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The Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ (3) The Organic Building by the Growth of Life and the Mingling of God and Man and the Lord’s Need of Overcomers to Care for the Body and Build Up the Body

The organic building up of the church 
as the Body of Christ 
is by the growth of life, 
the increase of the Triune God 
within all the members, 
who grow up 
into the Head, Christ, 
in everything:

The Body of Christ, 
as the church of God, 
is an organism, 
not an organization 
of human beings:

The Lord desires 
to build up the church organically, 
because the church is 
the organic Body of Christ.

The church as the Body of Christ 
is an organism, 
and the building up of 
the Body as an organism 
is its organic growth.

The organic building up of the church 
as the Body of Christ 
is actually the growing up; 
the building up of the church 
is by the believers’ growth in life.

How much organic building up 
we have experienced 
depends upon 
how much growth in life 
we have had.

The growth of the Body 
depends on 
what comes out of Christ 
as the Head:

When the Body is supplied 
by holding the Head, 
the Body grows with 
the growth of God.

The Body grows out from the Head, 
for all the supply 
comes from the Head.

The growth of the Body 
depends on 
the growth of God, 
the addition of God, 
the increase of God, 
within us:

God gives the growth 
by giving Himself to us 
in a subjective way.

The more God is added into us, 
the more growth He gives to us; 
this is the way 
God gives the growth.

Only God can give growth; 
only God can give us Himself, 
and without Him, 
we cannot have growth:

The addition of God into us 
is the growth 
He gives.

For God to give us growth 
actually means 
that He gives us Himself.

Ephesians 4:16 reveals 
that all the Body 
causes the growth of the Body:

This means 
that the Body grows by itself; 
the Body makes 
the growth of the Body.

The Body of Christ 
causes the growth of itself 
by the supplying joints 
and the operating parts.

The growth of the Body of Christ 
is the increase of Christ in the church, 
which results in 
the building up of the Body 
by the Body itself.

The growth of the Body 
is “unto the building up of itself 
in love”:

This is 
not our own love 
but the love of God in Christ, 
which becomes 
the love of Christ in us, 
by which 
we love 
Christ and the fellow members of His Body.

Love is 
the inner substance of God; 
the goal of the book of Ephesians 
is to bring us 
into God’s inner substance 
that we may enjoy God 
and enjoy His presence 
in the sweetness of the divine love 
and thereby love others 
as Christ did.

The building up of the church 
as the Body of Christ 
is by the mingling of God and man:

The true meaning of building 
is that God is building Himself into man 
and building man into Himself; 
this is 
the mingling of God and man.

The principle of God’s building 
is that God builds Himself into us 
and builds us into Himself.

The mingling of God and man 
is an intrinsic union 
of the elements of divinity and humanity 
to form one organic entity, 
yet the elements remain distinct 
in the union.

God’s purpose 
is to mingle Himself with us 
so that He becomes 
our life, our nature, and our content 
and so that we become 
His corporate expression:

The will of God 
is the mingling of God with man, 
and the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose 
depends on 
the mingling of divinity and humanity.

The Lord Jesus Christ 
is the mingling of God and man.

The Christian life 
is the mingling of divinity and humanity; 
to be a Christian 
to be mingled with God, to be a God-man.

The Body of Christ 
is the enlargement of Christ, 
the enlargement of the One 
who is the mingling of God and man:

The church is 
the enlargement of 
the God-man, 
the One 
who is God 
mingled with man.

The church is 
the enlargement of the principle of 
God being mingled with man 
and man being mingled with God; 
this enlargement 
results in the Body of Christ.

In the Gospels 
the mingling of God and man 
produced the Head; 
in Acts 
the enlargement of 
the mingling of God and man 
produced the Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ 
is an organism 
composed of people 
who have the Triune God 
as the Spirit 
dwelling in their spirit; 
this indwelling of God 
as the Spirit 
in our regenerated spirit 
is the mingling of God with us.

The church as the Body of Christ 
is a group of people 
who allow God 
to be mingled with them 
and who are mingled with God.

The Lord needs the overcomers 
to care for the Body 
and to carry out the economy of God 
to build up the church 
as the Body of Christ:

The overcomers 
are for the building up 
of the Body of Christ 
to consummate the New Jerusalem.

Without the overcomers 
the Body of Christ 
cannot be built up, 
and unless the Body of Christ 
is built up 
Christ cannot come back 
for His bride.

The building up 
of the Body of Christ 
is by the overcomers 
produced by Christ 
in His sevenfold intensified heavenly ministry.

The overcomers overcome anything 
that is against Christ 
or that replaces Christ.

The overcomers make a resolution 
to be vitalized ones.

The overcomers 
see the Body, 
know the Body, 
and care for the Body.

The overcomers are those 
who care for God’s interests 
above everything, 
including their necessities.

The overcomers resolve 
to deny themselves 
and to pay the price 
required by the Lord 
to be the overcomers 
for the Lord, 
for the recovery, 
and for the Body.


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7 replies on “The Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ (3) The Organic Building by the Growth of Life and the Mingling of God and Man and the Lord’s Need of Overcomers to Care for the Body and Build Up the Body”

Prophecy note, 22 February 2015
God mingled with
the man Jesus, a Galilean,
and this Jesus became
the Head of the Body;

God also mingled with many Galileans,
and they became
the Body of the Head.

The four Gospels
show this great person,
and the book of Acts
shows the enlargement of
this great person.

The book of Acts
is a record
not merely of the activities of the apostles,
but it is
a record of the activities of
the Body of Christ
on earth.

We need to connect Acts with the Gospels
to see
a complete man, the Head and the Body.

This man is
a mysterious, universal man,
who is
God yet man
and man yet God.

He is also
the mingling of divinity and humanity.

The Body of Christ
is an organism
composed of people
who have the very God
as the Spirit
indwelling their spirit.

The very source of life,
which is God,
is right now in our spirit.

Due to this,
we are the organism
of the Triune God.

The church is
not a matter of name, position, or stand;
neither is the church
a matter of belief or organization.

The church is
a group of people
who allow God
to be mingled with them
and who are mingled with God.

This was
the situation with the early apostles.

They were truly Galileans,
but they were also
truly one with the God of heaven;
they had the appearance of Galileans,
but they also had
the expression of the God of heaven.

The glory of the God of heaven
was expressed in
uneducated, common people.

Uneducated, common people
were still present,
yet the glory of the God of heaven
was also expressed.
This is the church.

The ignorance disappeared,
and common people were broken.

A glorious and great God
was now mingled with common people,
shining forth
and being expressed
through them.

Day 6

Rev. 3:12
He who overcomes, 
him I will make a pillar 
in the temple of My God,
and he shall by no means go out anymore,
and I will write upon him 
the name of My God 
and the name of 
the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, 
which descends out of heaven from My God, 
and My new name.

Rev. 12:11
And they overcame him 
because of the blood of the Lamb 
and because of the word of their testimony, 
and they loved not their soul-life 
even unto death.

We must resolve 
to deny ourselves 
and be the overcomers 
for the Lord, 
for the recovery, 
and for the Body. 
We need such a resolution. 
We should pray, 
I know 
You need the overcomers. 
Without the overcomers, 
You have no way 
to go on. 
I want to be 
one of these overcomers.” 
The overcomers 
see the Body, 
know the Body, 
and care for the Body.

In Judges 5 
Deborah highly appraised 
some of those 
in the tribe of Reuben 
among the people of Israel. 
She said 
that they made a definite resolution 
to fight for the Lord’s people. 
Judges also tells us 
that God selected three hundred 
to be Gideon’s army 
based upon 
how they drank water. 
The three hundred 
who lapped the water 
into their mouth 
with their hand 
did not care for their necessities, 
while the others 
who bowed down on their knees 
to drink the water did. 
The overcomers are those 
who care for God’s interests 
above everything, 
including their necessities.

On the one hand, 
we have to make our standing clear 
that we do not agree with the divisions 
made by certain division-makers.
On the other hand, 
we have to pick up 
a strong resolution 
by praying, 
I’m going to mean business 
to live You 
for Your recovery, 
for the building up of Your Body. 
this is my job. 
This is my goal.” 
We must be 
vital persons.

We need to see the goal of 
the intensified work 
of God’s organic salvation.
This salvation 
is for producing the overcomers 
to build up the Body of Christ 
for the initial consummation of 
the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age
and the full consummation of 
the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth. 
As we look at the situation of today’s Christians, 
we may wonder 
who will build up 
the Body of Christ. 
Without the overcomers 
the Body of Christ 
cannot be built up, 
and unless the Body of Christ 
is built up, 
Christ cannot come back 
for His bride. 
Christ will come back 
not only as the Savior 
but also as the Bridegroom 
to marry His bride, 
who will be 
the totality of the overcomers. 

The building up 
of the Body of Christ 
is by the overcomers 
produced by God 
in the intensified work 
of His organic salvation.
The building up 
of the Body of Christ 
by the overcomers 
in this age 
is for the initial consummation of 
the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age 
and eventually for the full consummation of 
the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth.

The intensified work 
of God’s organic salvation 
is also for the complete preparation of 
the bride of Christ 
so that the Bridegroom 
may have His triumphant wedding 
in the millennium 
for His satisfaction 
according to His good pleasure. 
John 3 indicates 
that Christ is the Bridegroom 
coming for the bride, 
who is composed of 
all the regenerated people. 
But nearly two thousand years 
have passed, 
and the bride 
still has not been prepared. 
The overcomers 
produced by Christ’s intensified work 
will build up the Body of Christ, 
which will become 
the bride of Christ. 
Christ’s wedding 
will take place 
as a result of His intensified work.

The crucial matter 
is the willingness 
to pay the price. 
What we cannot put aside 
is the price. 
Whatever replaces Christ, 
is a substitute for Christ, 
or is even against Christ
—whether it be 
our reputation, position, knowledge, 
wealth, desires, or thoughts—
is the price.


Day 5

John 12:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, 
Unless the grain of wheat 
falls into the ground and dies, 
it abides alone; 
but if it dies, 
it bears much fruit.

Rom. 8:16
The Spirit Himself 
witnesses with our spirit 
that we are children of God.

The church is 
the enlargement of Christ, 
the God-man, 
the One 
who is God 
mingled with man.
On the day of Pentecost, 
those in the church 
were uneducated, insignificant men, 
but we can see 
that they were mingled with the almighty God. 
When Peter and the eleven apostles 
stood up to speak, 
although it was Peter’s voice, 
God was speaking. 
God was not merely among them; 
even more, 
He was mingled with them. 
They were 
inseparable from God. 
This is 
the church, 
the enlargement of Christ, 
the enlargement of 
the mingling of 
God with man 
and man with God.

this mingling could be seen 
in only one person, 
but now 
it can be seen 
in millions of people. 
this mingling involved only the Head, 
but now 
it has been enlarged 
to become the Body. 
With respect to time, 
this enlargement is extending; 
with respect to space, 
this enlargement is spreading. 
For two thousand years 
this enlargement 
has been ongoing 
throughout the earth; 
it keeps extending and spreading 
over the whole earth. 
This is glorious. 
This enlargement 
is the church.

God came to the earth 
to be mingled with man, 
in the man Jesus Christ. 
Jesus Christ 
is the beginning of 
the mingling of God and man. 
This mingling 
made the production of the Body of Christ, 
which is the church, 
Christ is 
the Head 
of the Body, the church. 
The church is 
the enlargement of 
the principle of 
God being mingled with man. 
This enlargement 
results in the Body of Christ.

In the Gospels, 
the mingling of God and man 
produced the Head, Christ. 
In Acts, 
the enlargement of 
the mingling of God and man 
produced the Body of Christ. 
God mingled with 
the man Jesus, a Galilean, 
and this Jesus became 
the Head of the Body; 
God also mingled with many Galileans, 
and they became 
the Body of the Head. 
May God enlighten us 
in our reading of the Bible 
to enable us 
to see 
that the first five books of the New Testament 
show a clear picture of 
a great person. 
The four Gospels 
show this great person, 
and the book of Acts 
shows the enlargement of 
this great person.

The book of Acts 
is a record 
not merely of the activities of the apostles, 
but it is 
a record of the activities of 
the Body of Christ 
on earth. 
We need to connect Acts with the Gospels 
to see 
a complete man, the Head and the Body. 
This man is 
a mysterious, universal man, 
who is 
God yet man 
and man yet God. 
He is also 
the mingling of divinity and humanity.

The Body of Christ 
is an organism 
composed of people 
who have the very God 
as the Spirit 
indwelling their spirit.
The very source of life 
in the entire universe, 
which is God, 
is right now in our spirit. 
Due to this, 
we are the organism 
of the Triune God.

Please remember 
that the church is 
not a matter of name, position, or stand; 
neither is the church 
a matter of belief or organization. 
The church is 
a group of people 
who allow God 
to be mingled with them 
and who are mingled with God. 
This was 
the situation with the early apostles. 
They were truly Galileans, 
but they were also 
truly one with the God of heaven; 
they had the appearance of Galileans, 
but they also had 
the expression of the God of heaven. 
The glory of the God of heaven 
was expressed in uneducated, common people. 
Uneducated, common people 
were still present, 
yet the glory of the God of heaven 
was also expressed. 
This is the church. 
The ignorance disappeared, 
and common people were broken. 
A glorious and great God 
was now mingled with common people, 
shining forth 
and being expressed 
through them.


Day 4

John 14:20
In that day 
you will know 
that I am in My Father, 
and you in Me, 
and I in you.

2 Tim. 3:17
That the man of God 
may be complete, 
fully equipped 
for every good work.

The unique purpose of God 
in creating all things and mankind, 
in leading us 
through all kinds of environments, 
and in continually working in us 
in various ways 
is to mingle Himself with us 
that He may become 
our content, our life, and our nature. 
it is very difficult 
for the saints 
to be deeply impressed with 
this kind of word. 
Why is this? 
It is 
because God’s purpose 
is basically nonexistent in us. 
It is absent 
not only from our thought 
but also from our hope. 
all of us 
who are saved 
should pray 
that the Lord will open our eyes 
not only to see 
corruption, sinfulness, and vanity 
but also to see 
something higher, deeper, and more spiritual
—to see that God’s purpose 
is to mingle Himself with man.

God’s central purpose, His central will, His eternal plan, 
is not merely that man 
would be redeemed, have a loving heart, and live a life of holiness. 
What God desires 
is much more than this. 
God’s eternal will, His mysterious plan, His heart’s desire, 
is that He would enter into man, into you and me, 
to be mingled with you and me. 
He wants His life 
to be mingled with our life, 
His nature 
to be mingled with our nature, 
His personality 
to be mingled with our personality, 
and His element 
to be mingled with our element.

Since God’s will 
is His heart desire, 
we must learn 
what that desire is. 
It is 
the mingling of God with man. 
To mingle with man 
is both God’s desire and His will.

A thorough study of the Bible 
will help us discover 
the amazing fact 
that God in eternity 
planned according to His heart desire 
to attain the goal of mingling Himself with man. 
God in the universe 
has this one will: 
to work Himself into man 
and to mingle Himself with man. 
His creation, redemption, sanctification, 
and all other aspects of His work 
are for this one purpose. 
This is 
the one desire of His heart in the universe: 
it is the only goal, 
and it is the basic principle 
of all His work 
in the New Testament.
if we desire to know 
God’s will in any situation, 
we must first ascertain 
whether the situation is conducive to 
the mingling of Himself with us. 
Without this mingling, 
no matter how good or praiseworthy 
the situation may be, 
it is not God’s will. 
This is a strict measurement.

We all know 
that God has an eternal plan. 
In order to carry out His eternal plan in man, 
God became flesh 
and came into a man. 
He became a real man; 
He was a man, 
but inwardly 
He was God. 
According to His office, 
this God-man was called Christ. 
What is Christ? 
Christ is 
God mingled with man, 
God joined with man. 
He is the crystallization 
of the union of God and man.
Christ is 
God mingled with man. 
God has been united and mingled with man, 
He cannot be separated from man, 
and His name is Christ. 
the principle of Christ 
is the mingling of God with man, 
the two becoming one. 
Just as water is blended with honey 
to become one, 
so God and man were mingled together 
to become one. 
This is 
the principle of Christ.

The Christian life 
is the mingling of divinity with humanity. 
When we love, 
we must love 
by our love with God’s love 
as its content and reality. 
it is only human love; 
it is the divine love. 
It is 
not only the divine love 
as the content 
with the human love 
as its appearance 
but also the divine love 
mingled with the human love 
so that these two loves 
become one love. 
it is hard to say 
whether it is the human love 
or the divine love.

as we exercise our love, 
we express God’s love. 
Our love is our virtue 
mingled with God’s love, God’s attribute. 
We then become 
a mingled entity, a God-man, 
having divinity 
mingled with our humanity.


Day 3

Eph. 5:25
love your wives 
even as Christ also loved the church 
and gave Himself up for her.

1 John 4:7
let us love one another, 
because love is of God, 
and everyone who loves 
has been begotten of God 
and knows God.

The Body builds up itself in love. 
This is 
not our own love 
but the love of God in Christ, 
which becomes the love of Christ in us, 
by which we love 
Christ and the fellow members of His Body. 
We must love one another 
with the divine love 
for the building up 
of the Body of Christ.

The church is subject to Christ 
and Christ loves the church. 
Love is 
the very element, the inner substance, of God. 
The goal of Ephesians 
is to bring us into God’s inner substance 
that we may enjoy God as love 
and enjoy His presence 
in the sweetness of the divine love, 
and thereby love others 
as Christ did.

The church is 
neither an organization 
nor a religion, 
but the Body of Christ 
produced by the mingling 
of the divine Spirit with the human spirit. 
In the meetings 
we should not have 
rules and regulations; 
we should simply care 
to be in the Spirit.

The building work of God 
is emphasized repeatedly 
in the Scriptures. 
While the work of God’s creation 
took only six days, 
after six thousand years 
the building work of God 
is still not finished. 
in the universe 
God’s work of building 
is a great and mysterious matter.
The building work of God 
is the mingling of God and man. 
God mingling with man 
is God building Himself into man; 
man mingling with God 
is man being built into God. 
In God’s creation 
heaven was heaven, 
earth was earth, 
God was God, 
and man was man. 
The two sides 
were never mingled together. 
In God’s work of building, 
God wants to build Himself into man 
and to build man into Himself. 
When these two are mingled 
and built together, 
they become 
a building in the universe, 
which may be called 
the universal house.
It is the house of God, 
and it is also the house of man. 
It is 
God taking man as His dwelling place, 
and it is also 
man taking God as his habitation. 
In other words, 
it is 
the mutual abode 
of God and man.

If God does not mingle Himself with man 
to become one with man 
but remains outside of man, 
then God does not have a dwelling place; 
He is a God 
without a home. 
if man is not mingled with God 
to become one with God, 
and if man continues to live outside of God, 
man is a wandering, homeless man. 
For both God and man, 
the real dwelling place in the universe 
is the oneness 
of the mutual mingling 
of God and man, 
the oneness 
of God being mingled with man 
and man being mingled with God.

In order for God 
to enter into man, 
incarnation is required. 
In order for man 
to enter into God, 
the process of death and resurrection 
is required. 
This is 
the principle of God’s building.

The divine essence 
out of the Holy Spirit 
had been begotten 
in Mary’s womb 
before she delivered the child Jesus. 
Such a conception of the Holy Spirit 
in the human virgin, 
accomplished with 
the divine and human essences, 
constituted a mingling 
of the divine nature with the human nature, 
which produced a God-man, One 
who is both the complete God and the perfect man, 
the divine nature and the human nature distinctly, 
without a third nature being produced. 
This is 
the most wonderful and most excellent person 
of Jesus, 
who is 
Jehovah the Savior.
The conception of the Savior 
was God’s incarnation, 
constituted not only by the divine power 
but also of the divine essence 
added to the human essence, 
thus producing the God-man 
of two natures
—divinity and humanity.


Day 2

Rom. 8:11
And if the Spirit of the One 
who raised Jesus from the dead 
dwells in you, 
He who raised Christ from the dead 
will also give life 
to your mortal bodies 
through His Spirit 
who indwells you.

Eph. 4:16
Out from whom 
all the Body, 
being joined together 
and being knit together 
through every joint of the rich supply 
and through the operation 
in the measure of each one part, 
causes the growth of the Body 
unto the building up of itself 
in love.

Through Paul’s preaching of the gospel 
and ministry of the Word, 
many were planted into Christ. 
Paul could say 
that he planted. 
Apollos came to water 
what Paul had planted. 
Although Paul planted 
and Apollos watered, 
it was God 
who gave the growth.
we must go on 
to ask 
in what way 
God gives the growth. 
He gives the growth 
by getting into us. 
The more God is added to us, 
the more growth He gives.
Without the increase of God within us, 
there cannot be any growth. 
The growth of the Body 
depends on 
the growth of God, 
the addition of God, 
the increase of God, 
within us. 
God gives the growth 
by giving Himself to us 
in a very subjective way.

Only God can give growth. 
In my ministry 
the most I can do 
is to plant or water. 
I cannot give growth to anyone, 
for I cannot give God. 
Only God can give you Himself. 
Without Him, 
we cannot have growth. 
God Himself is our food, 
and we need to seek Him 
at His dining table, 
where we need to take time 
to eat Him slowly. 
more of Him 
will be added into us. 
This addition of God into us 
is the growth 
He gives. 
For God 
to give us growth 
actually means 
that He gives us Himself.

The organic building up 
of the Body of Christ 
is the increase of God 
in Christ 
as the Spirit 
within us. 
This increase 
is our getting into Christ gradually 
in all things.

Out from Christ, the Head, 
all the Body 
causes the growth of the Body 
unto the building up of the Body itself. 
The growth of the Body 
depends upon every member growing. 
In other words, 
the growth of the Body 
depends upon 
all the members having the increase of God 
to get themselves more and more into Christ 
in all things. 
The growth of the Body 
is the totality 
of the growth of every member. 
This growth of the Body 
is unto the building up 
of the Body itself. 
The organic building 
is the increase of the Triune God 
in each one of us.

Ephesians 4:16 tells us 
that out from Christ, the Head, 
all the Body 
causes the growth of the Body 
unto the building up of the Body itself. 
The subject is 
“all the Body” 
and the predicate is 
In between the subject and the predicate 
is a long insertion. 
This insertion tells us 
that the Body is joined closely together 
through every joint of the rich supply 
and knit together 
through the operation 
in measure of each one part. 
Because of this, 
the Body causes itself to grow. 
The members of the Body 
are joined closely together 
by the joints 
and knit together 
by each one part.

If we read Ephesians 4:16 carefully, 
we shall see 
that it says 
that all the Body 
causes the growth of the Body. 
This means 
that the Body grows 
by the Body itself. 
The Body makes 
the growth of the Body.

Our growth in life 
is to grow into the Head, Christ, 
but our function in the Body 
is to function out from Him. 
we grow up into the Head. 
we have something 
which is out from the Head. 
Verse 16 indicates 
that growth is 
not for individuals, 
but for the Body. 
Any growth 
that is not for the Body 
is not genuine. 
The words “each one part” 
refer to every member of the Body. 
Every member of the Body of Christ 
has its own measure, 
and this measure 
works for the growth of the Body. 
The Body causes the growth of itself 
through the supplying joints and working parts. 
Both the joints of the supply 
and every single part with its measure 
are needed 
for the church 
to build itself up. 
The growth of the Body 
is the increase of Christ 
in the church. 
This results in 
the Body building itself up.


Day 1

1 Cor. 3:6-7
I planted, 
Apollos watered, 
but God caused the growth. 
So then 
neither is he 
who plants 
nor he who waters, 
but God 
who causes the growth.

Col. 2:19
And not holding the Head, 
out from whom 
all the Body, 
being richly supplied 
and knit together 
by means of the joints and sinews, 
grows with the growth of God.

Now that the Body of Christ 
has been formed, 
this Body 
needs to grow. 
Its growth 
is by the increase (growth) of the Triune God 
within all its members, 
who grow into the Head, Christ, 
in everything.
First Corinthians 12:13 
says that we were all baptized 
in one Spirit 
into one Body. 
it says 
that we were all given 
to drink one Spirit. 
Now that we have been baptized 
in one Spirit 
into one Body, 
we need to drink the one Spirit 
so that the Body may grow. 
The one Spirit 
is the supply 
that we need 
to grow 
in this Body.

The Body of Christ, 
like the tree, 
is organic. 
It is an organism. 
Anything that is organic 
is built up by growing. 
Just as a tree grows in life, 
we also need to grow in the divine life 
to be built up. 
The organic building up 
is actually the growing up. 
The building up of the church 
is by the believers’ growing in life.

The Lord 
does not want an organization. 
What the Lord wants 
is something 
organic, full of life.
Just as our physical body 
needs the circulation of the blood, 
the Body of Christ also 
needs the circulation of the divine life. 
Our body is organic, 
so its building up is organic 
according to the circulation of life 
by the growth in life.
Most Christians 
do not think about 
the building up of the church 
in the organic sense, 
but in the organizational sense. 
The Lord desires 
to build up the church organically 
because the church 
is the organic Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ, 
as the church of God, 
is an organism of the Triune God, 
not an organization of human beings. 
This is strongly proven 
by the vine tree in John 15. 
The Lord Jesus said 
that He is the vine tree 
and that His Father is the husbandman (v. 1).
The vine tree 
is not something organized 
but something of life 
that grows up 
as an organism. 
Nothing inorganic 
can be added to an organism 
like a tree.
The church as the Body of Christ 
is an organism, 
and the building up of the church 
as an organism 
is its organic growth.

Colossians 2:19 speaks 
of the supply 
and of the Body 
being knit together. 
When the Body 
is supplied and knit together 
by holding the Head, 
the Body grows 
with the growth of God. 
The phrase “out from whom” 
in this verse
indicates that the Body 
grows out from the Head, 
for all the supply 
comes from the Head. 
In one sense, 
Christ is the Head; 
in another sense, 
He is the soil. 
As we absorb 
the riches of the soil, 
we hold the Head. 
to receive the supply from the Head 
is to absorb the riches from the soil.

The words “out from whom” 
in verse 19 
indicate that something 
is coming out from the Head 
to cause the Body to grow. 
The growth of the Body 
depends on 
what comes out of Christ 
as the Head, 
just as the growth of a plant 
depends on 
what comes into the plant 
from the soil. 
If a plant 
does not absorb nutrients from the soil, 
the plant cannot grow. 
if we do not receive 
what comes out from Christ as the Head, 
the Body cannot grow. 
Holding the Head 
is, therefore, equal to 
being rooted in Christ 
as the soil.

In 2:19 
Paul says 
that the Body “grows with the growth of God.” 
With God Himself 
there can be no growth, 
for He is complete and perfect eternally. 
the Body still needs to grow 
with the growth, the increase, of God in us. 
The more God is added into us, 
the more we grow. 
This is 
what it means 
to grow with the growth of God.


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