the circulation of blood in the human body, 
so there is a kind of circulation in the Body of Christ, 
a circulation which the New Testament calls fellowship. 

The circulation of blood in the human body 
is the life-pulse of the body.
Likewise, fellowship is crucial 
in the Body of Christ.

Fellowship is a common participation, a joint participation. 
Therefore, to have fellowship 
is to have a corporate participation in something. 
The fellowship of the divine life 
is the issue and flow of the divine life. 
Because the divine life is organic, rich, moving, and active, 
it has a particular issue, a certain kind of outcome. 
The issue, the outcome, of the divine life 
is the fellowship of life.

This fellowship is first mentioned in Acts 2:42, 
a verse which speaks of the fellowship of the apostles. 
The fellowship of the apostles 
is the fellowship received by the apostles from the Triune God. 
According to 1 John 1:3, 
this fellowship is “with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 
This fellowship is from the Father and the Son to the apostles, 
and then from the apostles to all those 
who have received eternal life, the life of the Father. 

This means 
that the apostles receive the fellowship from the Father 
and transmit this fellowship to the believers 
by dispensing the divine life into them. 

Therefore, three parties are involved: 
the Father, the apostles, and the believers.
This is the circulation of the divine life 
among the believers 
through the apostles 
and from the Father. 

This circulation
is the fellowship of the Body, 
which comprises all the local churches. 
All the churches on earth 
are one Body, 
and within this Body 
there is the circulation of the divine life. 
In the New Testament 
this circulation of the divine life in the Body 
is called the fellowship.

Fellowship is related to oneness. 
Just as the circulation of blood in the human body 
causes all the members of the body to be one, 
so the fellowship of the divine life in the Body of Christ 
causes the Body to be one. 

If any member of our physical body 
does not participate adequately in the circulation of blood in the body, 
that member will become unhealthy. 
The way to cure such a problem 
is to bring that member back into the circulation of the blood. 

The principle is the same 
with the fellowship of the Body of Christ. 
All those who believe in Christ Jesus, 
who have received Him as Redeemer, Savior, and life supply, 
have the divine life. 
This divine life has a circulation; 
that is, the divine life circulates within all of us. 

This circulation of the divine life in the Body 
brings all the members of the Body into oneness. 
This oneness is called the oneness of the Spirit; 
it is also the oneness of the Body.

This is the fellowship among the churches.

I would encourage you all to seek 
the experience and the enjoyment of the fellowship of God’s Son. 

The more we enjoy the co-participation in this fellowship, 
the better the church life will be. 
We need to enjoy this fellowship 
both at home and in the meetings. 
Then we shall not be troubled 
by opinions, gossip, or different teachings, 

for we shall not care for anything 
other than the practical co-enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ 

who is to us the Spirit, the resurrection, and the Triune God.


Day 3

But our comely members 
have no need. 
But God has blended the body together, 
giving more abundant honor 
to the member that lacked, 
that there would be no division in the body, 
but that the members 
would have the same care for one another. 
(1 Cor. 12:24-25)

We must realize 
that when fellowship disappears, 
God also disappears. 

God comes as the fellowship. 
Today our meetings, our married life, the coordination among the co-workers, 
and the fellowship among the local churches 

are abnormal 
because we are short of this fellowship. 

Today there is not enough fellowship among the local churches, 
and the churches are not absolutely one in the fellowship.

God has blended the Body together.
The word blended 
also means adjusted, harmonized, tempered, and mingled. 
God has blended the Body, adjusted the Body, harmonized the Body, 
tempered the Body, and mingled the Body. 
The Greek word for blended 
implies the losing of distinctions. 
One brother’s distinction may be quickness, 
and another’s may be slowness. 
But in the Body life 
the slowness disappears 
and the quickness is taken away. 

All such distinctions are gone. 
God has blended all the believers 
of all different races and colors.

A husband and a wife 
can have the harmony in their marriage life 
only by losing their distinctions.

In order to be harmonized, blended, adjusted, 
mingled, and tempered in the Body life, 
we have to go through the cross 
and be by the Spirit, 
dispensing Christ to others 
for the sake of the Body of Christ. 

The co-workers and elders 
must learn to be crossed out. 
Whatever we do 
should be by the Spirit to dispense Christ. 
Also, what we do 
should not be for our interest and according to our taste 
but for the church.

When a co-worker does anything, 
he should fellowship with the other co-workers. 
An elder should fellowship with the other elders.
We should not do anything 
without fellowshipping with the other saints 
who are coordinating with us. 

Fellowship requires us to stop 
when we are about to do something. 

In our coordination in the church life, 
in the Lord’s work, 
we all have to learn 
not to do anything without fellowship.

Among us 
we should have
the blending 
of all the individual members of the Body of Christ, 
the blending of all the churches in certain districts, 
the blending of all the co-workers, 
and the blending of all the elders. 

Blending means 
that we should always stop 
to fellowship with others. 

Then we will receive many benefits. 
If we isolate and seclude ourselves, 
we will lose much spiritual profit. 
Learn to fellowship. 
Learn to be blended. 

From now on, 
the churches should come together frequently 
to be blended. 

We may not be used to it, 
but after we begin to practice blending a few times, 
we will acquire the taste for it. 

This is the most helpful thing 
in the keeping of the oneness 
of the universal Body of Christ.

When we blend together, 
we have the cross and the Spirit. 
Without the cross and the Spirit, 
all that we have 
is the flesh with division. 

It is not easy 
to be crucified 
and to do all things 
by the Spirit in ourselves. 

This is 
why we must learn to be blended. 
Blending requires us 
to be crossed out,
and to be by the Spirit 
to dispense Christ 
and to do everything 
for the sake of His Body.

We may come together without much blending 
because everyone stays in themselves. 
They are afraid to offend others and make mistakes, 
so they keep quiet. 
This is the manner of man 
according to the flesh. 

When we come together, 
we should experience 
the terminating of the cross. 

Then we should learn 
how to follow the Spirit, 
how to dispense Christ, 
and how to say and do something 
for the benefit of the Body.

We can be in harmony, 
because we have been tempered. 

Eventually, the distinctions 
will all be gone. 
Blending means 
to lose the distinctions. 
We all have to pay some price 
to practice the blending.


Day 2

The Holy Spirit is 
the instrument, the means, 
that carries out this fellowship.

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.” (2 Cor. 13:14)

Actually, it is really hard 
for us in our experience to differentiate
these three things: 
the fellowship, the life, and the Spirit. 
These three things
are one. 
The life is the source, 
the fellowship is the flow, 
and the Spirit is the carrier, the means. 

In our experience 
we cannot differentiate them, 
but in our explanation of the truth 
we can.

Our spirit 
is the location of the fellowship of life. 
This is based upon Philippians 2:1. 
We have to point out as clearly and strongly as possible 
that if our contact with one another 
is not in the spirit, 
right away 
it becomes a social thing. 

Our contact 
must be in the spirit. 
Then our contact 
becomes the fellowship. 
This is 
because the flowing of the divine life 
is altogether not in our soul, our natural life. 
It is altogether in our spirit.

The fellowship of life 
is carried out by God’s Spirit in our spirit. 
Our mind may apprehend the fellowship, 
but it is not in our mind. 
Our emotions may be happy about it, 
but the fellowship of life 
is not in our emotion.

The fellowship of life 
must be in our spirit.

The fellowship of life 
is preserved, safeguarded, protected, 
by the sense of life. 

Even with our physical body 
it is the same. 
Our feelings of pain or discomfort 
are a protection and a safeguard to us. 
Thus, to realize the fellowship of life 
and to safeguard, keep, and preserve the fellowship of life 
are all by the sense of life.

The sense of life on the negative side 
is the feeling of death, a kind of negative feeling. 
This is definitely revealed in Romans 8:6. 
We have to realize 
Romans 8:6 is altogether a verse of sensation 
because it says 
the mind set on the flesh is death. 
This is not only a fact, 
but it is also 
a matter of feeling, a matter of consciousness. 

When you set your mind on the flesh, 
you have the sense of death.

On the positive side 
the sense of life
functions to give us
a consciousness of the following positive things
—strength, satisfaction, peace, rest, release, 
liveliness, watering, brightness, comfort, etc.
(Rom. 8:6b). 
Instead of being weak, 
we are strong. 
Instead of being empty, 
we are satisfied. 
Instead of uneasiness and restlessness, 
we have peace and rest. 
Instead of depression, 
we have release and liveliness. 
Liveliness is 
a kind of condition of livingness. 
We have a sense of 
watering versus dryness, 
brightness versus darkness, 
and comfort versus pain. 
All these are the positive feelings 
we have from the function of the sense of life. 
When we have these kinds of feelings, 
we have to realize 
that this is the working of the sense of life.

If we are living in the natural life, 
the sense is of death 
and is entirely on the negative side. 
Then we have the feeling of death 
with all of its negative points. 

If we are living in the divine life, 
the sense is of life 
and is entirely on the positive side. 

Then we have the feeling of life and peace 
with all of its positive points.
The sense of life 
makes us know 
whether we are living 
in the natural life or in the divine life. 

The sense of life 
guides us, governs us, controls us, and directs us.
Most of the teachings of today’s Christianity 
are focused on morality and good behavior. 
They do not care for this inner sense of life functioning 

to make us know 
whether we are living 
in the natural life or in the divine life. 
Since we are seeking after Christ as our life, 
we must take care of this sense of life. 

If we do not have the positive sensations 
of strength, satisfaction, peace, rest, release, 
liveliness, watering, brightness, comfort, etc., 
we must realize 
that we are not living in the divine life; 

it must be 
that we are living in the natural life.


Day 1

In the New Jerusalem 
there is real fellowship. 
This fellowship 
begins from the throne 
and reaches all the gates. 

It is in the flow (the river) of life, 
with the supply (the tree) of life, 
and the way (the street) of life. 

However, this fellowship 
is not only among ourselves; 
it is also a fellowship between us and God. 
It is not only horizontal; 
it is also vertical. 

When we are in the flow of life, 
enjoying the supply of life 
and walking in the way of life, 
spontaneously we have fellowship one with another. 
We have proper and genuine fellowship 
with all the saints 
and with God on the throne.

The function of the fellowship of life 
is to supply us 
with all the riches of the divine life. 

The more the divine life flows within us 
the more supply of life it carries to us. 
A good picture of this 
is the flowing 
of the river of the water of life 
in the New Jerusalem. 
In that river 
is the tree of life. 
The tree of life 
indicates the supply 
that goes along with the flowing 
of the river of water of life, 

which is the fellowship of life. 
Thus, the tree of life 
going along with the river 
indicates the function 
of the flowing of the river of life.

The fellowship among the churches 
is also the fellowship with the Triune God. 
First John 1:3b says, 
“Indeed our fellowship 
is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 
The fellowship of the divine life 
is between the believers and the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. 
First John 1:3 says 
that the believers first have fellowship 
with the apostles through the divine life, 
and then this verse says 
that the apostles have fellowship 
with the Father and the Son. 
By this we see 
that fellowship joins the believers 
to the apostles and to the Father and the Son. 

Therefore, in this fellowship 
there is the full oneness 
of the divine life.

In 1 John 1:3 
only the Father and the Son are mentioned, not the Spirit, 
because the Spirit is implied in the fellowship. 
Actually, the fellowship of the eternal life 
is the impartation of the Triune God
—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—
into the believers 
as their unique portion 

for them to enjoy today and for eternity. 
It is in this fellowship of eternal life 
that we participate in all 
that the Father and the Son 
are and have done for us; 

that is, we enjoy 
the love of the Father 
and the grace of the Son 
by virtue of the fellowship of the Spirit.

In Revelation 22:1 
we see 
that in the New Jerusalem 
the river of the water of life 
flows out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, 
that is, out of the throne of the Lamb-God, the redeeming God. 

Out of this redeeming God as the source 
flows the river of water of life. 
The flow of the river of water of life 
is the fellowship of life. 
According to the picture here, 
the river in the New Jerusalem 
flows downward in a spiral 
until it reaches the twelve gates of the city. 
This indicates 
that the entire city of the New Jerusalem 
is supplied by the flow of this living water; 

that is, it is supplied 
by the fellowship of life. 
The fellowship of the divine life 
flows out of the Triune God 
and through His people 
in order to reach every part of the Body of Christ, 
which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

When we enjoy the Triune God in the divine fellowship, 
we shall be brought into a situation 
where spontaneously we join ourselves 
to the apostles and the Triune God 
for a common purpose. 

God has a purpose, 
and the apostles work out this purpose. 
By enjoying the divine life 
in fellowship with the Triune God, 
we participate in 
this purpose and its outworking.


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